If we got rid of welfare and cut food stamps, would that get rid of poverty and illegal immigration?
If we got rid of welfare and cut food stamps, would that get rid of poverty and illegal immigration?
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no crime will just sky rocket
>would that get rid of poverty
There has to be a demand for labor with reasonable wages too. This doesn't just happen.
Right now they know the demand is low and they pretty much have to give people welfare or face civil unrest.
>and illegal immigration?
It would help A LOT. It would not necessarily end it but it would reduce the damage.
Nope. Just look at the Dominican Republic, which gives jack shit to Haitian illegals.
But the Haitians don't stop coming.
It would effectively end welfare tourism. Illegal immigration would still persistent until anchor baby citizenship was ended.
Will always exist in a capitalistic society, its manageable when there are more jobs available than unemployed and more food than mouths. Egalitarianism is a meme.
What if we had a free market economy? Would that help?
It wouldnt end poverty. Define poverty though, there is none in the first world realative to truly dirt poor people in the world. A true FME would just be established multinationals conspiring and fucking the average man repeatedly without penalty, price fixing monopolys company stores etc .
There wouldn't be any monopolies because corporations will always have to compete against each other in a free market economy. Also, monopolies are created due to government regulations.
We should give bonus welfare payments for people who get sterilized.
why do you give out food stamps to illegals
llegals will run through the U.S. and run for the Canadian border instead.
I have no idea. It's just something the Democrats like to do, which is stupid.
Poverty will always exist, but it will force the lazy to actually work. There would also be less of an incentive for migration, so it would help with illegal immigration.
These corporations are pretty smart and could easily figure out ways around your lawless system. It results in polluted rivers and price fixing.
With a charter system and corporational death penalty for gross environmental disasters it could work though.
I like that idea
No. But it would force people to work, hence lowering taxes and potentially lowering the poverty rate to an extent like in the 1950s.
I don't think it would stop illegals in the US. The mexicunts aren't lazy when they first get there, they had to survive in meheeco with no gibs and they had to get across the desert. So they would still come.
>build wall
So sterilize millions of whites instead of giving them employment options and necessity?
What about property rights? If a corporation is causing pollution where you live, that means they are infringing on your property rights, therefore they will be sued and go out of business.
>With a charter system and corporational death penalty for gross environmental disasters it could work though.
that's a pretty good idea. It should include all the main beneficiaries to some extent though - since they would try to register some placeholder people otherwise.
>beating a monopoly in court in a FME
Don't worry, they would do that to themselves.
The environmental regulations make it not a FME. Bribe coruption collusion , corporations already know all of these tricks, thats why i suggested the charter system.
What is the charter system? Will it work?
Just to remind you, Georgia EBT system crashed a few years ago. Nogs were |--| this close to rioting in the streets. People were getting super agitated and fucking hot about it, but the system got fixed just in time. Sup Forums was hankering for a happening, but crisis averted.
In short, niggers wouldn't go a month without large scale rioting if their gibs got cut off.
>large scale rioting if their gibs got cut off
Easy fix. Unleash the cops and allow them to administer instant punishment.
What if we created more jobs and got rid of the minimum wage? Would that help?
it would help but it would take a long time, and it would likely never be a complete solution. If it's done too fast and they are asked work they are not used to, they'll just riot
bongbro it's nowhere near as harrowing as you seem to think. lol, cross a desert. these fucks get bussed in by the dems, or did. it's nothing to cross the border in a car. obongo tied pretty much all forms of anti-immigration during his administration. his 6 gorillion deported shit is exactly that, bullshit. I see mexicans (unfortunately) pretty regularly in my small neck of the woods, all of them are on welfare. Even if they have a shit job and DO work, they still get food stamps and shit out the fucking ass. Don't be misinformed, it's a fucking joke we support these leeches. Niggers are bad as well, but we've had to get used to them over the decades. These spics can fuck off though, cause they aren't even citizens and pretty much contribute fuck all to our country.
Its sort of still in place
But its the way corporations were formed under english common law in colonial days. A yearly renewall after citizen review that your company served the public interests. Todays remnants of it are worthless after years of lobbyists and bribes just made it a rubber stamp like in that youtube. We need a corporate death penalty.
Nogs on welfare should be sent to Syria.
No because most of the people on welfare don't want to work. Entire generations have lived off having a magic food card while doing nothing themselves but sitting on porches and causing crime. It's a form of control for undesirables in my opinion, it keeps them lazy fat and stupid and suffering from shit like diabetes, but the user you quoted is right, if they shut it off there'd be full scale fucking riots and they'd have to bring out some serious enforcement to quell it.
Would it work in a libertarian society?
Welfare was a mistake.
It should be done little by little. One step at a time.
Just to be clear im no socialist tree hugger, but when you wreck the whole gulf of mexico and nothing happens thats a problem. Your average dry cleaners will just dump gallons of perc down a storm drain just to save a hundred shekels.
>would it work in an lawless anarchist hellhole
probably not.
True, but I have a question. In a libertarian society, will corporations like BP be held responsible for pollution and other damages?
Libertarianism is about small government. You are thinking about Anarcho-Capitalism, which has no government.
News flash boys, Gibson once given can rarely be taken away. That's political suicide!
Mass civil unrest would be good for the west, its been a while.
Ineffective and powerless turns into nonexistent real quick.
What if welfare was taken away, little by little instead of just taking it away immediately?
>Ineffective and powerless turns into nonexistent real quick.
True, but a small government would be just as effective as a big government, just on a smaller scale.