>muslims can't build anyth-
>muslims are bunch of uncivilized savag-
Muslims can't build anyth-
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They USED to be civilized. Because Islam wasn't their identity, they were innovators for their nation not their religion. Not anymore.
Oh you.
OP, you got SANDED.com
Nice bait roachman.
Take good care of her. You're only loaning it.
>unironically posts picture of a church
>he doesn't know the Hagia Sophia was built by christians
>the building he is using as a symbol of muslim culture and ingenuity was built by byzantines and stolen by ottomans
t*rks must burn
Oh cool, you built some minarets on a Church you stole.
Truly a marvel of engineering.
Are you Muslim?
You did not build that filthy turkroach Byzantium built that as a church
Picking at Byzantium's corpse after the Fourth Crusade isn't exactly the height of civilization.
Thanks for making coffee popular though, you'll always have that.
That was a church before you stole it. You just added the muslim shit overnight.
Didn't the muslim crap collapse in an earthquake while the rest was still standing? lol
he knows it, he's just baiting
That was built by Byzantine Orthodox Christians. The muzrats just added some spires.
Inbreeding is one hell of a drug, sandnigger.
breddy good b8, turkOP
muslims can't build anything because muslims are bunch of uncivilized savages
Byzantines built this. You desecrated it. You have to die. Fucking turkroaches.
>Muslims built this
you need to be purged
It's almost like pol is absolutely retarded and knows nothing about the Alhambra.
are you a CHP fag false flagging, or why do you post a christian build church?
Then why is South India better than North India?
Not all Muslims!
It's actually true. The Abassid and Fatimid Caliphates were not savages at all. But they were basically esoteric Muslism.
The Koran itself has too much crazy bullshit about killing everyone else.
Why is everything sandniggers like so god damn tacky?
Porselein, gold, silver, plastic "diamond" chandeliers.
half Moroccan half white I just live here. Not inbred
Rich coming from a stateless kike
I like this meme
You can cry and call me stateless all you want but I have lived all of my life in a super comfy nation that is only getting better.
Church remodel? Smarten up you fucking orc! If ever I need my house demolished, I'll call you.
kys homohamed
Dead Muslims are some pretty civilized people. Good fertilizer and very photogenic when they're dead.
Comfy till Hamas triggers an IED in your shekel storage
Roach, that's mosque is based entirely on Hagia Sophia
is...is that the Hagia Sophia?
jesus fucking christ, crusade when
>posts picture of Haga Sophia
weak b8
Really, the only solution
No, comfy despite their pathetic attempts to disrupt Israeli life. I feel 100% safe even when rockets fall out of the sky, it's just sad to watch honestly. But it gives us a good excuse to bomb some inbred shitskin families so idgaf
>The building was later converted into an Ottoman mosque from 29 May 1453
That looks like an orthodox church
This is Hagia Sophia a greek orthodox church built by greeks, designed by greeks, by the orders of a greek emperor. I find it disgusting for a roach to claim this magnificent building.
>tfw muslims can't even MAINTAIN one of the gems of the world
bigger then ayasofya, build by ottomans
It wasn't the muslims. It was the niggers, they were kings.
Tear down that fucking dick towers you've build around you subhuman roaches!
>bigger than X...
Compensating for something?
Boring as fuck though, like all mosques.
Also: needs more minarets.
Don't let those Arabs cuck you.
Why do you people identify as muslim, instead of identifying with your race?
Haga Sofia was built by Orthodox Christians, you degenerate shit-tier roach mudslime.
shut up, like protestant square churches are so muuch better...
Come back when your "churches" will have even a slightest bit of masterful iconography praising the human spirit.
>but muh geometry
>but muh scribbles on the walls
that's why Christianity manages to inspire self-improvement while Islam creates droves of ass-in-air mindless drones
not true . that was build by romans with roman technology . why dident greeks build anything like that after 600 ?
>you built this
>I built this
I visited that place when I was in Istanbul. Someone put a bomb in a dumpster next to it and the square had to be evacuated for them to blow up the dumpster.
Dude you're from the netherlands, you can't say tacky to people.
To heavy.
>cuckistan flag
fucking sandniggers coming into europe and destroying our cultural heritage, why don't you fuck off back to your own country you fucking piece of shit
another rare to my collection
calm down estonia, dont cling into "cultural heritage" because you have none...
only nations in europe with culture is south europe, france and uk, rest is garbage
it was actually the other way around, they were barbaric until they got cucked by islam
Lmfao Dogan Roaches are funny
Because Turkey didn't exist it was known as Byzantium and was predominantly Christian. They weren't inbred and actually had some form of civilized society. Now it's 98% Muslim and were cucked by Arab Islam. Oh Turkey, once Christian and well mannered, heck if you were 80-90% Christian you would have been in the EU a long time ago.
>The Byzantine Empire became a theocracy in the sense that Christian values and ideals were the foundation of the empire's political ideals and heavily entwined with its political goals.
Islam wasn't a problem aka Golden age of Islam
U have some cheap oil you could ebay me m8?
> Half Maroccan
> Not inbredded sandnigger
Nice try Abdul
roach BTFO
>muslims built that
hahaha you're soooooooooo funnnny turk roach
You know if you truly think about it Turkey (Byzantine Empire) literally got cucked. They serve as an example of the problems Islam can cause. Byzantium will never exist again, now it's a Muslim majority nation that is rejected by Europe. Most Turks probably don't even recognize the past of the Byzantine Empire. Or how Ataturk was actually trying to modernize Islam, while someone like Erdogan destroys their secularism. Oh well, let them serve as an example.
okay texas
The four towers of the Hagia Sofia will fall and we will all drink a beer together in Constantinople, brothers. The Kurds are nice neighbours in the Republic of Kurdistan. 2020.
>Golden age of Nestorian Christian, Persian, and Platonic Knowledge
we had an arab descended president once, he fucking ruined our country (more than it already was, imagine that). deport sandniggers.
Are muslims the niggers of religion?
>claims muslims built Hagia Sophia
OP is retarded
This church was built by Byzantines before some fucking islam ever existed. Roaches only built the minaretes around it.
How dare you use that as an example
>Byzantines built this
nice try
Spoke Greek everyday life, had greek names. I dont see your point.
Holy fuck, this genuinely triggered me. Congrats OP, good job
i dont think Serbia was there in justinian time .
What are you gonna do when your Arab, Mizrahi and ultra-orthodox population, outbreed the Ashkenazi elite class. They'll turn your country into a third-world cesspit. Don't get too smug, kike.
That was a Christian cathedral. It was built by Christians.
I don't mind muslims, but you have a habit of invading Christian countries.
Your people can only push so much, then we fight. And you'll lose.
when the first post reveals Sup Forums is full of dirt.
Nope . The area there maybe spoke greek , they spoke different languages in that time . after 600 the greeks made mandatory the greek language .
Exept its not.
>Blue Mosque: L: 73 W:65 H:43 (Meters)
>Hagia Sofia: L:82 W:73 H:55 (Meters)
>In the Iraq civil war, Takfir was also defined broadly by Sunni Islamist insurgents. By mid-2006, at least two falafel venders in Baghdad were killed "because falafel did not exist in the seventh century", and was thus an unIslamic "innovation" (Bid‘ah) in the eyes of the killers.
i'll be honest not every single muslim is a psychopath, i really feel sorry for your women and kids and some good guys but the problem is islam has lots of barbaric countries that are 100% muslims, btw don't come to europe and don't expect free stuff.
>Roach believes this
Ok now you triggered my autism roach, that church is literally the epitome of christian engineering of that time, you subhuman sandnigger just stole it and added some shit.