>People think that trump is standing upt to merkel by not shaking her hand
>He simply didn't hear her the first time and quickly fixed the situation
People think that trump is standing upt to merkel by not shaking her hand
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd cave your skull in you limp wristed german cunt.
>inb4 fake news
and i though leftists were easy to trigger
If you notice, it was the media calling for the handshake. It was a fuck you to the media who wanted their photo-op.
My grandfather killed multiple Germans during ww2. He used to tell me how he made one of them eat cow shit. Hahahaha
I'm honestly happy that the goddamn tommies and the fucking frogs will go down with us. See you all in hell, fuckbois!
>inb4 m-muh brexit
lol, eat shit. Like that will save the great caliphate of britbongistan.
He didn't hear several journalists yelling "HANDSHAKE", "SHAKE HER HAND"
Doesn't matter
The trumpcucks already believe their narrative and will shill for it regardless
He's still mad about the Berlin wall being destroyed.
Merkel grew up in East Germany too.
The wall just gotten 20 feet higher Pedro
Her face is just so nice
The British will always outlast the Germans, we always have.
Shit is getting out of control, these days if you are not sucking trumps dick you are a shill or a whatever the fuck they want to call you.
I fucking hate whats going on in this board. /pol is flooded with reddit fags and /b is "White knight cucks" central.
>h-he didn't hear her request to shake hands
Germany forever cucked
Fuck off kike
Yeah, I watched the whole broadcast, so I can talk about the whole context.
Merkel showed clear signs of an almost surgical approach on the situation. She pretended to be friendly and cheerful and positive, but actually she was very cold and focused. She ignored Trump's jokes, she almost had a disgusted reaction to his jibes (like 'we have something in common, we were both wireteapped' etc).
She basically showed that she was there to do her job, represent Germany and the EU as well as she could and get out.
Simple as that.
And Trump looked like an imbecile and a rube. Not to mention he kept repeating shit all the time, as if he had Parkinson's, basically saying almost nothing of substance.
By contrast, Merkel delved into policy details, even though she clearly knew that stuff bores Trump to death.
I'm saying all this, even though I want Merkel to lose elections, she should be replaced, come fall.
The meeting showed a clear difference between a classical European leader and a US redneck who can't even say 3 points on policy issues.
Do you have any argument?
Well I always thought IQ stats are inaccurate as fuck. Because everytime I talk to someone from the US, they seem to be stupid as fuck.
Not to mention they lack any modicum of culture and upbringing. It's like you guys live in forests over there. Like you have no history, no culture, no past, no leaders.
You're the shittiest country on this planet in terms of culture. The world would be better off without you.
Does it make you mad that we decide what's real for everyone now?
Fuck off shill you should have chosen a different proxy; no one cares what a filthy gypsy nigger thinks.
>mfw there still are sane people on Sup Forums
I don't even know what to say here
True, no gypsy would have said this.
this amount of proxy samefagging is just counter productive schlomo.
>shill may may
>proxy may may
you look as stupid as the man in pic related desu
good for you
the only thing i heard was how everyone laughed how pathethic brits were running back to their island jungle to call for the americans
sage damage control thread
The irony is I'm 100% sure that I'm whiter than you are. Down to every nucleotide.
How is a proxy counter productive? Meaning a flag affects your opinion of a post before reading it, in which case you should fuck off
I highly doubt that consider I'm 100% German English with light brown hair and blue eyes.
everything is correct but it's not because he's a redneck, it's because he has dementia and below average intelligence.
>light brown
its just a facial expression
D: Frau deuthcemaiden, where'd you put the great, magnificent Berlin Wall when you took it down.
M: ich habe keine ehnung
D: I'm looking for a good deal on a wall and I was just thinking since you aren't using your anymore...
M: du bist eine douchebag
This is rich from a gypsy
>shittiest country in terms of culture
>99% of modern culture comes from the US to the point where gypsies like you are so used to it that it creates a facade of US culture being default culture
>Romanians coming on a Mongolian throat singing forum to complain about a "default" culture that they don't even realize is made possible almost exclusively by the US and Britain
Go back to being Hitler's bitch and watching Attila fuck you grandma you fucking wannabe Roman.
Merkel Effect: Andromeda
>truth is now damage control
hah you will die alone just like always German.
Germany was a mistake and deep down you know it
Is Trump deaf?
>99% of (((modern culture))) comes from the US
Why would you brag about this?
it's no worse than the shit yuropoors produce
It's much worse. To the extent they make degenerate bullshit, it's only reproductions of (((America))) culture.
America didn't tell them to replace their population with mudslimes just to fund pensions and entitlement programs for a few more years.
>no, but (((America))) did
>game isn't even out yet
>already made into memes cause bad graphics/animations/SJW shit
please bomb for the love of god please
You niggers need to start paying attention to the ties Trump wears.
Previous ties hes worn have fit with a logical narrative he wishes to have. Either being calm, strong, smart, relatable, etc.
This tie is his worst tie. He is saying to Merkel "no big deal". "I can meet you, while wearing my worst tie".
And this is the point i'm trying to make. This is what most of Sup Forums has turned into, a tumblr for the right. An echo chamber that, if confronted with evidence, is just gonna scream and cry and shout. Trump shook hands with merkel and, as he said in the press conference, will closely work with germany in the future, and that is not a bad thing. But nu-pol doesn't want this, they want you to suck trumps dick as being the sole god emperor, so they are just gonna cry like tumblr babies.
Hell trump even extended his hand first
if digits it bombs
>a jew shook another jew's hand
>this is considered news in goymoney
He's introducing her
>"Presenting Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany and destroyer of Europe"
He should have gotten a huge black dog to meet her.
This is a lie. He refused earlier, and only when HE DECIDED to offer his hand was there a shake.
She probably had to blow Bannon first.
the OP shill is talking about much later, at a different presser, where Trump shook her hand
earlier in the day he staunchly refused.
>Germany’s economy minister has said that the country could file a law suit against the US at the World Trade Organization if Donald Trump implements his proposed border tax.
She looks like Odo from Star trek deep space 9...
>merkel is a time traveling shape shifter
>trump is a time traveler sent to stop her
>pence is from further in the future, his job is to stop china
He still shook her hand in front of the press. People are freaking out about him not shaking her claiming its some sign that he was """not going to bow""" to merkel, when in reality its just A handshake that he probably "refused" because of all the reporters. I you truly want to learn trumps goals you should probably listen to the press conference that he was giving at that moment where he said that he wants to work together closely with germany, and thanked and applauded merkel multiple times
she almost looks like the funny frog
feels bad man
lol these german Sup Forums fags don't represent us patriotic, nationalistic trump loving GERMANS !
Dont trust these people
>He still shook her hand in front of the press.
But he refused her the first time. It clearly BTFO'd her too.
He refused to shake her hand and it was a slap in her ugly stupid face. He knows what she's been up to and he remembers that she openly spoke against him during his campaign.
If this wasn't a big deal there would be 5 damage control threads filled with shills on the board right now.
>Everyone gets the narrative they prefer
>Trump is seen to have bumbled his way into said array of narratives through either accident, anger, or stupidity
Just another day in 2017.
>If you do something well enough, people think you didn't mean to do anything at all
>we have something in common