Jap pedos

Why does Japan allow blatant pedophilia, how do we fix this?


Would you say that you're feeling


Not an rgument

I don't get it

Of course you wouldn't you fucking newfag

Get the fuck outta here and leave the lolis

Japan has a far lower rate of child sexual abuse than other countries.

Pic related

What would possibly compel them to switch from a system where pedophilia isn't completely stigmatized, and sexual abuse children is rare, to the system used in countries where sexual abuse of children is much more common? Don't fix what isn't broken.

We don't fix anything, because there is nothing to fix, how about the west worries about it's own problems with child sexual abuse instead of worrying about a country that has its problems under control?

>implying it's a problem that needs to be fixed
>implying it's a problem at all

>banning beautiful floors and desks



oh you.

T pedoleaf

Our noses aren't that big...

Wait really? I'm not that guy but I'm curious, would you say that it's a race thing or a social thing that keeps the pedophilia down? Do you know the rape rates in other Asian countries?

Fuck Europe and FUCK white people.

On the day of the wall trump is going to gas you pedos in the name of kek

As a proud cuckold fetishist, interracial porn connoisseur, male feminist and Hillary supporter I strongly agree with you, OP.
Something NEEDS to be done about all of those big bad scary fictional drawings before they hurt people.

trump is a loli lover too senpai.

Post more examples

Calm down nigger it's just a shitpost, I guarantee you everyone else in here is doing the same as me and just fucking with you boys at the FBI

You could have just said "as a proud Canadian"

Yea, for research.....

I never did like Rustle's art style all that much besides his fun fashion sense. Probably shoudl've been a fashion designer instead of peddling smut but whatevs. Ogu, Tetsu, Puchiya, these are the best lolis to me.

But then the majority of Brits would be considered Canadian desu


Thanks leaf


Your strawman still makes you a pedo.


Why does that little girl have such thick thighs

No I don't, and I don't really know the full picture of the problem, I just see it as incredibly incredibly arrogant for westerners to be critical of how Japan deals with pedophilia when they have a far worse problem themselves.

If an Asian country with lower rates of rape has some advice for Japan, they can talk to them about it. The West doesn't have a leg to stand on talking down to Japan. If anything, Japan should be teaching the Eest how to protect children.

Not an argument

Wtf mods mods odd MODS!!

>how do we fix this?
We encourage it!

underageb& pls leave

Requesting the screencap of the m00t post saying "post moar loli" please

Is that a NIPPLE? On Sup Forums - Anime and Manga?

Isn't this the exact same argument as the one against violent videogames?

whoops. didn't saw the nipples on the thumbnail. i'm sorry :^)

Pfft thats nothing. 70s era in the USA it was all over. Adults would hand dirty pictures to kids and laugh at their boners. Record sleeves featured groups of nekkid kids, posters, newspaper photos, etc. Its almost all memory holed now.

Kys amerifat your popmusic is much more degenerate

She's a dragon, if that helps

>implying cartoons is pedophilia

This. It's actually quite incredible how utterly memory holed this whole concept has been in America. American's seem to believe that the current laws and social norms we have regarding this has always existed for time immemorial, when the fact of the matter is that this is all extremely recent, as in the last 30 years.

Spoken like a true NWO servant.

As long as it doesn't support actual child rape like 3d cp, I don't see the problem with it being around.

>Pedofilia is wrong

>Unless its women initiation it, then we glorify it


>implying 70s-80s America wasn't hyper Jewed
Nice try Rabbi

>scribbles on paper is pedophilia

gas yourself.


user, don't be silly. That is entirely dependent on how attractive the woman is.

nuke them again

Fuck off pedo. Strawmemes won't save you.


>tfw rustle is patreon only now

just pirate your floors and desks senpai

black people smell like moldy beans 1499 teen girls now!

Fuck Japan for trying to poison the minds of young Western males with their weeb trash

>implying Kek(dbuh) does't like lolis

Never forget

Drawings don't have human rights.

While the U.S.A has Juden cake paradise and the U.K. has roving misunderstood fiddle gangs. Japan has really small amount of child molestation, compared.

Would be nice if you eternal Anglos would take care of these problems your "best friends" have in your back yards instead of finding blame with other countries.

It is only fucking cartoons, you jerk off to drawn little girls and then you don't have a need to jerk off to 3D ones, simple.

Isn't live-action porn with small breasted adult women considered "child porn" in Australia?


You can fuck 13 year olds there m8 (compared to 18 here) it's like legalizing murder and then bragging about your low murder rate. nb4 muh hebophilia: perverts don't care, plenty of 13 year old don't look very mature.

>Using Kek's name in vain
I hope he smites you.

Australia is a stupid country

better weeb than a croat priest rapist desu

Isn't lolJapan 's age of consent like 13?
Fucking degenerates. At least the herbivore men are rising up and behaving like civilized peoples.
Best honorary whites.

I remember japan age of consent is lower, am i right?

If ameritads knew what is biology and how the woman is ready after the menstruation (~13,14). They should be less retardeds.

It also is in germany.
Loli is legal, though, because retards like OP aren't in charge.

>tfw nobody checks these digits

im pretty sure prefectural law boosts age of consent to 18 in nipland.
You can probably fuck kids in Thailand though.

>feminists want to ban this

do you want to play switch?

>Unless its women initiation it, then we glorify it
t.Kaworu Watashiya and probably Ume Aoki

Pretty sure that was changed recently (like 2015 or something). And also it's on a per area basis, much like in the US with different state jurisdictions.

I only check digits in /po/

If it isn't broken, don't fix it

It is in canada and certain other countries. Sexualization of drawn children is CP






welp i should be arrested


Thailand is a pedo haven though. Really nasty stuff.


>blatant pedophilia
They're only able to rationalize it because it isn't so blatant.

>japan should be more like europe!
>literal pedophile rings with tens of thousands of kids being passed around by mudslimes
>"d-d-d-don't look at this! t-t-those evil drawings a-a-a-are hurting real kids!"

More like Ladyboy Heaven LOL


if this is 2.jpg, where is 1.jpg

>blatant pedophilia
>posts literal loli hentai
I think op is the pedo

Thailand is like 15 years ol

>replying to bait

so, if you are engaged with a 13 yrs old you can screw her?

Japan has more to worry about than to start a ridiculous witch hunt. Japanese are generally behaved and don't act on their desires.

>lolis be age 18
I know they can be but lolwut