Ceann Comhairle is passed out drunk edition
Happy St Patrick's day lads
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So what did y'all get up to?
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New NP vid
I think everyone is pissed tonight :(
Lá fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh
Antifa Ireland deleted article where they advocate early sexualisation of kids to stop fascism
Looks like they're attempting a cover up after being called out as pedo apologists. Their leader was convicted for child porn too
Happy St. Patrick's day!
I'm very concerned for you boys and those pedophiles in ANTIFA you got
For those who don't know who Wilhelmina Reich was prepare to vomit, this guy was gross
Sounds like a fairly large crowd. Did anyone from here go?
>those who don't want to lead, should be the ones to lead
-G.K. Chesterton
This is why Barret is THE best man in politics right now
No one posted for 25 minutes but people are here now
Wow, nice pic, change the hat to say MÉGA instead of MAGA tho
>cue Scottish bagpipes playing Amazing Grace in honor of St. Patrick's Day
Drank beer and ate spuds.
Any relation to Ken Barrett?
Reminder that cathlocucks are the first to go on the day of the famine
>Anti_AFA paedo's
Wait a fucking minute. Wasn't the leader of the Irish anti-fa done for child pornography??
Why did the journalist not ask a follow-up on that.
How fucking far gone is Ireland?
What's the craic lads? Bump
Serious question, mate. And I'm not asking to fuck with you.
Do you, and the National Party really thinkg the PIRA was wrong during the Troubles?
No and yes,its a sensative topic,While I support unification I dont agree with the bombings and killing civilians,both sides did fucked up shit but thats war really,While I cant speak for anyone else I do think the Pira did alot of things wrong but their cause was understandable
PIRA din du nuthin wrong they waz gud bois
((They)) are having a poll about Trump visiting Ireland
There's a price to be paid for embracing a third-worldist outlook. There's a price to be paid for embracing a nationalism of Franz Fanon and Che Guevara and Bob Marley. The price you pay is at a psychic level. Doesn't matter what your motivations are. Even if it's a pose, that pose becomes a habit. Eventually the abyss stares back at you.
My question was poorly worded. But thanks for answering.
From my own point of view:
I've watched all Justin's video's. He goes on about how bad Gerry Adams is, yet the NP's site is entirely about him.
It also sounds, clearly, he thinks everything from the PIRA, and SF is to be fought against.
From a Nationalist point of view, and as someone who was in SF years ago, I can guarantee you most on the ground members are anti-immigration. But believe the PIRA are the only people who represent a "pro-Irish" stance.Sinn Fein want all Irish speaking schools etc., thus are pro-gaelicisation.
NP, doesn't seem to have any policy on the reunification of Ireland, or the Irish language.
>PIRA din du nuthin wrong they waz gud bois
They did lots, and should have done more.
>Franz Fanon
But socialism has always been part of the Irish struggle for independence.
The Colonists were either given, or stole our property. The only way to right the wrongs of that theft was socialism. It doesn't mean they still believe it. Most of their demands have been met in the North (other than unification obviously).
Armed struggle for the nation is justified. Armed struggle pretending to be for the nation but which is led by marxists to establish a socialist-communist regime in Ireland is most definitely not in the national interest.
Ah I see,I'm not sure about this,but I think they want to focus on fixing the Republic first and allowing the north to join us if they want to in the future
Does NP have anything like this? Maybe a hat that says "make Ireland Irish Again"?
time to lynch snoop dog
>Armed struggle pretending to be for the nation but which is led by marxists to establish a socialist-communist regime in Ireland is most definitely not in the national interest.
I've never read anything which has stated this.
But most of the men who fought in 1916 were also "Communists" by today's standards.
No not yet,the only party in Ireland that has their own hat is Sinn Fein
>Pic related
I'm related to the first president of Sinn Féin, Edward Martyn.
Why then hasn't the PIRA disavowed marxist, pro immigration, pro open borders Provisional Sinn Féin?
>,but I think they want to focus on fixing the Republic first
Fair point.
I do think it's difficult for Justin to make a serious complaint about Gerry, given the party revolves around him.
But I applaud you, or anyone for joining NP. I've read on forums(Reddit/Boards) that lefties are already trying to either hack the site, and/or get pictures of attendees to the party. So you guys are very brave. I'm sure if more people weren't worried for the jobs, or afraid of being ostracized for their opinions people would flock to you.
There's socialism and there's socialism and there's socialism.
I'm talking about alligning with Third World causes and mentalities. Seeing oneself as closer to the Black Man than to the Evil White Man. Left Wing Republicanism has infected the Irish psyche. Look at any reddit thread and you see the results.
>Why then hasn't the PIRA disavowed marxist, pro immigration, pro open borders Provisional Sinn Féin?
PIRA is pretty much not supposed to exist, and hasn't made any statement about anything since disarmament.
I think without the context of the North it's hard to see why they are pro-immigration. Firstly, there are fuck all immigrants in the North, and it drives the Unionists crazy. Secondly, a key target of SF is the "biggotization" of the Unionists in the eyes of the British public. Thus, when a UK voter thinks about the North of Ireland, they think the Unionists are all anti-gay,anti-black,anti-Irish.
It also allowed them to carve a strong vote with young people in Ireland. Being pro-gay marriage etc. On being pro-immigrant, I don't believe it.
Alex White has been over to Catalunya to study how Catalunya went full Catalan in school. This is a chief aim of SF North and South. Immigrants make up the lower percentiles of Irish speaking schools in the South. It's the same old tactic, say one thing; do the opposite.
Someone should get NP do something equivalent to the MAGA would be great for memes
Their only 3 months old and their money comes from donations making cringey hats is probably not high on their agenda.
Maybe a flat cap with miliministic design
I get you.
I suppose the alligned with the Third world mostly because that's where the support came from.
It wasn't that they identified with blacks, it was that the were labled as blacks.
POL is a good example of the shit Irish people get. So I guess PIRA thought "well fuck them".
The main thing to always remember is the strategy has been "England's difficulty is Ireland's opportunity". Thus, aligning with enemies of Britain makes complete sense. Whether it's the ANC, PLO or Qaddafi. The world was bi-polar, and officially the US was on the side of the Brits. Leaving only the Soviet Union and the non-aligned countries as potential allies.
Kilkenny parade was pretty good lads.
Tourist eating it all up.
Shame aboot the weather.
The whole town is drunk.
Watching the NY parade.
someone shoop a pepe into that bowl
>implying aesthetic isn't a high priority
In all seriousness tho, how will NP get funds in the future? Just donations, or are there other means?
Nice, just put a little NP on it and it's good
No more Pepes please.
No idea why you celebrate this but dont want this cancer to spread here like halloween.
What is he thinking in that pic?
hey we just burned bone fires and wore masks to keep spirits away, blame the rest on americans
Finland? More like no Funland.
I assume as they get larger some nationalistic companies and businesses may send support their way but currently their fairly unknown because the media has an unofficial policy of silence for NP to prevent their existence from being known.
Pints of Guinness, Brexit, having to return to Ireland.
Also an Irish holiday but Americans turned it into the shitfest that it is today.
What does Edna think of Americans/"Irish"-Americans?
Whenever I saw him here in the US he looked as though he didn't want to be here
American's invented the parade.
It's actually a lot less multi-cultural than our own.
The NY Paddy's Day parade is exactly how the Irish one should be.
American Pagan feast days.
Nothing to do with Christiaianity, literally Pagan, that is if you understand what Paganism is.
St Patrick's day is the most pagan festival you can have.
The Irish are trash.
You can't blame Americans for shitting up St Patrick's day, the way we celebrate it comes from Irish immigrants who made it into a meme to promote Irish acceptance
You shot yourselves in the foot m80
He's under massive pressure in Ireland to resign.
The media also expected him to punch Trump in the face, apparently. You know, because Rosie O'Donnell wanted it.
He definitely, wasn't as relaxed at normal.
Don't worry. In reality we are actually all celebrating an Irish-American holiday.
St.Patrick's day in Ireland use to be a Catholic procession, and a big ol' Mass. It was the one day in lent people were allowed to drink alchohol.
This then went state side, but it was much more about demonstrating to the WASPs in the US that the Irish had political power now.
How's the Irish parade? Is it bad?
There were 100s of parades all over the country.
Yea, the first st Patrick's day was like the equivalent to a gay pride parade
"We're here, We're Oirish! Get used to it!"
Also, sunny tomorrow and snow coming Mon and Tuesday lads.
Haha what are we like.
Intensly, in my opinion.
They get every minority they can find and put them front in centre. The most Irish thing that's ever a part of it is when the US marching bands play. Seriously.
It's always trying to not be too Irish. Because we've been told that's bad.
Whats this snow you speak of?
Fuck off you fucking lying piece of shit, you so loyal, you're not even in Ireland.
> nationalist
> Irish
Irish people are the most disloyal people in Europe, disgusting rat race stowaways into the British Empire.
I was talking about Halloween.
The PM of Ireland absolutely made Trump look like a fool by saying that the Irish came to seek opportunity and have contributed greatly. Same probably goes for the Syrians.
>Fuck off you fucking lying piece of shit, you so loyal, you're not even in Ireland.
Lying? You're an idiot.
Even a cursory glance at wikipedia for you will prove I'm right. As a parade, as a march, it started in New York with the AOH, you based, ignorant moron.
>Not living in Ireland
Your right, I should be either living at home or on the dole like you, Son?Stop sucking our people's oxygen.
The outlook for next week.
Shit, that's fucked, I'm assuming it's only in the cities like that? R-Right?
How long has it been this way?
I know Halloween has ancient Gaelic roots and all, but the way it's celebrated here isn't associated with Ireland.
I mean it's like trivial knowledge here that Halloween has Irish roots
I was talking about how Americans commercialised Halloween.
Whats your problem m8?
In Dublin, at least since 2000.
The Anti-Irish movement (i.e. we are so modern and progressive) since the Catholic paedophile scandals desu. Whilst completely unrelated, I think it shook a lot of people's foundations of thought. In that opening seeped this cultural relativism.
>seek opportunity
Most migrats are fucking trash that walked through the Irish system without a care or burden, they're greedy disloyal people who took everything from Ireland for granted and just spend all their effort and time in foreign countries, then this pieces of shit try to accumulate much wealthy, return to Ireland and live like they're upper class, or live like they've really contributed to Irish society.
Irish people are the most backward people in the west.
>you based
That's right, I'm based, and you're the afterbirth.
I hate Irish people.
>then this pieces of shit try to accumulate much wealthy,
>Irish people are the most backward people in the west.
You can fuck you "West" up your arse, if you mean the Anglo-Saxon cuckery that goes for Occidentalism.
Me thinks you're not Irish, mate.
Why are you here then?
You're angry and drunk.
Nigger alert
nigger alert
nigger alert
This chap isn't Irish.
His "accumulate much wealthy" is a bit of a give away. Most likely one of our Slav underling meat-choppers.
Why are you here? You're not nationalists of any sense, you believe in the whore.
If the NP opened a branch in the North, they can accept donations world wide.
This is my face.
No I mean why are you in this country if you hate it so much,also are you Irish or a immigrant
Pic related, Is this him?
What found you in Spain? Would you ever considered going back to Ireland?
Now that NPs dublin meeting is rapped up does anyone know when the next one while be?
You know who I am, I'm the Cambro Norman that conquers Irish for breakfast.
Yea I'd like to know WHERE it will be held next and how many people will be attending, the home addresses of Barret and Reynolds would be useful too, I'm planning a trip over and I'd like to attend a meeting :^)
They actually mentioned it earlier in the interview. Antifa said "Oh we had to get rid of our leader because his paedohilic nature was being used to blackmail him into an informant."
They actually had no issue with him being a paedo. Just that it had led to him becoming a tout.
Scum to the core.
Lets just say that my neighbors are not ethnically Irish.
Locals in my region go by names such as:
> Burke
> Tyrell
> Walsh
> Casey
> Talbot
> Lacey
et cetera
Most are not ethnic Irish, most are Cambro-Norman