Justify Trump spending more for travel in one year than Obama did in 8

Justify Trump spending more for travel in one year than Obama did in 8.


Does more work in Mar a Lago than Obongo ever did on his Golf Trips.

>does more classified work in front of dozens of civilians photographing him than any other president


She lost. Get over it.

He won't be president more than 2 years, because Republicans will drag out the impeachment.

Bigger family and adult children who must move a lot for business reasons. They need to be protected even though they're adults because someone could attack them because of their father. The secret service is not taking any risks since the Kennedy assassination and that's understandable.

>excuses excuses

he spends more time working and his time is spent more productively.

Facts don't care about your feelings. Obama was a nigger with a tiny family who never left the house.

There has never been a president who will have spent this much on travel or even a fraction of it.

There have been presidents with bigger families of grown children than Trump who were more important people with more reason to travel than his assburger spawns.

It would be much cheaper if you faggots didn't threaten him and his family every single minute.

Fucking hell I'm saving that image.

He's working 8 times more. Checkmate!

This, always and forever.

>implying obamas life wasnt constantly threatened
get lost newfag

Fucking hell you're new

Where do you get the travel costs from? Is the data public or are these guesses. For instance trump was spending something 40x less on adds than Clinton and the campaign in general was far cheaper in all aspects than others. He's been known for delivering things under budget when others fail (e.g. Wollman Rink). Is it more likely that these estimates are false or a hit piece?

more people, notably insane liberals that think he's the second coming of Hitler, are threatening to kill him.

SS could guard obama throughout his whole career with a skeleton crew, but they're constantly on high alert because the left is literally insane.

Yup. If liberals stopped sending him SO MANY death threats, it would be cheaper.

I guess, in a sense, liberals and SJWs are responsible for this skyrocketing expense.


where is the proof that he's using taxpayer money for this

remember that he's a fucking billionaire with millionaire children and hundreds of businesses

>implying he's going to be impeached
>implying republicans are going to lose the midterms when they ALWAYS perform better in those.

your delusions are laughable. you can't even successfully impeach the president if he hasn't committed a crime retard.

Seriously, we have drinking & Hentai to fap at. Stop posting you dumb shills.

Trump pays for his own security detail and is going to mar-a-largo, which is eating the cost of his logistics / hospitality.

Looking at the notional numbers and not backing out the WH net-costs is just showing how ignorant you are. /pol knows better.

PS: Offer stands, dox your employer and i'll double whtever you are making. Do it, do it you fucking Cuck.

Why do they never mention how much Obama spent the first month? Only how much he averaged.