How do we solve the fag problem /pol\?
How do we solve the fag problem /pol?
throw them off buildings
Mike "AC/DC for the LGBT" would solve the problem in one (1) nanosecond if he went from vice president to president
Treat the issue, a small INAH-3
I don't have a problem with fags, But OVERLY GAY fags. That! I have a problem with.
By replacing the mods
"fag" here. First of all the term is gay or homosexual. Second of all, where do you get off calling our lifestyle a problem? We have less relationship problems than you nutcase straight people do.
post source without fucking jew app download
Hi Muhammad
Always wanted to know if sandniggers should bounce when they hit the ground.
Kill yourself.
Hear, hear, the death penalty, vigorously enforced, is the only solution to the gay problem.
the death penalty is the only way to get rid of them
This. Most fags are just blokes in polo shirts drinking beer who are far more red pilled than your average hetero numale cuck. Paedos are satanic motherfuckers who are beyond sexuality and fully balls deep in evil. Stop it
Isn't it lesbians with he highest rate of domestic violence?
Aren't gays, ahem, faggots the ones with the lowest reproduction rates therefore causing the direct decline of the west?
Aren't LGBTQP+ faggots intersectionalists, promoting everything anti white,anti straight, anti male,anti capitalist, and anti religious(except for Islam of course)?
Aren't the faggots overwhelmingly leftists?
Gee IDK user. This was a tough think through.
making the population know that homosexuality is purely environmental and most homosexuals were molested as children
demanding treatment should be an option for those who want it.
"The term is homosexual" shut up fag. Go neck yourself.
>I don't have a problem with Islam as long as it's moderate
all fags i meet arent pedos. mby 40% of flaming homos are pedos
Horseshit. Face it. Nazis are gay - always have been and always will be.
>what is the SA?
what does that have to do with reply
>Crying girl
>not boy
that poster sucks
He's too autistic, best leave that one alone. I mean really, you're right about everything. Gays make good intersectionalist/political fodder for the far lefties, so those in power are careful not to let go of their leashes or their reigns.
>40% of the child predators
this is nonsensical though, the vast majority of men who sexually assault boys identify as straight and usually have children or families themselves. Apparently being an openly gay male makes you less likely to molest children than being a closet-case who tries to live a lie.
another fag here. can confirm that there a lot lefties in the community. just shock us all
Pff good luck, breeder. I'm behind 7 jewish media outlets.
Gays are based. Not weaklings born out of molestation. There is nothing more masculine than homosexuality. Even when is faggy af. We reject the vagina Jew.
>a lot of lefties in the lgbtqp community
hmm you don't say
dude, i'm gay. every single gay i've met (including myself) have been molested. i seriously can't tell if you're serious with those claims, but im gonna pretend you are cuz im bored,
most gays are degenerate, but when they're not, yes, they are indeed based
no, they are born out of molestation, incest, poor parenting, now that doesn't make them weaklings, overcoming those things is hard if you're not a degenerate who enjoyed those experiences
homosexuality is masculine when it's not faggy
we don't reject the vagina jew, vaginas are needed to procreate bro
If it does not generate, it's degenerate.
*record scrath*
*freeze frame*
What do you mean you are Gay ???
Your straight just have some faulty wiring,
Indigenous Europeans need to reproduce get a girlfriend.
top kek
repent faglord
>what is the SA
>what is the night of the long knives
the paramilitary group that Hitler used during his rise to power that nearly destroyed everything in the beginning because too many degenerate faggots and retards wanting to overthrow the government
By minding your own business and respecting rights.
What makes you go out in public and do this in front of hundreds of people?
Just why?
with memes
It literally has a citation at the bottom right corner of the image you mongoloid :^)
Pedophilia is a sexual orientation of its own. They have their types i.e male or female, some are interested in a certain age.
This is one thing Muslims do right.