Why are americans so shit?

Why are americans so shit?

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And yes, this is a america hate thread.







Whoa there Mongol rapebab, you have to at least color France red

America never lost a war against Vietnam. In fact, America obliterated the Vietnamese communists to the point in which a treaty was signed, but because of the Watergate Scandal during the Nixon administration, the Democrats took power once against and overturned it while withdrawing US troops from Vietnam, giving the impression that we "lost" the war.

Killing is easy. Convincing your adversaries, who hold opposing ideologies, to conform to your ideals in the tough part.

Why are americans so obsessed about their "heritage"? Because they don't have any culture or history.

Hello there my "white" american friend.






>ITT: jealous europoor tries to self bump



wtf? I love finland now

Everybody loves Finland.

Greatest country in history.
Sorry if you don't agree, it's your right.

When you've been kicking ass and taking names for more than a century, haters gonna hate

I fail to see how the 2 items in your map's legend are related.

No suprise to me that murican patriots won't understand...

Would green and blue eyes gene even express itself?

Why are you so upset, Mustakrakish? Did you fail to meet your quota at the cellphone factory?

Why is France not red in this map too?

No it's a kike propaganda picture from an american (((newspaper))). The topic of the article praised racemixing in america and claimed that's how muricans will look like in 50 years.

Jesus that third guy looks like he is about to implode


Hahaha I love Finland

HeteroChormia was even more important according to Hitler. The Nazis whenever they found prisoners with that, Found it amazing and wanted to know how to replicate it.

Fuck you and your divide thread.

Why do americans get so easily triggered?

I got a better map

>Why are americans so shit?

You misunderstand US foreign policy. The point was not victory per se, the point was to expend billions upon billions of dollars on military hardware in order to rationalize issuing fat resupply contracts? Viet Nam? Fuck Viet Nam. And Iraq. And Afghanistan. The war doesn't matter, the key is to churn through materiel and then make defense contractors even fatter by giving them more government funds.

Do you not see it this way?

that nigger at the bottom middle with blue eyes
what the fuck

Works really well!

Great question.

Why do Lake-Trolls knock out your power lines so easily, Mustakrakish?

muh pointless moon landing

It sometimes, very rarely, happens around here. When you mix too much, things like that appear here and there.

I was reading some twitter comments on Trump's joke about him and Merkel having been wiretapped by Obama.
But I couldn't understand some of those comments, they didn't make sense to me.
And then it hit me.
Leftists actually believe that Obama never spied on Merkel.
That it was a lie, made up just to smear him.

I'd love to move to the US but the feminists and SJW's make the country kinda shitty


Keep believing that when we abandon the planet and leave you behind, Aladdin Al-Londoni.

Fuck off.
Americans are alright.
They talk funny and never understand a joke, but they seem to like us bongs.

muh sun never sets except when it did

You just need to get better at humor, is all.

>finn """""culture""""

>feminists and SJW's make the country kinda shitty
beggars can't be choosers


china also lost to the farmers

OP is angry because his ancestors lost to the Vietnamese as well.


No. You fuckers don't understand sarcasm and self-deprecation:

>Self-deprecation is often perceived as being a characteristic of certain nations, such as in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, where "blowing one's own trumpet" is frowned upon.

Everything is face value for yanks. Taking the piss out of oneself is seen as as unpatriotic or some shit.
Americans can't banter.
Despite lack of bantz, I like you cunts (sometimes)

Everyone who hates America is a nigger loving pussy

You've clearly never even met an American. Stop blaming your problems on other people.

>USA hasn't convincingly won a war since integrating its military
really makes me think

I love how all anti Americans got is Vietnam, a war in which the US won essentially every battle and lost because of politics.

Seriously we could have easily won in the conventional sense if we stayed but all of the cucks wanted us to pull out.

Man I love Lebanon, only country in the Middle East where most people I know from there is actually quite Westernized

We won't remain that way for long senpai.
We have been successfully overrun.

Yeah and it makes the country even more Muslim when Lebanon used to be a great Christian nation. It's alright they will probably all stay in the terrible parts of the country anyway (hopefully)

Damn shame man. You and [spoiler]Israel[/spoiler] are like the only decent places in the middle east.

fuck forgot spoiler tags don't work on Sup Forums.

>france isn't red

You forgot France, retard. We inherited the problem. Like every other fucking problem caused by Europe.

Also, Fahrenheit is better in normal everyday life. It has smaller units for thermostats and the temp gradient more closely relates to the body

He is right though, about Americans being banterless. I think it's because the Aryan blood has diluted your Anglo genes.

Crusade when?


Good thing Trump is phasing out public schools

Lol, Finnish culture is Nokia.

Agreed, though I can understand why celsius is much better in a laboratory, as the freezing point and boiling points of water are 0 and 100 respectively.

>You've clearly never even met an American.
I really don't wish to argue over the internet.
I've been to the United States; to New York (a shithole) and to visit a friend in Montana (beautiful).

I really don't want to have a go at your country. I was treated with great hospitality.
But there are cultural differences. That's not a bad thing.
The differences can be interesting. I posted sense of humour as an example.
>Stop blaming your problems on other people.
I don't. What are 'my problems'. I'm concerned about my wife and kids. But it's normal. My mother is going blind, so I worry about her. Life throws up shit that must be dealt with.

The USA is a country. A big country - you have time zones. We are an hour different from the rest of Europe. I don't know if they're an hour ahead or behind. I have to fly to Schiphol in Netherlands next week, so I'll find out.
Don't be offended. I meant no offence.

Don't make fun of burgers, they can't take banter without getting assblasted

I think they are an hour ahead.

>Why are americans so shit?

You are what you eat.

Go away mongol.

This image just shows that you can't handle banter when it's directed towards you, though.

It's also not a funny image at all. You seriously need to watch some Carlin or Pryor or something.

Hello, Internet.

Ready to see death and destruction?

>they can't take banter without getting assblasted

Or without suing.


Okay, okay.

>It has smaller units for thermostats
You what

This is so true.
Welcome to the Jewnited States of Jewmerica.

You can get more accurate w/ F instead of C. 1 degree change is much higher for C than F, so you can get closer to the perfect number with F

Why doesn't any country use the Rankine system? Celcius is retarded and too coarse to be useful. Fahrenheit is good but there needs to be an absolute zero.

The same reason no-one uses Kelvin. The numbers get too high.

Caress ,my
Kock Finfag?

you forgot
South Korea
New zealand

Watching way too much TV with idiot entertainment. Adopting retarded trends

>Celcius is retarded
nice one

I've always wanted to ask, how do you perform STEM calculations? Well, whatever.

Celsius still used by the Bahamas, Belize, the Cayman Islands, Palau


>t. chemical engineer

>NASA used the metric system to get to the moon
>NASA hired mostly European scientists like Wehrner von Braun


Its retarded for everyday use but useful for cooking and science

>there's nothing smaller than units
lmao and I thought it was just a silly stereotype

>what is decimal

Well I mean it had the highest GDP, the 5th highest HDI and the 7th highest per capita income, so I would check your facts, especially coming from a cucked mingoloid country

This is what people mean when they say celcius is retarded.
>below 0 can mean somewhat chilly or really fucking cold
>30's above range from comfortably warm to scorching heat