So he refused to shake merkel's hand.

Fucking based. Reddit's chimping out.

Other urls found in this thread:


Lmao, what the hell is that face?

Strange because he shaked her hands when they first met and at the other conference today. However, I really enjoy how she gets rekt by him.

Did she really ask him that? I watched it on C-Span, but couldn't recognize the moment he refused to shake her hand?

pretty smug

I was referring to Merkel in the last pic, she looks like she's in despair


oh bad for her

Geez, 4000+ hate posts. I forget how much he's hated in normie world when I'm on Sup Forums all day. Is that particular sub lefty or something?



He doesn't like Germs.

I know a guy he won't be able to refuse a handshake from

Alpha Trump putting filthy globalists in their place

I don't think she speaks English, so how could she? Plus it's the Independent, so probably bullshit.

kek nice

Those digits

Epic classic Trump smirk.

Nice freedom get fampai

Why is reddit so full of cringe?


Hell yeah



I hope he grabbed that old bitch by the pussy instead.


The site is a left echo chamber and that's putting it lightly.

Trump = Asshole

What an original post

Nice get faggot

Better than MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA animation

Sup Adolf, the whole REICH thing was cool and all but y no bill of rights hmmm?

wasted get desu

He didn't hear her because of all the reporters and the click clacking of the cameras.

Commies don't deserve rights

At least he's not a pussy

Never link to reddit again.

Well, Merkel wishes that white males were all either dead or mixing race. That ideology needs to be put on notice that it's Jewish directed reign of terror is no longer allowed.

Small moves add up to big victories. So no handshake for Merkel.

The face of a thousand hours of despair!

He fucking heard it , even the reporters were asking it , he was like" *whistle whistle * i can t hear you "

He is part German, you Ameridumb. His ancestors are from Kalstadt.

>asking for a hand shake

How beta can you get? You dont ask for permission to shake hands, you put your hand out and see if they'll shake.

Germans aren't known for their social prowess, generally. Neither are women.

should have brought in a big black dog and let it roam around

My family came here from Germany after the war.
I'm an American, and Germany needs to be nuked.

Lol he shook her hand plenty of other times

>will shake mudslime saudi hands
>won't shake a Germans


Germans are more repulsive.

Merkal is a globalist kike that is actively destroying Germany. She is no German, just as Soros is no Hungarian.

As to why he shook the Saudis hands... we need oil

You are full of shit.

Sup Forums gets more disgusting every day, fuck you

she definitely asked him if he wanted a handshake.

>The one German poster in this thread is so assblasted that he firmly believes if you have German ancestry it's impossible to hate Germany and is shit-talking everyone who hates Germany

wew lad

There are precious few good Germans left. The rest either died or left the country following WW2. The country itself is led by a Polish Jew who served as the secretary of agitprop in East Germany and worked closely with the Stasi as a result.

You let a woman run and ruin your country. Go worship your shit refugees you disgusting german piece of shit.

you wont believe how nice it is to live with these people

More like redditors are coming on Sup Forums more and fucking more. It's so painfully fucking obvious.

How's the big arab cock feel, Ahmed?


What if he didn't hear her? He's old and he didn't even acknowledge that she asked anything.


Look at those fuck me eyes on Merkel, someone post the I bet she still masturbates to the memory pasta right now!

Anyone who thinks this is awesome or hilarious should kill themselves.

If you aren't completely embarrassed to have Trump as a president at this point YOU are the definition of degenerate.

I've never been so proud of Trump

Germany absolutely BTFO

Auf Wiedersehen, England

>>news form plebbit

am wochenende darfst du länger wachbleiben?

Auf Wiedersehen, your cultural history

Am Wochenende ist der Lohn höher, du kleiner AfD-Lümmel

Merkel should not be respected. Her main goal of being Germany's leader is letting a vast amount of refugees in that aren't integrating. Fuck this stupid bitch.

früher oder später bekommt ihr was ihr verdient

Eine wartungsfreie Kaffeemaschine sowie zwei extra Zigarettenpausen wären schon ein Anfang.

It's not about Trump and Merkel. It's about the US and Germany and western countries maintaining relations. The fact that Trump doesn't seem to recognize or care about who and what he is meant to represent is beyond stupid. He is a megalomaniac. You have elected a complete fucking buffoon to be the leader of the free world and you're proud of it.



He just seems stressed and beta in the situation.

Kraut genocide when? Fucking retarded autists

I think her face is just tired.

Hör auf, deinen Schulz Waifus Arsch zu lecken. Geh dich selbst um

>Refuse handshake

Think again you idiot

Jesus, this is so forced. Stop the shilling for (((Schulz))), Germany is so fucked up that he's bound to win.

And (((Schulz))) is held in contempt by Kek.

>Trump wont do handshakes because of autistic fear of germs
>Wow, so based, much respect

You guys are fags.

So they did make a handshake after all. Pol was wrong again.

pajeet, what do you care? are you some kind of a supremacist? lmao

Multiple times even

refusal to handshake is not a declaration of war. its a fucking handshake, which they later ended up doing anyway. don't put so much importance on a handshake and look at the rest of the press conference. it's not the end of relationship of 2 countries over A FUCKING HANDSHAKE. you over analyzing shits.

Not only that, but Trump extended his hand first

not just wrong, but made a huge fucking deal out of nothing.


I'm tired of pussies being in charge. I'm not a pussy, so they do a terrible job of representing me.

Get it?


Gee whiz, what do you guys think Melania is getting up to in New York while Trump is busy being the bottom bitch of Mama Merkel?

Real manly of him not to have his wife in his house, huh?


It's time to acknowledge that Europe is not white. White is an amalgam of the Europeans brave enough to make a life free from tyranny here in the Americas. You can't be white if you aren't American. The ones who stayed are not white, they are European, a step down. We must liberate and subjegate the eternal Kraut, Frog and all of their client states, Once we eliminate the dirt races and the Jew, the European will be the underclass of Whites and the world will see a million years of peace in our Technotopia where Euroslaves serve as pets for our robot underlings.

because if she puts her hand out then the press get pictures of her getting rejected whereas this way it's not quite as bad for her

Trump was clearly refusing to shake her hand at the photo op because the reporters were demanding it.
He doesn't respond to demands.

I love how reddit is ejaculating over the fact that Merkle has a PhD in some weird physics-chemistry crossover.

1. Physics-chemistry crossover shit is pleb tier
2. PhD woohoo big fucking deal, like 90% of german politicians have that (usually in stuff like law and such though)
3. she studied in fucking commie east germany, so the true quality of her studies is rather questionable anyway

And Drumpf is so stupid he just is a billionare, am i rite????

Fucking reddit is sooo gay omg.


fuck off, you need to go back.

PhD in destroying Europe?

He refused the first one.

Everybody's talking about earlier in the day you mongrel.

Not the one people are talking about.

Yes but we're talking about earlier.



Trump looks fed up with the press.