ITT: hideous flags from piece of shit countries
ITT: hideous flags from piece of shit countries
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>doesn't realize everything great made by americans were blatantly stolen from nazis
We should have let you die in 43. You would speak german now jean pierre.
lmfao you literally dont have a single core industry. We have the best cars on the rode, what core industry do you have? Fast food?
A french speaking english, wut?
Ouais je fais le silence de nègre
Actually France was going to be reborn thanks to senpai Hitler but you came to push the jewish supremacy once again. You're the exact opposite of a liberator.
You seem to have a deficit in that industry
why are germans always so butthurt?
Oh yeah because they tried to be us but failed. :^)
American steel. Harleys and shotguns!
ahmed btfo/thread
Anglosphere > Everyone else
You're beneath us, europoors
Ever heard of thyssen krupp?
fucking lmao
Lel at least we have have pride in ours.
ive actually worked for Krupp
>Wir waren Könige und scheiße
rap music
is this because of the merkel thread, hans?
don't be salty
damn kraut.. at least our flag has some vibrancy. The german flag's colors, when mixed together, results in a color that is pretty close to vomit.
Only appropriate for a country that produced the single most evil person that has ever lived. Your shame is eternal.
this seems about right inshallah
USA has a godtier flag, it's complex and highly balanced, Great Britain has a great one too, as did WWII Japan
Shit flags are the boring ones like France and the Poland, 3 big colors and nothing else
If you can paint a flag in 5 seconds it's a pleb flag
>file name
Thank you, user. Genuinely kek'd
US and UK flags are the best flags.
i'd buy PCBs from USA over any other country except UK who make better ones, why is it so low.
Well said. How can flaglets even compete?
We can have guns to protect us.
An axe attack and you guys can pro-
>hideous flags from piece of shit countries
heres a (you) for making me laugh
that's right Great-Andorra
Is it bad that whenever I see the American flag, I think of white trash?
like seriously who approved this shit
Andorra a cute
You'd think they'd put it in the centre at least. Fucking pakis.
The Romanian flag is a true abomination and should not exist, just like Romania.
Of all the American things you could.make fun of our flag isn't one of them.
>instantly recognizable
>meaningful yet simple symbolism
>good color contrast
>no bullshit national seal
>can be drawn using a compass and straight edge
>has a canton, meaning symbolism changes based on which way flag is facing (canton on the right means you're running into battle, etc).
The American flag is top tier.
>what is silicon valley
>what is wall street
>what is the Aerospace industry
>what is the pharmaceutical insudtry
Go suck some muzzie cock
no more handshakes for you Germany, back to the cuck shed
Also, pic related
WWII Japan had the same flag as modern Japan. The flag of the rising sun was just the naval ensign.
You're a faggit. Russa's flag is the best! Look at it! Red white and blue glory!..
Wait a sec...
Genuinely this.
Awful fucking flag. I've seen African flags that are better.
Mozambique has a fucking gun on theirs
Any flag with our flag on is good. The rest are meh. If your country has removed our flag from yours then, plz come back bby gurl
they can't, I'd allow Prussian flag but doesn't exist anymore.
Kill yourself, bozgor.
cuck porn