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Analysis of Dutch political parties:
De objectiviteit van Pauw & Jinek
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Analysis of Dutch political parties:
De objectiviteit van Pauw & Jinek
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Theo Hiddema on adventure in Parliament
Veel plezier ermee, vrinden.
Is this an accurate representation of Dutch music: youtube.com
Erdogan was right we are facist nazis, thats why we like turkish people so much...
That's wrong kiddo.
Kinda, it similar to the music we play in the south during carnaval. like this:
if you don't know our carnaval check
Waar zouden we zijn zonder de trein?
danke, dit is goud
Thierry heeft het in dat NPO radio interview ook over de ontmaskering die MSM constant probeert te pushen.
Julien Blanc maakt grapje: Zie je wel, hij mishandelt vrouwen en rand ze aan, we moeten hem STOPPEN
Dat is denk ik wel goed meme materiaal om normies bewust te maken van dat continue ontmaskeringstrucje dat msm gebruikt om rechtse politici zwart te maken: de ontmaskering
NRC, we are these alt right !!!
Wel even ontmaskerd met een d spellen dan, voltooid verleden tijd enzo.
sylvana got BLEACHED
Negertranen. Haar minderwaardigheidscomplex klinkt door in haar argumenten.
Wat is Sylvana toch een vervelend wijf.
Die arrogantie ook, maar blijven volhouden met zon toon van ik weet beter wat er onder de mensen speelt ondanks het feit dat ze niet eens een zetel heeft gehaald terwijl FvD duidelijk meer achterban heeft met 2 zetels.
>en veel uithoudingsvermogen neem ik aan?
>we zullen zien
What did he mean with this?
I respected him.
Weet iemand wat Jan Roos voor reactie heeft gegeven dat hij nu bij het UWV moet aankloppen?
I know all about PVV and based AF Wilders.
Whats the deal with FvD though, Colgatecucks? Cant find much on them in english.
Jan Roos is niet meer gezien.
They're a new party formed by one of the organisers of our Ukraine referendum last year. Consider them a more intellectual and nuanced version of the PVV. They've got a lot more substance behind their views, and are a lot more like Fortuyn was.
They're also massive memes, in a good way.
rip spektrui
off topic comment: how long do we have to endure personal attacks on thierry. omg he has nazi books... raaaape
more than ever, we need a shop of this with Jan Roos/ Asscher
Basically a small intellectual well-argumented Wilders-esque party. One that actually has a plan.
They've gained two seats in parliament. It's their first time participating.
Here's an hysterical leftist article about him in English.
yall should have been making these threads for a longer time
This taste when?
Thanks! Do you think they'll pick up any traction?
I was referring to the Dutch as Colgatecucks, due to Wednesday's results. Not implying FvD were cucks.
>Thanks! Do you think they'll pick up any traction?
If the party doesn't suffer from the infighting and other drama that usually happen with new political parties, definitely.
Many people including myself refused to vote for Wilders because he's nothing much but a court jester, he makes a lot of funny comments but offers little to no actual solutions to the problems we're facing.
They've gained 2 seats, being the only party to get seats who didn't have some beforehand. This while a few other small fractions/parties already being represented (and thus getting campaign subsidies) weren't reelected. 6 weeks ago, they were still polling 0 seats everywhere.
They're a high energy movement and while it feels small, 2 seats is an amazing start to a hopefully long parliamentary life.
thing is, the international media portrayed the dutch election as a "victory against populism". while the non-populists technically won the "populist" parties like PVV and FvD gained 7 seats in total. all the while the left was decimated and the ruling party (VVD) also lost seats.
So I'd say it was a victory for the right, not a huge one. but it's there
They went from 0 to ~190192 votes (of the 10566289 people who voted). They got 2 seats (from the 150), so pretty good for a new party I'd say.
Next election they will get government funding, get to join the national debates and get air time on tv. So they'll probably get more then.
This. The media are spinning the results focussing only on Wilders not being the biggest to dishearten FN voters for the upcoming French elections.
As we say over here: Trap er niet in!
many other parties also changed their stances a bit to be more close to wilders in other to be competitive
Denk gained two seats too though. Thats definitely a cancel effect in my mind. Denk is the antithesis of anything positive.
Yes, Ive been told how "wins and losses" are seen as seats won or lost. I saw that the Labour party got absolutely raped. Worst result since like 73, i think.
However, with Wilders polling at #1 for like 6 months and then getting crushed by VVD, I would consider it a loss for him and PVV. Just my take. I really thought you guys would would carry him to about 30 seats.
well we can't really carry a guy that didn't campaign until like the last week of the campaign. It's kinda his own fault.
we just need to make sure that the french are not disheartened and will vote marine into office. if she gets in and pulls france out of europe, the project will be completely decimated.
>Denk is the antithesis of anything positive.
Denk is the logical consequence of our failing integration policy
T. Derry Padat :DdDDD
Denk is a good thing I think. It will wake up some bluepilled normies about the loyalty of many shitskins.
>Denk gained two seats too though. Thats definitely a cancel effect in my mind. Denk is the antithesis of anything positive.
What do you mean, having DENK in parliament is a great thing.
It further divides the left and brings some of the more unsavoury elements of minority groups right out into the open when in the past they'd be hiding behind more main-stream left-wing parties.
Denk got 3 seats, but they already had 2 seats because they split from the PvdA. They therefore got subsidies for campaigning and the opportunity to participate in debates (they didn't do that though). It is MUCH easier to retain seats while already represented than fight yourself in from the outside. There were like 28 parties total who participated, of which half were new. While problematic that Denk got seats, I don't see much potential for them to grow, simply because they're tied to a small demographic.
FvD on the other hand has massive growth potential. Many people hadn't heard of them yet, even on election day. Now that they have seats and thus a platform, they'll be able to grow larger.
Agreed. Though Kuzu shouldn't be underestimated, he's a sly mofo.
PvdD should have gotten the GroenLinks votes, together with FvD that would be 20ish anti-cartel seats. As a PvdD voter I can't seen why anyone would support GroenLinks, their green plans are idiotic and not green at all, and they fuck over every citizen.
Je bent toch niet serieus voor een basisinkomen, hè?
Alright, well I'll reserve judgment for now while I pray for Le Pen. (though I think she has much less of a chance than Wilders did.)
And maybe Faurke can pick up some seats or something. If both fail, RIP Europe, except Hungary and Poland
Automation will force UBI.
But the problem isn't UBI or automation, it's society after the industrial revolution. UBI won't help in the long run, a complete societal reform will, just like how society reformed during the industrial revolution. I believe that will result in a selfsustaining green society without money at all, but not within this century and not without a few devastating wars first.
What is interesting btw is that there is now a majority of seats elected on anti-immigration sentiment. While these parties can't form a coalition (no majority on senate and cordon sanitaire around PVV) they might be able to pass some stuff if CDA and VVD won't flip on the issue.
Apparently a lot of students really want to fuck Jesse for some reason.
>It is MUCH easier to retain seats while already represented than fight yourself in from the outside
Very true, just ask Jan Roos, Ancilla, Geenpeil and Sylvana. But not when you're a high energy Partijkartelbreekijzer like Baudet xD
That's what the power of lavender from the Provence does to you.
do parties get public funding based on election results?
>I believe that will result in a selfsustaining green society without money at all
>but not within this century and not without a few devastating wars first.
This part is plausible.
Yes. PvdA is now up shit creek and they'll probably have to fire a bunch of employees due to their funding drying up.
Actually, also a lot of male cuckolds around that want their women to fuck Yasser apperently too, I've seen a few of my male contacts spreading their stuff online like their life depends on it. They just can't stop themselves from showing their social circle that they are not a bigot. Couldn't help but cringe.
>nederland zit in de top drie 3 landen waar kinderporno op internet wordt verspreid
Woah, never knew this.
>Woah, never knew this.
That sounds a little bit extreme even for Groenlinks voters.
Waar een klein land al niet groot in kan zijn.
UBI is a misguided tweener step. If you are aiming to make that work you might as well go all the way and abolish money, the end result is the same.
I've seen them too. People going all over Facebook nearly unironically calling him Jessias and how amazing he is.
Disgusting. How can they not see he's part of the vested establishment. He laughs away Thieme and shakes hands with ideological enemies. What a backstabbing cunt, and his supporters know jack shit about environment, they're literal sheep following the party imago.
Yeah it's true. It's also just one big echo chamber of praising GroenLinks and hating on the PVV with a passion. About how all Klaver's plans are 'just absolutely right'. And keep in mind most of these are all people who studied in STEM fields.
>and his supporters know jack shit about environment
The same goes for Yasser Feras or anyone in GroenL*nks.
>most of these are all people who studied in STEM fields.
I know these particular people from University, if that's enough of an anecdote for you.
I can respect SP and PvdD because while I disagree with their policies usually their heart seems to be in the right place.
GroenLinks voters on the other hand, they just ooze moral superiority and smugness. Absolute scum.
PvdD +3
FvD +2
Next election both will get more, PP will probably fix their shit as well.
The cartel will fall eventually.
>PP will probably fix their shit as well.
PP is very much a one issue party, If you're thinking about voting PP you might as well vote D66 since they think very much the same about privacy laws and such.
Have you taken the Geertpill yet?
The people I was talking about unironically call themselves 'the elite' and find PVV voters dumb tokkies.
They also have no ideals. PvdD doesn't compromise, which makes it pure opposition forever, but ideologically pure. GroenLinks is willing to compromise, which for a green party means you threw away your vote. GL needs to die.
>PP will probably fix their shit
Kan het echt gebeuren? Een herstemming? Alle VNL stemmers naar FvD en waarschijnlijk nog wel wat door alle nieuwe exposure.
Kek.. doe jij dit?
yes it is, this is actually one of our national hits, a true treasure, even the Dutch queen owns this very album and video, we call this type of song a 'meezienglied' because you can sing along
People just want a Indo-Morrocan goofy-looking Trudeau.
I hope Baudet can get some major attention in the house of representatives with his debating and get some more seats in the next election.
He's more appealing to young people and better than "Jessias" in every way.
The article mentions nothing about a herstemming, a hertelling is mentioned though.
Nijmegen running out of ballots is a good thing
One guy was in the morning like: Okay everyone on my contact list report if they vote PVV, so I can cleanse my friend list.
One of his contacts was like:
That's going to be one empty friend list xD
We all have to respect what Geert has done in terms of trying to red-pill people even if it means that he can't have any freedom himself and risking his life.
Wordt er vanavond nog geklooid bij Pauw en Jinek?
>It's yet another let's talk about the PvdA for 30 minutes episode
>it's another Dolf episode
Although I disagree with him fully, I understand what drives his increasing extremism. The man's situation is inhumane, his hate can only grow more when he's forced to live in fucking prisons and has to fear for his life. Dude has a hard life.
Dolf Jansen sluit deze week én deze serie van Pauw & Jinek af met een mini-conference
>inb4 PenJ talks about Thierry's 'white europe' quote.
What did he say?
Kutzooi. Jammer dat Thierry er niet is, hij kan best een 3e keer komen. Die Wouter Bos moest zich echt inhouden tijdens de vorige uitzending.
Don't they know they have to ask permission for that from saneringsboss Hiddemeister and Zakenkabinet manager Baudet?
jinek is een geile slet
Gun Jinek ook wat rust, jongen.
I was actually thinking of voting VNL but luckily people on here told me that the Dutch version of Jeb is their leader. Dodged a bullet there, I would've definitely regretted it.
This is the problem with most political parties. They never get anywhere because their leader sucks. They have no charisma, speaking skills or debating skills. Yet they still keep hanging around for decades.
Campagnestrateeg van de PvdA moet wel het meest kankerige beroep van Nederland zijn.
She is still on her 88th orgasm from yesterday