>he thinks mass immigration is a Marxist conspiracy
>he doesn't realize mass immigration is a consequence of increased globalization, easier modes of transportation, and lowered birthrates of Western nations.
>he thinks mass immigration is a Marxist conspiracy
>he doesn't realize mass immigration is a consequence of increased globalization, easier modes of transportation, and lowered birthrates of Western nations.
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None of those things nessecitate bringing hordes of unskilled, unintelligent, incompatible hordes within a countries borders.
>implying a fucking leaf can defend his statement
you're right, it's not a marxist conspiracy, it's a jewish subversion tactic
>hey i got an idea
what is it?
>let's trade goods with the entire fucking world!
hey, that sounds actually pretty cool. let's do it!
>we also have to give every single shitstain on the world free access and citizenship to our country
you kinda lost me there, buddy.
Yet leftist parties are the ones who shill heavily for letting in rapefugees the most. Look at Socialist Democrat parties in Europe.
Why aren't an equal amount of white and Asians going to the Middle East in appropriate proportions?
>None of those things nessecitate bringing hordes of unskilled, unintelligent, incompatible hordes within a countries borders.
But most immigration brings in people who, at the very least, can do blue-collar type jobs.
Sup Forums stereotying all immigrants as welfare parasites isn't reality in most Western nations.
why would we want them? we already have tons of blue collar people out of work
>Sup Forums stereotying all immigrants as welfare parasites isn't reality in most Western nations.
how much taxes do they pay versus how much taxes do they cost
Cuz it drives down labor costs. When I lived in CA nobody did their own yard work cuz it would only cost you 50 bucks a month for full service gardening thanks to all the Mexicans. Get a maid, nanny, all sorts of services for dirt cheap.
So what now some fucking retard trailer trash now cant get a job now. Fuck them losers.
>m-maybe we can conflate conspiracy with consequence, just like we did with equality and equity
>increased globalization
>lowered birthrates
wonder (((who))) could be behind that
You realize Marx advocated for free trade ang globalization?
Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi
>he doesn't realize the tactics to carry out the agenda are the agenda
I mean you're not wrong.
The hardest pill that Sup Forums can't quite seem to swallow is that Marxism is long dead and is just another commodification of capitalism (that being modern liberal progressive globalization)
Truly the bluest of pills.
A well trained chimp can be said to do the same. That was also a statement not an argument.
A decreasing population is only a problem when you have a corrupt welfare state that sells out future generations for enslaving the present.
Don't forget foreign combat
Just the natural extension of the Jewish persecution complex. Pushing for less tradition and more acceptance for the sake of their own personal safety. Jews push egalitarianism because in their minds the alternative is Nazism.
Increased globalization and lowered birthrates in Western countries are consequences of Marxism, dipshit.
Marxism is primarily the belief that there is always systemic oppression, and the only resolution is oppressing the oppressor. This has been the mainstream narrative of the mainstream left for roughly 30 years.
Nice try bucko.
>the pigs
cuckservatives want immigration because it means lower wages for their workers
liberals want immigration because it leads to more voters for pro-immigration parties
immigration is not a left/right issue. its a nationalist vs traitor issue
>and lowered birthrates of Western nations.
Whites don't want to have kids that the state has to pay for, but minorities are more than happy to fire out babies non stop and make us pay for them.
We need to end welfare. Start the eugenics.
Oh yeah how's that?
> the "whites don't have children!" bit again
Show me the article about any location in the Western World where an industry or city was in trouble due to lower birthrates. That there are not enough people somewhere and for that place to not disappear, looser immigration from other countries is needed.
Now I think you're going to say some derivative of "the jobs white people won't do." which Sup Forums users have said again and again, is because of shitty wages and employee policies. Just because an uneducated Latino will brave illegally immigrating to Texas to clean a toilet at an office for $4.00 an hour 14 hours a day doesn't mean the Texans there should have to subject themselves to that.
Meant to Quote OP.
>Oppressing the oppressor
...those bastards!
So why do leftist parties shill the most for mass immigration?
>mass immigration is a consequence of increased globalization, easier modes of transportation, and lowered birthrates of Western nations
Explain Japan LEAF.
Wrong. Marx argues that because of capitalism there are always exploiters and those who are exploited. If we abolish capitalism that system of oppression goes away. Read Das Kapital.
>pushes propaganda while bull fucks my wife
Speaking of bulls.
Funny comic but I'm lost on what it has to do with Canada.
And replace it with what exactly? A communist paradise?
Surely it wouldn't become a genocidal killing machine this time, right?
>he thinks he's an independent thinker and not a Jewish shill
>never dawned on him that immigration is not a necessity or that the Democratic party promotes low class brown people to migrate here because they will contribute to their voting base
Paradise doesn't exist, get that utopian nonsense out of your head. How does it make sense for someone to throw a dollar at a factory and workers and walk away with 2 dollars while doing nothing at all?
Don't throw stones when in glass houses.
Sounds a lot like slavery desu.
>illegal in 42 states
Still better than Canada. I also don't live in any of the states it's legal, so your analogy is void.
>go back to /Leftypol/ LEAF commie.
The problem is not the migrants and outsiders who want to come in.
The problem is the people and groups who allow them entry, open the proverbial gates, attack those who look out for white Western society, and who openly state their intentions to disenfranchise, demoralize, marginalize, and eliminate the native white westerners in their own societies, while using their victims taxes and productivity to finance and put such a plan into action.
>what is risk of owning a business
>what is accountability to shareholders
>what is start up costs
>what is workers using the businesses capital solely for personal gain, with no oversight of the business
Who fed you this bullshit? You know you are on Sup Forums right?
>what is risk of owning a business
If a business gets in trouble it is never the investor who suffers but the workers who are laid off and told to sink or swim because of
>what is accountability to shareholders
>what is start up costs
Where do you think capital comes from in the first place?
>what is workers using the businesses capital solely for personal gain, with no oversight of the business
The investors don't do this the workers do. What the left hopes to do is abolish investors who do literally nothing.
Sorry wrong video.
>he doesn't realize marx argued for free trade/movement of people to break down culture making people ripe for radical change
mass immigration is a consequence of the governemnt saying "kek lets not protect our boarders anyone can come"
You canadians piss me off with your politeness.
either this is a bait/slide thread, OP is a raging immigrant with an inferiority complex, or he's just an idiot