>Peru is third worl-
Peru is third worl-
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this a meme now? If so, I'd like to get in on the ground floor!
Hey look, it's where all the whites live.
>shows picture of Zurich
Low effort copy thread
Pretty sure it's Bern.
3rd worlder lied again the thread.
You feel cheated finland?
That's New York, retard.
whats going on today
im seeing lots of thirld-world shitposting
Shouldnt Brazil be the monkey one?
Yes, for a second I thought Peru could look nice.
Don't blame me I always post.
>Florida is a shit ho........
>calling others third world
I see this kid of shit in facebook all the time kek
i include myself man
That's Hong Kong you retard
>Viking colony complains about the motherland.
it's funny. we have Argentinians coming here and sucking our Peruvian dicks for money because their country is too retarded to not get in recession every year
That's fucking Bern you third world degenerate
We are third world, you are our third world though. BTW stop sending your narcos here.
i dont believe you
im over 35 years old and i have never ever met a humble argentinian
lynch peru
oh boy...someone needs to get out of the basement more often
you are looking for colombia
He is proxying you dumb niggers, stop replying to him.
it was just a ruse, of course im better than you HAHAH YOU THOUGHT A PERU-ANO WAS UP TO MY LEVEL???
Australia is a fucking hellhole full of degenerates and....
Your standars for humble are more serious than ours.
I have never meet a not humble peruvian.
Literally all of the narcos who run the villas miserias here are Peruvian. Colombians are also bad, but they mostly traffic drugs so we catch them at the airports.
Which is the best country in South America? My money is on chili
S-Sorry my Peruvian intellectual.
This is switzerland, you leafless fag.
Definetely Chile. I would say maybe us or Uruguay second.
Stop thinking about food you fat americuck
I thought Chile is the best one too. They even have things so good they have time to larp as 20th century Germans. Life looks decent there.
definitely Chile or Argentina
we're full
proxy, don't engage, save bullets for real peruvians
Would you Sup Forums?
>Sealand isn't an African col-
Any place with rails in front of doors and windows of houses is third world.
We still do that everyday.
you're right, thanks fellow choriposter
kek, that's where upper-middle class hippies from Argentina go on vacation. They like backpacking through Bolivia to get there.
>The American South is a cultural and economic backwa-
Hands down Uruguay, its not even a competition.
People say Chile but thats bullshit, its horrible, has horrible weather, horrible women, horrible dialect, horrible culture, horrible everything. The only bright thing is the easy-trigger police and the floating economy.
Uruguay is the paradise. Everyone speaks right, lots of mate, blond girls, black girls, brown girls, all yearning for some porteƱo cock.
You got free weed, alcohol, beautiful city that looks like buenos aires should've . Beautiful weather, beaches, strong meat, no peronists, no mess.
Just pure bliss.
I just assume Uruguay is a nation full of autists who bite
>make a serious thread about politics and shit
>0 replies
>make a shitposting thread with an obvious bate picture
>over 100 replies 150 images
We do ok.
welcome to Sup Forums
Not really, it's just a more multi-culti Argentina without Peronism and filled with rich hippies. They also have the same population as our capital city and most of our provinces are bigger than their country.
stop obsessing over rich hippies
>stop obsessing over rich hippies
I mean, it's true though. Both Buenos Aires and Uruguay are filled with them.
its actually correct
plus now we have gangs mugging tourists that come out of the airport
one American got gutted last month he spent a week in the hospital
i wish, i wish
yeah that's bern I was there a couple years ago
Nice try.
The only redeeming quality of Peru is Peruvian cocaine, which is truly the best in the world these days.
This is fact, I've done extensive research.
Fuck. That.
>indios are subhuma-
uruguay is way too boring
>Germany is Musli-
Rate my brazilian neighborhood, polacks.
Brazil isn't in it.
third worls means neither NATO nor Warsaw Pact
>file name
silly kraut, we all know Bielefeld doesn't exist
Reminds me of Buenos Aires' Villa 31
Fat American tourists btfo!
>it's another /latin-americans-fight-amongst-each-other-to-determine-who-is-the-least-pathetic/ thread
argentinians are mostly white so it can't be that bad
forgive me father
cyberpunk 2033 nice
thats bern switzerland
that's novigrad
you're doing as well as nambia motherfucker yes you are third world
part 2
>tfw peru was founded 195 years ago and they still are below $10,000 gdp per capita
how many generations of failure is that?
that's just a screenshot from Uncharted
Really comfy looking settlement desu
Ur pos sorry excuse of a spic "country" has a gdp per capita less than the chinks...they have 45 times of your population. Let that sink in to your monkey brains for a while
gotta thank the romans and greeks huh?
its all came from them
Oh, good, a Peruvian.
My guinea pig is kind of listless. He's still eating and drinking, but he seems kind of sick. What should I do? (Besides eat him; only savages eat pets.)
stop dreaming and shitposting here, you'd better go and catch a pidgeon for your dinner
fuck it
Fucking people eat guinea pigs, if you can believe that.
Picture in OP's post is of Bern, Switzerland. Learn to fucking reverse image search, you idiots. It's like the Jews don't even have to try anymore.
you got bait, retard
I just random dropped on street view to see whatever Kek decided to show me about Peru, and it looks pretty much shit tier. Nice try, though.
Should have named this image "Kangz3000" or "India2030"
>moorberian rape baby
>give me phantasy star universe or I release the pigeon
>nah its actually this city
good thread