‘You are the future of Europe’: Erdog*n urges T*rks in EU to have at least 5 kids
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Goodbye Germany
G*odbye G*rmany you've meant
Goodbye France.
holy fuck. to openly try to undermine Europe in such a blatant manner. fucking subhman turkroach, Definitely time to fire up the ovens. This is getting ridiculous. Was always taught to love these subhumans. Fucking deport every last fucking one.
Goodbye Israel when your Arab & Orthodox population replace you secular cuckold troublemakers!
just more of them to kill I guess.
He's actively advocating for a takeover of Europe. And they're so cucked they won't do anything to stop it. And will probably praise him anways.
Remind me what happens to Israel once Germany becomes a nuclear Muslim state?
Nothing, all Sunnis are jew dogs
Turks in Turkey doesn't make childrens, the demography of kurd is the biggest problem for Turkey in this 21th century
Haargenau was die islamophoben Neo-Nazis und Alufolienhutträger vorausgesagt haben.
Bin gespannt welche mentale Gymnastik das verblödete deutsche Volk nun wieder anwenden wird, um rechtzufertigen, Schulz oder Merkel zu wählen.
Hamas is coming Sharon !
You realize you guys are fucked if Turks actually do this
Genau das!
Good thing the Turks in Europe won't actually do this, or probably even be able to en masse. Hell, even the Turks in Turkey don't even have a particularly high fertility rate.
>turks will breed like rabits and germany will pay for it and make sure the kids grow up all right
Best timeline confirmed
Muslims are Jewish PUPPETS. The similarities between both religions in key factors is extremely high. Muslims have been installed BY THE JEWS to undermine christians. Notice how muzzies never really attack the jews.
Turkish diaspora in Europe is shit awful, they will adhere to his words.
Watch the population skyrocket.
erd*gan clearly has no respect for european societies.
>Pretty much europe now
It's not even new. He already made comments like that in the past, but apparently nobody cared or thought that he was just talking shit.
Just like everybody thought Hitler was just bantering until... yeah you know what happened
Isn't there some international law against bio-terrorism?
Turks are shitting the bed so hard. They're going to fuck up spectacularly and end up un-doing all the damage done to Europe. Best timeline.
What do normal people do when there is a infestation?
oy veyyyy
Trump must see this
Fucks sakes kill erdoroach already
Let's FUCK
Es ist 2017.
>vorausgesagt haben
Das ist für mich schon lang gelebte Realität
t. Dreck verficktes NRW (Türkei 2.0)
>Given name
>Evet is literal "yes" in turkish
Used to live in NRW before I went heim ins Reich. Vienna is said to be a shithole but it's still WAY better than Cologne or Düsseldorf.
We have giant walls you idiots. Nukes and a lot of weapons and the backing of our greatest ally USA :^)
>another smug kikeposter
fuck off I'm not joining military to support your faggotass
Are you implying that turks aren't our bestest of friends that only want to help us goyim? Watch out or I'll report your hate speech to Heiko Maas and you'll be shipped off to the reeducation camps
>A female German cockroach carries an egg capsule containing around 40 eggs.
Isn't 5 a really low number?
Natrürlich werden wir Schulz oder Özdemir wählen um Rechtspopulisten wie Petry oder Seehofer zu verhindern!
>Pillars of European culture
>Dutch are nazi remnants
>Europe will be unironically destroyed and overrun with Muslims in your lifetime
>the last thought of the final dying Eurocuck amidst the ruins of burning museums and churches will unironically be "At least we weren't racist..."
Europe: 95% white in the West, most of the 5% would count as white in the US.
USA: 50% white, most whites wouldn't count as white here.
>hurr durr Europe is overrun
Good thing we could always send them back.
Have 10 and then rape some wymen.
Germany cucked themselves out of this option by making every Turk born there a dual citizen.
Dual citizenship is a cucked concept to begin with, but just for being shat out there... literally USA tier.
You'll be living out your golden years in a Siberian colony or in a refugee camp trying to get into Poland. Sorry to say it but it's true.
Dual citizenship means you can always take their European citizenship away, making them full Turks with no right to residence.
Persians were actually white in those days and didnt have slaves unlike muh Sparta, 300 was war-drum propaganda for the failed war plan with Iran
Don't speak Ching Chong mate
No, Austria was fed up with the rapefugee question right from the beginning. 50% voted literally Hitler for president, the FPÖ is polling at 35%, the ruling party is scared shitless and closed the Balkans route.
The car jihadist from Graz (who didn't use a truck so not many victims) got prison for life just to state an example.
Austria is stronk.
where did persians come from
lynch snoop dogg
and at the same time our own governments tell us we have to import outsiders to compensate for declining indigenous birth rates.
Good job, Sup Forums. You've memed literal Turkroaches into existence.
this is true, but unless literally a second coming of Hitler gets in power it's never happening. You need a reason to strip people of citizenship, and even if there was a reason krauts still wouldn't do shit. They let rapist migrants wonder around and don't even deport them, and they don't even have citizenship and they get it that easy!
Your Arabs are breeding at an alarming rate too kek, jews will be a minority again.
F greatest ally
>Notice how muzzies never really attack the jews.
You haven't a clue what you're talking about, shut the fuck up you autistic nigger
They promote that since years as their birth rates are declining. Nothing new here.
Good old king roach, we couldn't get a better ally to prepare the normies for Muslim genocide.
I literally suggested to use trees and ropes on turks in the standard Forum, account still lives.
The fire is rising
Why can't lizardmen and roaches just annihilate each other ?
You're so proud of your mossad, kikes, just be useful and kill that alpharoach already.
This. Iran is the original land of Aryans and the white people are most likely descended from the area of Mesopotamia.
Estonia provides brushy brushy for doggo while we provide healthy gums, clean teeth and fresh air
>unless literally a second coming of Hitler gets in power it's never happening. You need a reason to strip people of citizenship
They could just abolish the dual citizenship rule and force them to choose.
Now that the EU-Turkey association treaty will end it's quite likely to happen, since that treaty was the reason for granting them dual citizenship in the first place.
lynch that nigger snoop dog
>They could just abolish the dual citizenship rule and force them to choose.
They would all choose GerMONEY of course...
why do you have to make burgers look ignorant? The Persians hate the Turks too.
Rev up the gas chambers.
Deport all turk, retake Cyprus, retake Constantinople.
Mashalla, Islam will dominate Europe and the world shall witness another golden age
thinking Americans new the difference between Iran and Persia.
Goodbye guys
>They would all choose GerMONEY of course...
Most have family in Turkey, and they would no longer be able to visit them without a Turkish passport.
I think a lot will choose Turkey and move back.
who is this
nice digits
I remember when that movie came out very well, globalist shills in washington were pushing HARD for war with Iran. The creator of that movie gave an interview calling for war with Iran as well.
Turkish names are retarded
so youre saying we need to put them into trains and hold the turks in europe while nato invades turkey, then send them back to their shithole.
sounds good
I fucking hate kikes
We will Lord Kek, we will
If you watch 300 carefully the Persians are actually the good guys: willing to negotiate and much friendlier even towards handicapped people.
Spartans were war mongering lunatics.
But Turks don't have a problem with periodic genociding, faggot.
Kurds get btfo everyday in Roachland.
The question is what are you cuckold pezavengis gonna do :^)
Oh vey! It's another delousing!
Sellner, wieso sagst Du wir sollen keine Karriere machen und anderes Verhalten Cuckverhalten ist?
T-those digits. Is this a prophecy?
It was all over the news here, apparently a kurdish family from diyarbakır named their daughter "yes" as "they will vote yes on the referendum"
That's the level of intelligence erdoğan supporters have
Fucking europeans assholes deserve it
Sellerie. Nicht mit Klarnamen. Verdammte Scheiße!
Only America has Elite-Tier Turkish Diaspora.
Europe took all the shit from Anatolu.
They aren't getting the message eurobros.
You must get violent eventually. You cannot go quietly into the night.
When will retarded meme end?
>A*P supporters
Awful, all of that is just awful.
Epic. His will be done
When do we see turks cucking europeans on pornhub?