So powerful. Women really are a force to be feared

So powerful. Women really are a force to be feared.

Other urls found in this thread:

>nuclear bombs named after women
>little boy
>fat man


That's why rape's a thing, right?

>to take up space
Where the fuck are they getting that from? No guy has ever been like "hey lady, stop taking up space"... Maybe if she was like morbidly obese and lying in the middle of the road. But I have no idea why feminists keep repeating this "taking up space" thing, it's odd. Does it stem from the "manspreading" thing? Guys don't enjoy their balls being crushed so women somehow do mental gymnastics and turn that into "men won't allow me, a lady, to occupy space!" ???

Hell, we named most of our bombs after some guy named Mark.



>Tsar Bomba
What nuclear-related system is even named after a woman?

seriously, I'm drawing a blank on any nuclear bombs named after women. The closest one I can think of would be the "demon core"

Fat man,
Little boy
Castle Bravo
Castle Koon (named after the future president Obama)

As far as boats go, thats typically a civilian thing. Most navy vessels are named after military figures, politicians, etc. The few ships named after women in the US are all minor craft.
Also, what are "war machines"

Well shes got the vehicle thing kind of right

We used to say how our vics were fickle bitches who just need to be manhandled properly if you wanted them to work.

Just like real women

We name cars, boats etc women names because we love our shit, and we're not faggots. I don't think
>Oh, my car is so powerful, and independant it must be a women.
Women, I swear to God they're retarded.

This isn't fallout, faggot.

>give ships and guns feminine pronouns
>buy and sell them
Nature finds a way

Who put that lolita statue there? Is it a street art project?

>Demand respect
Try earning it instead you entitled cocksleeve.

Probably Jewey Mcifucklittlegirls formoloch McJewerson

>Male orientated fields create things and call them "she"
Pretty sure its because males have attraction towards their intellectual creations and enjoy anthropomorphize them

I'm pretty sure stronk independent women call their dildos "him"

Only the Mother of All Bombs but that's not nuclear, that's thermobaric

It's a nigger thing. You haven't lived till you had Tsar Bomba pussy.

I assume they mean the Enola Gay the airplane.

Yeah except they actually did name them that you retard.

Retard must have meant the plane that dropped the first.
Enola gay.

Thank you, thank you. I'll be here til Thursday.

Not sure if trolling, or you honestly think Fallout invented the names.


That shit isn't getting slingshotted at anyone. Come on, use your head.

Learn to history faggot

>Sup Forums

pick one

>Actually thought "fat-man" was just a Fallout weapon, and not a reference to a historical thing
It's time you put down the controller son..

...Maybe, I guess? But military vehicles are often named after men and called "her" anyways

are you fuckin thick as a brick, read a book you deflated negroid

and again I'll ask, in what way are women not respected in our society? They have every right and privilege a man has and more.

Buttrape means equality. Always buttrape feminists you find yourself in bed with. Missionary position sex first, then switch orifices. The look on her face will be PRICELESS!!! "B-b-b-but I'm a PRINCESS!"

>not realizing that ships and machines are referred to in a female sense because they're temperamental and prone to breaking down-- an object that needs to be constantly attended to and cared for.

Ships have a Captain controlling them.
War Machines have a warrior controlling them.

This bitch is dumb.

The only power they have is to pop out kids and the effect their cunts have over our brains.

P.S. I refer to nuclear detonations as their test names. The Trinity Shot. Ivy Mike. Castle Bravo. Tsar Bomba. Gender neutral or masculine.


We name inanimate objects we love after women because as men, we would rather have those inanimate objects instead of actual women.

That car or boat earns our respect by the sheer dint of it does what we tell it to, without questioning it.

Fuck you I shouldn't have laughed at that.

foob boop ma dude

I actually thought it was your mom's nickname.

>forgetting the Davey Crockett

top kek


I pick both

Why read books? I've got Sup Forums for that.


The reason we name our ships, cars, planes, ect after women is because you have to more or less be "married" to them in order to keep them running smoothly, much like how a man has to treat his women right and take care of her otherwise everything falls apart.

Jewgoled it, likely answer is influence from latin languages giving certain items pronouns

Other is because "it" is just too lifeless a word, these items are deemed important/beautiful so they are given names, usually feminine because fuckimnotgaynigga

I groaned out loud

I work on a ship. True, they're usually referred to in the feminine. But when I talk to the ship, it usually takes the form of "Come on you fucking bitch, get there" "Oh you fucking cunt" "Fucking shit ass bitch god damnit piss me off so much"


well I guess I can see people calling her Fat Boy but I don't think this applies to all women

t. American public education


Fucking tranny

Davy Crockett was the name of the recoilless rifle that was used to launch the W54. The times that warhead was tested were called "Little Feller I" and "Little Feller II."

Why doesn't this statue have a burqa yet?


i can't wait to see what those anons do to that statue this weekend. best case scenario: jew york goes into chaos and enacts martial law. worst case scenario: a bunch of kids get arrested for dumping jizz on a bronze statue.

I learned something new today. Thanks, Sup Forums!


Worst 3 years of my life.

Sailors would joke about being married to their ship, makes sense

This isn't /soc/, faggot.

noice. I really don't get how they can draw any conclusion other than this. As if that little girls petulant attitude and confident stance is going to bring that bull to a halt. She is going to get trampled.

The cat's out of the bag, we know you are retarded, stop trying to assuage your shattered ego.

You're welcome.

I know an old codger who was on one of those tests. Somewhere, I have his written recollection of the Hood Shot. I really need to find that.


She's actually right. She blows the fuck out of every single lie feminism has ever told by being right, but she's right.

Many atom bombs had names like Mark 2, Mark 3, Mark 4, etc.

Mark basically means model or design
Mark is also a name given to men.

To be fair, the guntube on my tank is named in honor of my ex wife. "Big Bitch."

>not mouse and keyboard
How will you even add lewd mods to the game?

She's probably thinking of the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the nukes on Japan

I'm not convinced you know shit. You've proven to be pretty stupid so far.

Was gonna say this. kek

>Enola Gay
liberal education at work here.


>When you have to explain naming conventions of nuclear weapons so that somebody can get a joke.

Ain't weaponized autism grand?

Hey if you want to call yourself a warship as you blow my dick be my guest.

>Niggers using Russian superweapons to talk about sex

I am okay with this

>You respect us already
>please respect us

what the fuck

Amazing response /thread/ underrated, truely thought out and developed, a real sign of a genious,

I'm pretty sure women have always been linked with screeching and nagging



>"I was born homoerectus"
>"but I am transitioning into homosapien"

If this was a guy acting this inflated I'm sure we would be calling him autistic.
Is this female autism?

I demand my awful puns be understood by any and all bystanders.

This is what you get for sending women to college to study gender.

Mods come ban this little faggot.


btw, check'd. You may be retarded but steam a good ham.

I can't add shit till Loverslab gets off its ass and delivers that sweet sweet "Sextec" but it's starting to look DOA, think all the talent is jumping back to skyrim SE. It makes the sadness swirl within me.

>im fucking retarded and got called out for it so i have to piss and shit everywhere to make up for it

I just leave and cry on the floor, why cant you?

Autism is often associated with stupidty

But something like 95% of women are stupid, so only men can be autistic because stupidity is only unusual in men

If so, female autism is just painfully pathetic.

Yes! Exactly what I wanted to hear

>Take up space
>Demand respect
>Do whatever I want
so literally behave like a 14 year old throwing a temper tantrum?

sad part is most of these dreg women get to reproduce.

14 y/o have better manners than that on average. She wants to be a literal child.
Fuck responsibility
Fuck decency
Fuck honor
Fuck reasoning
Fuck every damn thing that makes them feel even 1% culpable of the actions they commit.

Women are the niggers of genders for a reason. It wouldn't be too bad if they just kept that garbage to themselves like they've done for millenia (why men rightly think lesser of women as a group) but now they are taking all their inferiority complexes and turning them into lifestyles instead of disorders and spreading that illness out to people that historically didn't suffer from such problems. They are literally infecting the people around them into being as pants on head retarded as they are.

Its terrifying to realize any woman you meet or see doesn't even consider themselves as a miniscule part of a massive world, all they see is a miniscule world that is part of their massive ego. Its utter despair once you realize men just aren't this self destructive at their core.

Because this is more fun. Can't believe how stupid you guys are. This is easier than tumblr.