What do you see Sup Forums
What do you see Sup Forums
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it's a video game where you defeat reptilians who want to genocide the native population for a world of their own and the main character must raise alarms and save children to progress the campaign.
Jews are dinosaurs confirmed.
this video game was remastered and released yesterday because of the relevance to current events. this is very much so politics and news.
I always dreamt of playing Turok as a child, but the only Nintendo on the block was owned by a queer kid who wanted butsex for gametime.
My favorite childhood game. Has some of the best soundtracks of any game. youtube.com
My sixth grade summer.
>that music on the first level
Awwww yeah fucking loved Turok 2.
>oblivion is globalism
What a waste of 3.6MiB of mobile data
>that weapon in this game that shot a spinning blade into the enemies brains and ripped it apart
Cerebral bore was goat in multi. Get that fucker and you could destroy anyone
The cheat code to get God mode in that game is BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND
If I remember correctly, it never worked on the robots from the later levels as they had no brains to liquidize.
>O is a bullseye
oh my god...
thanks for the bump dude
red fucking pilled game
who /waitingfortheremasteronPC/ here?
I see mid to late 90s. That was literally when the white world said ok let's be fuckin scum faggots.
it's released. it's on gog, steam, and it's pirated and cracked and pirates can play on the regular servers willy nilly. buy it if you support the developers later if you want. I bought it desu
>not understanding how sage works
Well, that's my friday night sorted
thanks for the free bump
>he thinks sage works if you post an image
I only played the one for Gamecube and it was really one of the strangest games I've played. Like twenty insanely different weapons, so much gore, really interesting multiplayer maps, interactive and destructible environments and I felt no one else had played it besides my friend and I
Sage works, even if you post an image
I have tested it
you're literally spamming