Swedes, it's time for you to speak

Since amerifats are claiming that Sweden is now fucked forever, I'd like to hear FROM YOU.

Because it seems that Americans are more aware about what's happening in Sweden than Swedes

So I'd like to hear from you, tell me if these facts are true or wrong:

>Sweden rape capital of Europe
>"Muslims" MEarn arabs will outnumber Swedes
>Crime and rape has "skyrocketed" in Sweden
>There are Islamic "no-go zones" in Sweden now
>You can get killed in Malmö

Other urls found in this thread:



Busy getting raped.


France has more muslims both percentage wise and actual numbers. If Sweden is fucked then you are fucking gangraped


Sweden is not that bad but not that good either. Probably a poor country like Hungary is very peaceful compared to them despite you'll get fucking robbed there if you give people any chance.
If I had to think for my future I'd probably rather live in Poland than in Sweden.

Uhm did you even read what I wrote?
It's not about a battle between which nation have the most Muslims but about what is true or wrong.
Smh the only Swede I get is a dumb one


And this one is better


>Sweden rape capital of Europe
sure, but if u touch a woman when she doesn't give consent, that counts as rape in Sweden, so take that how you will.

>"Muslims" MEarn arabs will outnumber Swedes
No, not for 250 years at least.

>>Crime and rape has "skyrocketed" in Sweden
No, only the tendency to report crime has increased. We still have same crime/capita.
I mean sure if u look on youtube for Rosengårdd/Rinkeby etc, there are violent gangs there, but all countrys have ghettos with poor and criminal people, and Sweden has just gotten this as well, its not unique for Sweden, its just something that you maybe would associate Sweden with 20 years ago.

>>There are Islamic "no-go zones" in Sweden now
No, maybe some "gang" territorys in the ghettos of Göteborg/Malmö, and if you walk in and don't look like a local they will fuck with you and there may or may not be repercussions.

Women don't go out alone at night because they feel "unsafe", but I'm sure that their change of mind has nothing to do with imigration.

>>You can get killed in Malmö
ummm, you can get killed in any city of the world, Malmö is not different. The gangs/dealers just usually shoot each other.

But there was a pub shooting in Göteborg 2015 years ago that strongly resembled the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre from 1929.

In the gothenburg pub shooting, 2 guys were killed while in a sports bar, and 15 civilians were injured non-fatally. This is a very remarkable event, but it has nothing to do with imigration.



>>Sweden rape capital of Europe
The swedish definiton of rape is apparently wider than most definiton
>>Muslims" MEarn arabs will outnumber Swedes
Probably not, most of Swedens population (75-80%) is still categorized as etnic Swedes
>>Crime and rape has "skyrocketed" in Sweden
>>There are Islamic "no-go zones" in Sweden now
The Norwegian msm had a report on this, the no go zones is real
>>You can get killed in Malmö
Ofc. there is crazy People willing to kill for their belives everywhere

>The Norwegian msm had a report on this, the no go zones is real
Kek I saw that report "They are throwing rocks at us"
They got rocks, you got a gun

Finally, thank you swede
But, one last time, are "Muslim" immigrants really causing havoc on Sweden or they're just used as a scapegoat to justify nationalism?

Sweden is shit but its in a far better state than the US when it comes to rape, multiculturalism, hordes of non-whites and even crazy leftists.

Its nice that you speak for them but its not the same.

Everything is fine here you fucking paranoids
Love trumps hate
People are all equal and should be given UBI

Motherfuckers you just post shit about us all day
Everyone here is a nazi

>No, not for 250 years at least.

maybe if you stop the immigration and keep it stopped.

163,000 people sought asylum in 2015.

If 80,000 people will arrive per year in Sweden.
Then in 250 years there will be 20 million refugees.

This also doesn't account for higher birthrate of refugees compared to swede's.

There's a reason it's called Stockholm Syndrome.

Do Syrians really have that much higher birth rates than Souides ?

Pretty much true yes. We're in this shit together France.

>sure, but if u touch a woman when she doesn't give consent, that counts as rape in Sweden, so take that how you will
Big difference between Assange and Ahmed the rapefugee

>Women don't go out alone at night because they feel "unsafe", but I'm sure that their change of mind has nothing to do with imigration

Do you honestly believe this?

Do you seriously think that a white ethnic Swede is just as likely to rape a woman as an African immigrant?

Do you HONESTLY believe that Sweden is as safe today as it was in the 90s when it was 99% white?


the numbers are without any difference in birthrate

here's the birthrate difference:


Well y'know it's been a long time that we have Muslims here in France, French Muslim youth isn't that much of a problem, except in suburbs, most of em are kind of westernized, I mean they can blend with the Western values even if yeah... They got Islam
But eh, they claim it's a peaceful religion, sounds fine to me since they practice it in a peaceful way

and more recent one:


>But, one last time, are "Muslim" immigrants really causing havoc on Sweden or they're just used as a scapegoat to justify nationalism?
"Muslims" are not causing havoc on Sweden, just some of the imigrants come from parts of the world with a different outlook on Women or Morals, so you can't really blame them for being themselves. When you take in hundreds of thousands of people from all over MENA, you can't just expect them to transform over a plane ticket. There is bound to be some people with bad intentions if you take in that many, it's just in human nature.

And Swedens goverment rejects integration and wants multiculturalism instead, and if the people of Sweden votes for this, they would be hypocrites to claim otherwise. Swedes are the least imigrant critic people of europe, and our voting results reflect this clearly.

There are no nationalist parties in Sweden, SD are civic nationalists. Just because you see some "nationalists" on reddit/Sup Forums, doesn't mean they actually exist. Sure there is NMR etc, but they are just around 900, of 10 million Swedes. They are nazi autists that put up stickers, posters and do graffiti etc, but have no real impact.

For every NMR demostration, there are 10 times more AFA there to counter them.

Taxes are being raised every year and people sits with loans of millions just to buy a small house, i predict a communist Sweden in the future.

We have french "refugees" here

They came here to work, but we all know the truth.

Can't wait for you blonde hot swens to get over the boarder. We will lynch the muslims together brother.

Still hate you because of the fucking union though. When you're back in sweden we will go back to bashing your for being sweedish.

Svenske jævel!



After those brutal terror attacks i'm suprised the natives haven't teared those muslim ghettos a new asshole.

>Do you honestly believe this?

>Do you seriously think that a white ethnic Swede is just as likely to rape a woman as an African immigrant?

>Do you HONESTLY believe that Sweden is as safe today as it was in the 90s when it was 99% white?


Haha my friend, I'm not a "Swede" myself so i can't really say this from a "Swede" perspective, only from my perspective. My homelands were far more dangerous than Sweden, so for me its safe here, i love it.

But maybe for "real Swedes", they feel more unsafe, because they have encountered people from different cultures then they are used to, so maybe they feel more afraid, i don't know lol. Most Swedes here on Sup Forums act really tough, but in reality, Swedes don't reflect on race that much, and don't seem to be so bothered by it.

this racist study was conducted by swedes

>Swedes don't reflect on race that much, and don't seem to be so bothered by it.

they are good at hiding it. Probably the most important virtue in the modern Swede.

Swedes are secretly racist, trust me. Even the left

Mostly true, send help.

>the native birthrates rise since mass immigration

Really activates my almonds.

Those facts' validity are irrelevant, the fact that matters is ethnic Swedes are becoming an minority in Sweden at rapid speed and it's basically white genocide

also I'm convinced if things decay you should at least be comfortable with it. If you are pressured to accelerate your decay, it's very bad like taken hostage

Those are all white supremacist lies.
Muslims are peaceful people.
Muslims will outnumber ''Swedes'' eventually, but that is not a bad thing.
Crime and rape ''skyrocketing'' has nothing to do with immigrants.
Islamic no-go zones are ok, Swedes shouldn't go there as they have too much white privilege.
You can't get killed. Muslims are peaceful and commit less crime than whites.

Funny how the Fox News biased narrative collapses when you actually talk to Swedes.

After the terror attacks natives just began to be afraid of Islam but since racism and islamophobia are despised in France, most of the angry natives just remain silent or become keyboard warriors in twitter. They just express their dissatisfaction by voting le Pen. Since Muslims tend to live in big cities most of the natives aren't afraid of them. It's mostly old people living in the countryside or small towns that have a bad feeling about them. You'll never see an anti-Islam demonstration in France, even after terror attacks

>they are good at hiding it. Probably the most important virtue in the modern Swede.

>Swedes are secretly racist, trust me. Even the left.

Very interesting claims, but how come SD only got 12% last election, if they now really consider this such a big issue? Doesn't make much sense now, does it friends?

>Funny how the Fox News biased narrative collapses when you actually talk to Swedes
sure you are a true (((Swede))) right?

>Islamic no-go zones are ok, Swedes shouldn't go there as they have too much white privilege.

if you don't mind me collaborating, no go zones of course don't really exist either. It's just multicultural progress, forgot what it's called like, but "let them have their values"

by the way, muslims also commit less crimes in Germany. And they commit less crimes in Alaska. This should be enough to see how peaceful they are.

You will die in a civil war.

Yes, because I am not a retarded nazi LARPer.
Sweden is a liberal country of immigrants.

Yeah i really believe what you say

Antifa go home pls

The French civil war meme must die asap. As if old angry natives could do anything against armed suburban youngsters

Considering our media and politicians are always bringing up the "nordic model", with the particular example of Sweden being the supreme example of socialist progressivism that we absolutely have to follow, I'd say we are still not up to par.

So you admit to being Jewish? Jews do not belong in Sweden, neither do muslims.

Liberalism is dying, political revolution is inevitable

Sweden are too far gone, it's over for them. Time to move on and save whatever else we can. Fuck Sweden, They brought this on themselves putting a bunch of feminazis into power! What did they honestly expect?

Why do you nazi assholes keep bringing up religion? My religion has nothing to do with this.
You don't see me asking if you are Christian, even though you obviously are Christian assholes.

this swede is correct. Please do not believe lies about Sweden.

Sweden is peaceful and it's great BECAUSE of tolerance

picture related, army adverts
> >All living under a Swedish skies today, will wake up in a new Sweden tomorrow. And the next day again and again.

>A country in transition is worth preserving.
>In Sweden it is free for change. For new way to think, feel, do, be and live.

>Sweden, a country to fall in love.

germany is still using the french progress as a good example to follow. Yes, France is a great integrator that has gone past religion, and it also has more babies. France should be followed

this is what i mean by Sup Forums nazis, you think you live in 1930 germany and that all jews and muslim are conspiring and are out to get you, but your so fucking delusional its ridicilous.

Swedes are liberals, refugees want money and shelter, jews have no connection what so ever to do with this, but they just can't cope with reality so they just keep LARPing.

lol, so stupid, these people lack self reflection.

You do realize the swedish government went full 1984 years ago? They censor any and all news on the internet that're negative towards refugees. Video is related


Funny how these nazi losers accuse jews of doing everything when it is white males who hold all positions of power.
If you have any problems it's only white cis males to blame for it.

It is the sweden thet rape, it is theonly sweden thet shot. We beleive in god, it is sweden no god. We nomber aut swden. No sweden, no more sweden.

Jewishness is not just a religion, it's in your blood. Jews can never become Swedish and you need to go back to Israel
>jews have no connection what so ever to do with this
how to spot a kike

>call antifaggot out on his propagandist shilling
>he breaks down and starts screeching nazi everywhere.

I wish i was suprised, really, Im neither a skinhead or a black masked rioting antifaggot.

And for the record if we talk LARP, i think Antifa has got that covered much more than us harmless Sup Forums tards, they actually dox people and ruin peoples lives because they think differently.

I've never visited Israel. Funny how you losers fail every time to present any argument or impactful insult.

There is nothing harmless about nazis. These white losers killed 6 million of us.
Nazis have to be killed whenever they show up.
What's great is that we killed MORE than 6 million nazis, and their relatives. We are going to keep killing them until there is nothing left.

lisen to tis brothor he tell truth , europe , it is the placee of us now. ~god blessing~~~

Tio av tio Larp, tråkig fredagkväll eller?

>rape capital
Perhaps per capita: Don't think Germany is much better off really.
>Sandnigs will outnumber us
Just a matter of time if we don't change things around. Give it four generations and it will be true.
>Crime skyrocketed
Very likely. Our police are not even coping either way.
>No-go zones
Yes. If someone says it's not a no-go zone, I'm willing to bet money that they will not pass through without being robbed, raped or assaulted. I put my money where my mouth is.
>Killed in malmö
It looks like mostly sandnigs are killing eachother. Gang related and whatever. However, I'd not go out at night either way.

Sweden is fucked up, unfortunately all memes are correct.

UK have population of 55+ million. France have tens of millions.

Sweden is a tiny country population-wise with less than 10 million, so its hurt much worse than other countries with bigger population.

Also historically Swedes are weak and not fucking standing up for anything. Nazi-Germany just marched freely through Sweden without any resistance at all.
And this weakness is also the cultural in thhe country.
Hahaha one foreign women at work told me "Swedish men are strange, they behave like women and gossip like women".
That was so damn funny yet so damn sad.

Sweden is like Titatnic which recently hit the ice berg and water is flooding in.
We have a massive problem with heroin, drugs, crimes, violent crimes, sexual crimes, rape capital of Europe.

It's not an argument, it's a fact

You people will have to go sooner or later

Either Muslim or Jew or cuck or stupid or 3 out of 4

this is average response from person under swedish flag

no wonder everything goes to shit, all you can manage is to blame others, one way or another its never your fault

just drop dead

>Hahaha one foreign women at work told me "Swedish men are strange, they behave like women and gossip like women".

you really have to hate these cunts, first they bitch about not enough gender equality and then when the men are finally pussified, they say it's "strange"

you shouldn't interpret too much into it though, they're just silly and nothing is done about it because they have immunity from any criticism. It's the most convenient way to be like this.

Swedish robbery


I totally agree with you mate, whites are not prepared for violence anymore. As they say in english: "Deer looking into the spotlights"

It's shit in all ways imaginable.

It's close to impossible to get rich.
You will get a hand grenade shoved up your ass.
Your family will likely experience ficki ficki at some point.
Taxes flying out of our asses.


Yes, only mahmood live here nau. No sweden, no. I go to turki, not good, i go to italian, not good. I go to german, good. I go to swdden rape and best good.

>Sweden rape capital of Europe
Yes, I think I read Sweden is rape capital of the world. Even though our rape laws are extremely broad, I still believe we got way more actual rapes than the rest of Europe. Not only Arabs and Africans, but the majority seems to be, yes.

>"Muslims" MEarn arabs will outnumber Swedes
Probably, if this continues. It's not the first immigrants that come here that is the problem, they are however allowed to safely bring their wives, children and other family members after they've gotten here. Maybe in 2030-2040 they will have outnumbered us, maybe sooner depending on how they handle this shit.

>Crime and rape has "skyrocketed" in Sweden
Yes, it's only natural with an increasing population. Since the state agencies refuses to release statistics on crimes commited by immigrants, it is really hard to say. But it does seem like it's gotten worse since the mass immigrations started.

>There are Islamic "no-go zones" in Sweden now
An article posted by SVT back in 2014 claims there were 55 no-go zones in Sweden. I've been alot in one of them and the majority of the inhabitants are arab and/or african. Religion seems to be Islam, since they all have several mosques.

>You can get killed in Malmö
There are plenty of killings in both Malmö and Stockholm, most of them gang related I'm sure, but since it's such a crime infested city nobody is safe.

We have like 4 or 5 anti - immigration newspapers (online), at least one of which is owned by literal nazis.

Msm is very left leaning and/or pc. It's not 1984 tho.


I live in a suburb. I'm the only swede in my building. It's terrible. On my way home I have had to stab an immigrant trying to rob me twice. It's no risk of getting cough since police never enter my area. When someone with a gun tries to rob me I just hand over my stuff though. Don't have much of value anyways. It's a hard life but I don't se it getting better any time soon.

Then what's the deal with the video? Why are immigration critical articles nonexistant when you use a swedish VPN?

As a Swede now living in America, i have concluded that Sweden is way better off.

Not only is our infrastructure decades before America, where the streets are horrible to drive, even the highways or bigger roads.

We have less problems with immigrants, but we sure do have problems in Sweden.

I have been voting SD since 2010, and will continue doing just that. But, do get the real questions here, we should all read TINO's "Massutmaning" a book that clear true fact about the immigration in Sweden, from violence to population.

>First off; Swedes will be outnumbered.

This is a blant lie, most of our immigrants are still from White European countries. And Swedes are very racist, they hide it well, but when it comes to "Racemixing" it is quite rare.

> Sweden have no-go zones.
Yes, considering there is places where normal people(swedes) would not walk into at night, where the ambulances and fire department need police protection to go into, you can conclude that they are NO GO ZONES.

We do have a problem it is clear, that is also why SD is still growing and probably will end up with between 25-30% of the votes next election.
That would be their 3rd doubling from 5,7 -> 12,8 --> 25-30.

There is alot of overestimation tho. When people talk about Sweden in the US and etc about how "Safe" it is and so on, they always base it on the No-go zones.

Normal cities like Stockholm, Uppsala, Västerås, do have their fair share of mudslim gangs running around. But they are much safer than the average city in America.

But tension is high in Sweden, i recommend people read "Massutmaning" that will be translated, it will give you a non biased and TRUE statistic about this subject. I think its being translated as we speak.

>Sweden rape capital of Europe
Yes. Being #2 in the world is not even a meme.
>"Muslims" MEarn arabs will outnumber Swedes
Not anytime soon. It'll be some good time til we reach the whitenowhite ratio burgerland have.
>Crime and rape has "skyrocketed" in Sweden
Yes. Malmö went from being an alright harbor town in the late 80s/early 90s where you could chill anywhere at any time and the only real problem was drunk Poles/Yugos at most, to a complete and utter third world-like monstrosity that feel non-European as fuck. Only thing keeping it from exploding into a sea of flames and kebabery is the constant flow of tax payer money thrown at it.
>There are Islamic "no-go zones" in Sweden now
Yes. The cuck that was doing some video shit some weeks or so ago that went to Rosengård, went to the calmest fucking part -at- daytime in the outskirt(Rammelsväg) where my granny stil lives so he didn't show it at its best.
>You can get killed in Malmö
In the wrong half of the town at the wrong time? Yes. The "gang related" talk is a meme. I've been attacked several times last year alone for the mere principle of being a fucking "Svenne". If you don't know how to handle a knife at later hours in some parts of the town, enjoy getting cut down.

t. Malmö citizen for 25 years and counting.

fucking look at all those people in the end, 50 people cant stop 2 robbers?

It's not 1984..but as close to it as you can come, all reports from msm and state television and even cable tv is heavily controlled, during the Presidental elections it was crazy.. ALL of trumps bad sides and "he says this, he hates women, hes loud" Typical lowest liberal way of learning about a person. Hillary was Saint theresa of course, "Omg vote for a woman?! sign me up!" was the level of bullshit.

a few years back we even had a STATE FUNDED program "trolljägarna" "trollhunters", they basically went out to people they doxxed of having wrong opinions and fucked their lives.

> Since amerifats are claiming that Sweden is now fucked forever, I'd like to hear FROM YOU.

This is cringe.
Why are you trying to create some weird couple therapy shit out of common everyday Sup Forums banter?

2 dumbfuck idiots of a robber at that

Tendency to report crime has gone DOWN not up.

How do you know that the gangs are "Muslims" ? Shouldn't it be more correct to call them "arabs"?

No. Because they are direct from the bananaboat from Afghanistan.

Actually the younger "alone" "Children" from Afghan is the worst.

The time for reason is over

I think #1 priority for immigrants should be that the Swedish government educate them about Swedish society

Kill yourself for wanting non whites in your country.

typical arrogance. Everything you think is coming in a hundred years has happened in a few, you wont last because you're unable to acknowledge the problem. Why did Sweden lack almost all these issue prior to mass immigration? Why are you ok with this happening if you're suppose to be such a great society? weather you're male or female its pathetic to imagine someone in a "feminist government/society" to tolerate such high violent rape rates.

>Islamic no-go zones are ok, Swedes shouldn't go there as they have too much white privilege.
>You can't get killed. Muslims are peaceful and commit less crime than whites.
There no logic, this is nothing but white guilt and denial. This pathetic response is why the country is doomed. Nothing but emasculated men and completely unreasonable feminists.
How can anyone hold such a stupid opinion that is disproved with even the most minor research and observation. Why do Swedes hate themselves so much that they would give their entire country and people to a barbaric misogynist cult that defends pedophiles, rape, and religious murder?

I forgot every Swedish flag here is an invader not an actual Swede but the sentiment is the same.

We need a big terror attack asap so that even women will get it through their heads

Considering that not even the HUGE chance of getting raped to death is a good enough reason to close the borders and /send them home/, for them.

womens suffrage was a mistake.