Plan to fix the Balkans

>Slovenia and Croatia remain the same
>Bosnia turned into an enclave country
>Serbia acquires all the land with ethnic Serbs, can finally stop whining because they are no longer landlocked
>Albania gets their gay little "Greater Albania" taking a small chunk of Greece, 25% of Macedonia and adds Kosovo
>Bulgaria takes 75% of Macedonia, as Bulgaria is the ancestral homeland of the Macedonians. Language and genetics identical
>Romania takes Moldova
>Hungary gets a small chunk of Northern Serbia and a pocket in Transylvania
>Balkans fixed

Other urls found in this thread:

arrows signify population exchanges

>gas gypsies
>gas Muslims, "Bosnian" and Albanian both
>offer Catholics (Croats and Hungarians mostly) conversion or explusion
>Balkans rid of sandniggers and pedophile Popists
>Balkans fixed

We're talking about actual possible solutions here, not fantasy

Are you really going to let the eternal gypsy get away with stealing Dobrudja?

If we're talking alternate history, then the Balkans should look like pic attached. But Dobrudja has been completely Gypsyized, it's too late to reclaim.

I think this is a solution where every single one of the countries, except for Macedonia (which is a made up country) are happy. Balkans can finally start working together and can influence global politics.

>possible solutions
>not fantasy

jeez leaf, I though U'd know better. There's no fixing us.

oh i guess that is true what Serbs say about are really a backstabbing shit hole

If you read history, you would see that it's the Serbs that are the notorious backstabbers. This is coming from an unbiased history geek.

Romania has backstabbed quite a bit as well. But the land of the Roma people is irrelevant really. It's gypsy land and the only non-shithole part of the country is Hungarian.

But seriously, can a Balkan thread go 5 minutes without insults being flung? Lets have a progressive discussion here boys. Canada is mediating.

Not the entire thing, but this is my idea. In red: Carpathian Kingdom, blue: Greater Romania. Pls no bully.

they pretend to be our friends but wait the right moment and start chanting muh Dobrudja muh Dobrudja muh Dobrudja muh Dobrudja muh Dobrudja IT'S DOBROGEA AND IT WILL NEVER BE YOURS!!
yeah only if they respect the territorial integrity of my country
hahah keep dreaming

Plan to fix the Balkans
>genocide everyone except of ethnic Romanians
>let Italians, Greeks and Hungarians rule the land

Are you sure you are willing to take in that giant wave of gypsies? Or would there be population exchanges?


Bulgaria literally already has Southern Dobruja. And I'm assuming that's the best part, as Bulgaria gets 12 million tourists a year, while Romania gets 2.

I dont consider romanians living in Transylvania gypsies - as for the real gyppos I have a hope that they could be civilized given proper attention.

Why isn't Burgenland part of Hungary when Muraköz (NE-Slovenia) is?

Just like fix the Caucasus.

Fuck off Bozghor

Ethnic Romanians are literally gypsies. The land is named after the Romani people:

>traditionally nomadic ethnic group
>originating from the northern regions of the Indian subcontinent
>widely known among English-speaking people by the exonym "Gypsies"


ROMANIa btfo

How to be retarded and not understanding that the Romanian word for Gypsie isn't Roma

Its a personal thing honestly - I hate austrians with a burning passion and wouldnt want them back, even if Burgenland is historically linked to Hungary.

This map doesn't take into consideration the fact that Macedonia is a fake country and having it disappear would be in the interest of the Balkans.

>Turks complain about Germans
What a laugh

we are just a bunch of tribes, there is no fixing us unless some bad boy dictator comes along and teaches us how to behave.

>feels bad man

Is this the average serb mentality?

unfortunately yes
we are like good dogs, loyal and hard working, but without a master we would be lost in chaos


The solution is less Slavs

You forgot:
>gypsies are genocided

The post.
How to actually fix the balkans is easy.
>Leave Slovenia out of everything
>Croatian & Serbia split Bosna
>Kosovo gets cleansed
>Montenegro goes back to Serbia
>Bulgaria takes Macedonia
>Greek elects the Golden Dawn
>fuck off Romania
there i fixed it
Also institute ZBOR and NDH for the memes
,t dijaspora
You are a retard.

also the map is uggo
like you

Jesus Christ honestly kill yourself for making me cringe this much at late night.


Your hatred only makes me harder Sebroach

she isnt hot

we non white people are brainwashed to think this pig subhuman is beautiful and special

not Serbian.

.t nigger

Wrong. Republika Srpska should be independent. I am a Bosnian Serb.

>remove kebab
>entire world is fixed

This would be a below average tier woman in the Balkans. She actually looks more Ukrainian too.

Balkan women are the most beautiful in the world. Especially Romanian / Bulgarian / Croatian / Serbian

Other than the thick, white/tanned "Dominicans," Dominicans are hideous people.

And that girl would literally be a 5/10 in the Balkans.

Every ex-Yugo is a Serbroach

Where are you from buddy, woman I posted is Anglo-Scottish.

Not Serbian scumbag

>kill a few innocent Bosnian farmers
>"le remove kebab XD"

>Montenegro leaves Serbia just more than 10 years ago
>let's put them back together XD



>"le Muslims meme XD"
The Serbian army fancied themselves crusaders fighting for Christ, but shat themselves when the actual Islamic warriors went "remove cevapi" on their asses during the Bosnian War.

Obviously if they are willing to convert, they are fine. They may be Muslims, but they are good Slavic people. They aren't Roaches. Anybody saying otherwise is an idiot.

Those that don't convert, however, get the boot. Doesn't even need to be Orthodoxy, can be Christian/Buddhist/Atheist/Agnostic

Or you could all just have a melting pot like us, you racists.

C'mon, Goy. Don't you want to be a cultureless homogeny?

If nato didnt save your asses you wouldnt even exist in Europe

Let's get back to the ground for a second. What sort of authority do you even think you have in the matter?

I like this one.

>muuuh NATO!!!
>muuuh Western Imperialism!!!

Grow some balls for once and stop blaming others for your own failures. Yugoslavia was a Kalergi abomination and destined to fall.


Man sometimes I just wish my fellow Serbistaners would stop responding to the fucking bait.

Da li si ti , sine moj, jebeno retardiran?
Zasto odgovaras na tako ocigledan bait?
Mislis da nekoga boli kurac za tvoje misljenje?
Mislis da njega boli kurac za tvoje misljenje?

fml, i just wish kebab altogether with serbs retarded as this one would vanish.

>and the only non-shithole part of the country is Hungarian.

>Russians shit on us and divide us
>Wallachs shit on us and divide us
>Every contribution we had for society wallachs claimed to be theirs
>tfw we actually helped make this union
>we were the last part of "Romania" when WWI got shit
>no culture invested further in us
>no industry invested further in us
>no tourism
>country is full of transylvanian-wannabe wallachs
>no way east
>no way west

I wish for once some folks would remember we exist.

Did i miss something?

>Fix the balkans
>by balkanize everything around even more

sasuga, leaf

The only valid solution

your mom doing anal

Second this.

Serbia acquires all the land with ethnic Serbs, can finally stop whining because they are no longer landlocked
>Albania gets their gay little "Greater Albania" taking a small chunk of Greece, 25% of Macedonia and adds Kosovo
You know that this won't fix the Balkans at all. You think that Serbia won't whine about Kosovo going to Albania?


Subhuman please

Not bad, but why would Greece get any of Macedonia? It's the name the Greeks are pissed about. The people themselves are Bulgarian. Bulgaria should take 90% and the Albanians should get the 10% in the Northwest with an Albanian majority.

Hey, fuck off and get your own Proxy GRU shill and stop trying to make Serbia happen. Nobody liked Serbia in Yugoslavia. Trying to restart old conflicts is just dumb.

Serb should focus on trying to improve the lives of Serbians by working on improving infrastructure, stopping the political corruption (crony culture & embezzlement) and EU relations.

Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, Hungary and Romania would all appreciate it if you could get your shit together. You're making us all look bad.

If it's the land they want they aren't getting it unless they offer another territory equal in size and bountifulness.

being landlocked is infuriating , don't blame them for being mad, especially with Montenegro being Serbs. Milogorici are a dumb meme

>be close to 40% of the populations
>supposedly get just some rugged, uninhabited mountains

Leaf pleas

Wanna fix the balkans? Give Istria and Dalmatia to Italy

Montenegro leaving Serbia was due to western influence and corruption , nothing else. Easier to sell off the country
t. "Montenegrin "in USA

Greece already have a part of Macedonia

>You think that Serbia won't whine about Kosovo going to Albania?
personally i couldn't care less about that shithole
we only want north kosovo with serb being majority of the population there to go to us
the rest you can take freely

there was poll recently about going into another war for kosovo and like 80% of our people said that they wouldn't go for it

Exactly, and they won't give you any land


just do it.

>Albania gets their gay little "Greater Albania"

What about removal?

Fellow Leaf, what you fail to understand is that having a made up country exist in Macedonia is not in the best interest of the Balkans.


20% of population of serbia is 1,5 million people.
east thrace to greece and it's perfect

Removal would obviously be the best case scenario, as Macedonia can then be split between Orthodox Greece and Orthodox Bulgaria. Maybe even Orthodox Serbia can get a chunk. Macedonia is Orthodox land. Problem is that in the modern day, removal is simply unrealistic. Giving them 10% of Macedonia would remove tension.

I could live with this.

The only thing that would make it slightly better is if Bulgaria gets a few villages in Serbia that are mojority Bulgarian and Serbia gets a few mostly Serb villages in Macedonia. Also we need the northern part of Kosovo because its mojority Serb.

I think it's pointless to do that over a couple villages. Wouldn't a population exchange be better?

NO again

i agree, we should do that also in presevo and bujanovac valley

where albos consist majority of the population there


Just kill the Muslims and remove fake countries like Kosovo and Bosnia. Give back Greece Macedonia and and the rest of Epirus.

>the Balkans
Oh, leaf, you're so naive.


Europe 1000AD is best Europe IMO


>one lik on Trudeaus balls coupon deposited in your account

joking aside the term romani( gypsyes) is a modern invention literraly made up by the hunic kike known as Soros

IT'S A SAD pathethic life you have there

shilling and shit

i pitty you