Am I the whitest person on Sup Forums?
Am I the whitest person on Sup Forums?
>These are the people that proudly claim that they wuz 1776 n sheeeit
How white is the U.S again?
>current year
choose one
You're a literal shitskin mate.
Am I white by pol standards?
You're not even a true white. Like us scandinavian vikings. You're half-caste. Impure.
This is b8 for the CIA to get pics of your eyes to copy then and all that good stuff. I have pure blue Aryan eyes as well as blonde eyebrows but I am not posting a pic of myself on this god damn honey pot for corps
earthworm jim?
>I have pure blue Aryan eyes as well as blonde eyebrows
>I'm mostly German and Irish acktually
Am I white, Sup Forums?
They're just farming for people with the deformity (or evolution, if you're retarded like they are)
Hello :D
ha fuck off britfag i cant stand the sound of your uppity accent
>defending a mexishit
You have to go back.
whos a mexishit
you are one ugly woman
>too intelligent to be white
brits r worse
Obvious Hispanic with large amounts of indian. You're not white in my neighborhood.
Weren't you on New York?
This is no surprise, Arabs don't have many names they can choose from, anyway.