Dems never ever give an inch.
It may be time for physical removal.
Esp of judges who faunt the constitution.
What is the process to disbar activist judges? boot the lot!
Why dont democrats ever compromise? They lost the election!
Other urls found in this thread:
Because for as long as any of us have been alive they have always gotten there way. Either full motion liberalism when they are in charge or slow motion liberalism when they are not. The debate is always make it status quo or more liberal, there has never been any pushback. A compromise between the two is still giving them what they want to a lesser degree.
They are the Jew party, and the Republicans are the Jew-controlled opposition. They're now kvetching because the Republican party is throwing off the chains of Jewry
>democrats ever compromise?
Why don't republicans ever compromise?
Only adults understand compromise.
This is funny because me, as a liberal, think the Democrats cave all the time to Republicans.
Give an example.
ACA public option was a big one.
They have until about a year ago.
Because Democrats are the party of irrational people. If they compromise they're seen as weak by the irrational crowd. Don't use reason if you're trying to understand how leftists work.
If you've been alive for more that 10 years you know how much they have.
They have been spineless faggots for almost a decade
They do without even realizing it by not voting in midterms.
you mean the legislation that not a single Republican voted for..
It was Hillary's turn.
Everyone should get their turn. Blue collar white trash got their turn with GWB, niggers and poor people got their turn with Obama, educated people should have had their turn with Hillary.
It's bullshit.
As Limbaugh rightfully points out, the left doesn't understand compromise. When they say things like "the other side needs to compromise" or "the other side needs to cross the isle" what they're saying is "we want everything our Jew overlords are demanding, even if we've lost 1,200 seats of government office and the white house since 2010 and are now a fringe club of coastal city elites.
The only compromise we're going to need to make for the left now is rope or bullet, because Americans are tired of their marxist shit.
If theres a terrorist attack in the US from one of the countries under Trump travel ban because fuckin hawaii nigger judge halted it, all dems will die in return
they had a supermajority with obama and didnt:
take yur gunz
legalize evil marijuana
socialise healthcare
end oil and gas subsidies
increase welfare
raise the minimum wage
enact universal preschool programs
end the death penalty
address extremely high prison populations
end torture programs/gitmo
But yeah i guess they never compromise...
>I recognized that shemale instantly
why dont we go full pinochet and kill all democrats?
Republicans have been forced to compromise for the last 40 something years.
This is the first time in the average Sup Forums poster's lifetime that republicans have gotten their way.
Even during the Bush terms, Republicans were way too relaxed and acted more like Democrats.
Hillary Clinton was more akin to a Republican in comparison.
>tfw you know she can't get her dick hard
I need to get over Shemales.
Because leftist Marxism is a religion
They believe they are unquestionably morally right. So they MUST convert or defeat you they cannot compromise because you are 100% wrong in all cases and they are 100% right
We must physically remove Democrats and communists from society.
Not just a Hawaii nigger, but an actual one too
who is this
>implying they just didn't run out of time.
>all the things Obama was setting up for Hillary
>This is the first time in the average Sup Forums poster's lifetime that republicans have gotten their way.
you clearly don't know what the fuck you are talking about, but i'm on Sup Forums so I'm not surprised.
the us government with the help of the cia has destabilized hundreds of governments around the world, all in the name of capitalism,
capitalism that fucks; you and me over.
democrats and republicans are side shows, it's the american government as a whole that gets it's way. american business that comes first.
funny thing is, alot of those countries on that list were faced with mass immigration to non other than america after the american coups. So it seems the us government created this immigration crisis we know how.
they go and fuck up other peoples countries for cheap oil and labor, and when the people from those countries come to this one, we tell them to go back. that they are invading our country illegally.
americans fucking baffle me.
edgy. it's like someone forgot to teach you geopol and you read a wiki page for the first time
and? am I wrong?
didn't think so faggit
pretty much.
prove me wrong
there really isn't anything to prove. your staments were litteraly
>america peruses it's national interests at all times
>this hurts my feelings
you can throw out your capitalism abloobloo because you are pretty clearly 17 and have no experience in another system
Gay rights
Decline of the nuclear family
The erosion of Christianity
There's 3
No, your just blaming the wrong people.
>>america peruses it's national interests at all times
>>this hurts my feelings
i'm not the one bitching about arabs and mexicans in america.
it's apparently the alt right that is. yet miserably failing to understand why it is a problem to begin with.
you seem to be linkingthings with separate motives that you have fairly little understanding of.
i'm blaming Americans who are dumb enough to believe that one guy who simply doesn't care what he says, can change an entire flawed system.
the problem is the connection between corporate america and the us government.
that's the problem.
>it's national interests
those don't include the interests of me and you.
they look after the interests of people in wall street and rich CEOs who couldn't care less about me and you.
this country doesn't care about me and you.
Trump or Hillary could care less about me and you.
they are rich.
we are not.