How can the German Caliphate ever recover?
Trump cucks Merkel
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By importing more muslims for more cultural enrichment :^)
Jesus Christ, that old hag got fucking dominated.
>Morning Joe
Germany is dead and Trump helped put the cucks out of their misery!!!!
>that moment when you realize...
>your islamist apologist way of doing things has no power here and gets you no respect
Fuck her desu.
It's amazing that there are countries more cucked than Canada.
Germany isn't important anyways.
Let it end, they have suffered for too long. Just end Germany's suffering.
This man cannot stop winning. I am so fucking proud of my country right now.
>It's amazing that there are countries more cucked than Canada.
Canada isn't even that cucked. If you actually stopped watching the partisan media, you'd realize this.
I fucking love Trump
>It's amazing
Why should it be amazing? You have no historical guilt that was planted into your brains by the anglos.
The petty little faggot is so worried about his tiny hands that he won't shake?
Maybe he doesn't have respect for the woman who brought death to his ancestors' land?
How the fuck did this charisma blackhole Merkel get elected.
Ugly and boring.
Greatest president ever
It looks like a married couple fightning, it's fucking amazing!
>Drumpfbaby handlers scared his impulses take over and he does his autistic PowerShake with mama Merkel, the new leader of the free west according to prestige American newspapers and networks, giving off a horrible impression to the whole world watching therefore they forbade him beforehand
DRUMPF BTFO xD what a Cuck
>w--w-we will s--s-s-ue you!!
>t. Jaffar Al-Germoni
>'member indians and eksimos?
He should have learned from his master
Trump-kun is just tsundere.
So kawaii~
You guys have the same immigration system as Aussies right? Does Trudeau salute they flag? Would he ever do anything like Merkel did to his flag?
He should have brought a large dogger to the meeting.
She is a "Common Sense" centerist Populist
Something that "Anti Radical" Germans have a boner for
this x10
based trump
>You have no historical guilt that was planted into your brains by the anglos.
You allowed that to happen you stupid, worthless fucks.
>Trump's autistic as fuck
el oh el, Sup Forums
Oh my, German journalists asking questions, Trump spazzing out
You lack imagination.
Guess what: because her opponents where even more autistic, dangerous and boring.
That's why schulz is that high in the polls, because Germans are fed up with Merkel actually and now have someone who comes across as a charismatic dude (which he obviously isn't, he is a liar and a rat)
>look at me, i'm the leader of the free world!
>jajaja, more refugees, das ist gut jajaja
>"d-do you want a handshake?"
>"i-ist gut..."
There is literally nothing wrong with being muslim
>"d-do you want a handshake?"
>"i-ist gut..."
>Would he ever do anything like Merkel did to his flag?
No. Trudeau is pro-flag.
That was a dumb SPD (socialdemocrats) minister stepping out of line.
Like everything the SPD says they will do, it will never be done.
He is so thundere i bet he secretly praises Mohammed pbuh
Based son, based.
The former are still broken
Annnndd now they're gonna say he's a misogynist and will have a proof of it.
Well done Trump, well done...
>Trump: All I want is fairness
So much for Clapistan 1st! CLAPISTAN 1st!
Lol, its was your country main fault, nigger.
His face
That goddamn face gets me every fucking time
Based as fuck Merkel laying down the smack
She's asking because she doesn't want it either, they were pressed into doing it, you can see they hate each other a lot
This is actually based, the more this orange piece of shit hates Merkel, the more popular she will be in her country
>German 5d chess
Fuck racists
Shouldn't you be hijacking a truck about now achmed?
He just roasted Obama wiretapping Merkel.
>Putin and Trump both bully Merkel
I can already see the headlines about how this confirms that Trump has ties to Russia.
hahahah fucking love this man holy shit german cucks btfo
Who gives a shit what they say? Seriously, the harder they try and smear his ass, the more the silent majority wake up and reject the left moving further left into radicalism. They have to keep doing it though because radicalism clicks more often. They're so fucked they don't even realize it by the larger picture.
Trump truly cares about America to the utmost. Merkel won't even tolerate her own flag! WTF is that shit? Subhuman scum.
Guys, I'd say Trump is actually not in good shape right now. Just look at this article and read the comments:
The ones saying shit about Merkel are making fools of themselves. The Germans commenting are showing how fake Breitbart is and how the anti-refugee settlement is based on lies. I really do feel stupid now.
>This is actually based, the more this orange piece of shit hates Merkel, the more popular she will be in her country
You really don't know anything about Germany.
t. Tri-gender nuxmale posting from xirr safe space
Reminder that Trump is actually germophobic and that's why he's weird about handshakes.
>reporter asks about obama's wiretapping trump tower claims
>don looks to merkel, well then we have something in common
holy SHIT
holy FUCK
She has bigger hands then he has. How insecure can someone be. SAD!
nice try sweden lite
have a you, that's pretty funny.
I know they hate trump, and that anything trump touches with a favorable mindset is hated by non racists
Fuck trump, but I will thank him today for making a fool out of himself and propelling Merkel's populariry
Wow that was awesome!
Uuuhhh. . Islamophobic much?
i still don't totally believe this isnt somehow out of context... theres just no way
Everyone laugh at the buttblasted Spic
the wall just got ten foot higher
You mean germanophobic
He is a bigot
I hope that this is real!
You faggots are hillarious. I can't wait till you are all doxed.
You put Eurabia first, we get to put America first Achmed.
It was 100% intentional.
Trump knows Merkel has been studying him A LOT for this meeting. By setting such a standard right from the get go, he intends to throw her off her track. Make her nervous. Make her feel like she really has to give him a lot of line in terms of policy.
Trump has said in the past his best ability is his unpredictability. The fact that he can throw people off and make them wonder "how do we deal with this guy?".
You seriously need to kill yourself.
inb4 Sup Forums is an anime board.
go back to Sup Forums faggot.
Not true, dumbo
Leave, shill.
God bless Trump
>trump just doing childish mini claps as he waits
hes so fucking adorable
Just like grab em by the pussy?
Shit nigga I almost clicked that link before I remembered to never click links. Please fuck off and never post links again. If stupid Germans can't understand that people blowing shit up is bad and you are stupid enough to fell stupid in comparison to these morons you sir are a fool and that's not my business.
War when? Trump pls liberate!
I'm totally willing to manage concentration camps where German lefties (read: 98% of all Germans) get worked to death.
>That's why schulz
Schulz is an asshole. And he is part of the traitor-party.
If you live in Cologne or wearing it and aren't furiously jerking off like your dick is being possesed you are not a man.
I'm wearing deodorant and women's perfume so I am exempt .
How I feel watching this
The wall is still coming, Paco.
Why does trump hate unattractive women?