Brit/pol/ - St. Patrick's Day edition

Thread theme:
>Hotels and restaurants will need 10 years to replace (((EU))) workers because '[lazy] Brits don't want the jobs'
>Former Aussie PM Abbott: UK and Australia Should Have Free Movement Zone Based on (((Western Culture)))

>David Cameron begged Abbott to keep quiet before Brexit vote

>Brexit: David Davis warns MPs to leave bill unchanged

>MPs slam Kosher Sharia May over lack of a plan if Brexit talks collapse

>‘Tip of the Iceberg’: UK Records 1,428 Forced Marriage Victims in 2016


Other urls found in this thread: 2014-04-01 15.06.07.png

>Noooobody dooooes it betterrrr
>Maaaakes me feel saaaaaad forrrr the reeeeest

post your milfu

Yep flag checks out.

Stay loyal.

Mosley was the eldest of the three sons of Sir Oswald Mosley, 5th Baronet (1873–1928), and Katharine Maud Edwards-Heathcote (1874–1950), daughter of Captain Justinian H. Edwards-Heathcote and Eleanor Stone (daughter of Spencer Stone, of Collingwood Hall, Burton-on-Trent and Frances Mary Wood). His branch of the Mosley family was the Anglo-IRISH family at its most prosperous, landowners in Staffordshire seated at Rolleston Hall near Burton-upon-Trent. In a senior aristocratic Georgian intermarriage, his father was a third cousin to the 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, father of Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, who served alongside King George VI as Queen (of the United Kingdom).

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Happy St. Patrick's Day Chieftain Oswald!

kill the aryans goy

for real? that sounds great,

Big Soup.

10th Crusade when??

>making Brit/pol/ thread

What is this? Tottenham Hotspur?


can we add this for discussion plox?

I tried to catch you for the op, but spaghettied the link last thread.

Women are frankly terrible

the one thing muslims have right is the treatment of women
...and banning usury.

He's a scot.

And his last name?

What in Gods name is going on there?

They're decent on jews too

tory women are fine

labourite ones must hang, along with their cuck blairst providers and their currynigger bulls

The only party I can endorse voting for 100%, the class war party.

This. Girls (male) are the way to go.

I made a jew joke about Tottenham at the weekend and everyone looked at me like I'd just killed a puppy. What happened? Is it just because football is a fag sport now watched by middle class wankers?

Milliband has really lost it this time. Never have the same colour purse as your dress.


>that flag
Can you stop posting here? At least stop pretending you know anything because you saw some brit/pol/ memes. Tory women are no better for the most part, they're just a little more stuffy and unapproachable bleeding hearts.

>tory women are fine

You are not articulate enough. We must reach out to our people. We must alert them. We must educate them. We must encourage them. We must inspire them. And here's a beautiful, wonderful thing: when you reach out to other people to encourage them and inspire them, you yourself will be encouraged and inspired. When you find out how many other people there are who share our concerns, our feelings, our values, our sense of responsibility, you cannot help but be encouraged. Even the hatred that you encounter from some people - especially from people in the controlled media - will be encouraging. For you will understand that they would not hate us so much if they did not fear us. And the reason that they fear us is that deep inside them they know that what we say is true. So let's get out there - all of us - and start looking for encouragement!

A stroke?

>tfw too scared to make spurs jokes because they are actually somewhat decent now

This fucking timeline, boys.

What are you doing to celebrate St Patrick's day lads? In the pub myself, watchin the fight later

>first female jockey in the Gold Cup for 60 years
>falls at the second fence


Which fight?

They're what we are left with, because the old alternative has disappeared.

Procrastinating on an essay and watching a movie alone.


>Trump uses knife

Great headline

Damn, youtube link?

When and what the fuck was that?

>boneless fried chicken on a fork
Nice, keeps my fingers from getting greasy


>anime isn't re-

>tfw you're refreshing Brit/pol/ for 5 mins and don't notice the thread's been archived and a new one has been made

What the fuck is going with you becoming Evening Standard's new Goebbels in Chief?

Are you doing it for the Black Beauties?

i can't stop wanking to a milf i work with, she has a huge, phat booty

I was thinking about using a prostitute, pic is of her

What do you think?

post pics

NSFW link of her full body shot 2014-04-01 15.06.07.png

Has she got a willy m8?



Find a proper girl with a willy lad

reminder that you should become a poof

I'm not gay though

i can't, not friends with her on plebbook

she said she was gonna add me one time for work reasons, sadly she didn't. would be weird if i sent her a friend request, i never ever use plebbook

Why can't you go out and chat women up like a normal lad?

>would be weird if i sent her a friend request, i never ever use plebbook

>tfw you send a milf from work a friend request, she accepts and discovers she's the only friend you've added on FB

Go for it.

I'm autistic and have no place to take them back to.

I just want to spunk in her pussy (even with a condom)

It's 130 quid for an hour or 80 for half an hour

I was thinking about going to her, she looks cute. Never been to an escort before. Wonder if she comes here?

t. shy Derby wizard

Toss up between Merchant and PuBes.

We would double team her.


i want to vouch as an user for the tripfag known as Not Bomber Rimmer, beacuse he likes ok teas.

I think that is reasonable.

Soz m8, it'll be traumatic enough showing my willy to a sexual professional, let alone another bloke.

Why can't I tick multiple?

I was just kidding, but yeah, same here.

wtf i love Islam now!

Literally the only thing stopping me is the worry of disease.

White men need to be quiet

Even with a johnny you can still catch Hepatitis B

Is that curable?

don't do it m8. probably hundreds of men have fucked her

this faggot

Being a poof is great

You get to kiss men

If I make a tinder account, will other people on facebook know about it?
Is tinder any better than adultwork?
How easy is it to find sex on tinder?

You better, infidel.

Can I catch any diseases from the following:
Me fingering her
Her wanking me

The only thing stopping you from being a prostitute?

>SNP get BTFO in indyref
>For some reason the scots vote for them again
What did they mean by this?

Arab prince?

just HIV

They like the representation granted to them by electing the SNP but don't want independence itself.

>Me fingering her
Small dick
>Her wanking me
Arthritis for her


Daniel Cieslak

But of course.



Enough yes voters were bought over the lies about "new fairer, kinder, politics" and standing up to westminster.

They're recent tantrums have likely shattered their image by showing they're worse.

You live in Derby, 130 is a lot for up north..

>tfw you will never stay across the hall from her and find her at your door one night, just looking for some company, some physical contact that isn't with pitiful old guys and fat NEETs, physical contact that isn't based on the transfer of money, physical contact that's just lying snuggling watching Netflix
>tfw her lips find yours and you make love - not sex - making love
>tfw she tells you her real name and how she ended up doing the job she does
>tfw she falls asleep in your arms, pulling herself tight to your chest, content and feeling safe for perhaps the first time in years

He's still off his tits from the night before?




Mosley is the greatest politician in British history, killed by the big people and misunderstood by the public.

Getting dickered on cheap whiskey and listening to The Pogues, tis grand to be sure!

Just had a wank. Sorry for posting about prozzies, my mind is clear now, I wont go and see one.

fuck the ira

Any vapers in brit/pol?

Proud member of the vape naysh here
