Destiny BTFO
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Will he ever recover?
Destiny got bent over and repeatedly asshammered like the 2 dollar windowlicker that he is.
what does you mean by that?
Who's destiny?
Nice digits
This shit made my day.
First half is a little dry, but it's a slow, crushening of everything Destiny tries to signal. By the end, he's reduced to standing there as the corporate whore that he is, a turtle without a shell, a complete hypocrite.
>alt right pol cucks shill for Destiny for free
>viewership increases
>moves further up the front page of twitch thanks to pol
>follower on twitch, twitter and youtube increase
>increased exposure and revenue
protip: Destiny wins no matter what as long as you guys keep posting about it :^]
Motherfucking PRAISE!
Checked as hard as Destiny was Shrekt.
This. But I don't think Sup Forumsacks are the ones posting these Destiny threads, except maybe the newfags, I think the majority of those threads were created by the autistic left from leddit.
So no-platforming is the position of the AltRight now?
Fuck off, CTR.
What is le reaction man saying?
Good then more people see his tremendous failure.
We'll raise his carcass to sky in warning like Vlad the Impaler of old.
so now if you don't constantly shill for Destiny on pol you're a CTR shill
we've gone full circle boys
Good then more dollars enter his bank account as he spends 80% of his streams playing LoL all day
Who's shilling for Destiny? He got curbstomped and we are celebrating.
literally who
>views skyrocketed thanks to pol
>pol won
Again, Sup Forums is lying to me. Destiny won this debate again, just like he did against Ape and Metokur. He was making so many points, Sargon couldn't even keep up. I give some credit because this debate lasted longer than 30 minutes, unlike the last one where Ape literally chimped out.
Here is a list of people of killed Destiny
-Jontron (he made correct points and that means he won by default)
4 in a row baby.
Leftypol needs you back leaftard
hey destiny. do u play sc1 at all?
>*hangs up on you*
10/10 debate
pretty funny lad
it's OP's vid prob
Somehow I doubt Destiny could possibly be this stupid. He's a high level Starcraft player with an IQ somewhere in the 130-150 range
My guess would be that he's trying to raise awareness of white nationalism by playing devil's advocate. He's pretending to be a gullible shill in order to expose the hypocrisy of leftists and jews
There's no way a person can be proven wrong this many times about race realism and still be steadfast in their beliefs
Either that or he's majorly autistic
i feel sorry for you senpai
him getting blown the fuck out on livestream is basically the new HWNDU
do you have a brain lad?
what do you care about more, redpilling kiddos or that some irrelevant leftist fag is getting some (negative) attention?
sort yourself out
>see these threads repeatedly
>"Did you see Destiny get BTFO by X?"
>watch video
>Destiny comprehensively dismantles X's argument
>next day
>same shit, new autist
if Destiny keeps getting btfo why do these cucks keep lining up to debate him? could it be because he's actually winning every debate? Must be frustrating for right wingers to lose at their own game
Holy shit, seeing Destiny debate someone who was actually serious you can tell this guy is fucking horrible. He never brings up a single good argument in this video, and I'm 15 minutes in. JonTron just wasn't expecting someone to try to attack his character, that seems to be Destiny's only way to win a debate. It's a horrible strategy if you are smart enough to call out the other person when they are wrong. JonTron never really tried to do that to Destiny, Sargon did it repeatedly and that's why he won.
When it comes to that, lefties are like the reverberations - doesn't matter if you blew them the fuck out, the moment you turn around they'll be telling the exact same shit you just refuted to someone else and if you ask them about it they'll insist the discussion you are talking about never happened.
These people dug themselves in way too deep and now their brain is stopping them from accepting the truth as a defense mechanism.
Holy shit he got slapped the fuck out with that last one.
I can just tell by the sound of his low testosterone voice that he's some nu-male beta.
You need to see this shit
Destiny got his sorry ass handed to him by Zach
>Say racist things literally up to the point where you explicitly label yourself a racist
>Get extremely defensive when someone asks if you are a racist or believe racist things
>this qualifies as "attacking his character"
Is this the right adopting the left's tactics or just full blown autism?
This. The more I see of Destiny, the more I'm convinced that he's in the right, and that he's the sane rational person in his debates. Metokur is a sponge, Ape chimped out, Jon was a sheep whose sources came from Reddit or Sup Forums, and Sargon couldn't debate. None of them could refute Destiny's arguments. I'm starting to think that the Right only has memes, and nothing else. There's no objectivity, nuance, or actual research. I guess that's the reason why everyone who is educated leans left.
for a long long time
>Destinys viewer base grows as a direct result of pol
>he earns more money as a result
>more people find his stream and listen to him as a result
yes pol is winning
>Say racist things literally up to the point where you explicitly label yourself a racist
I want exact quotes and timestamps fags. So many things Jon said weren't even approaching racism but Destiny, the over sensitive fag who thinks "representation" is an important issue, claims they are. The left has abused the word "racist" whenever anybody is called a racist now it is actually smarter to assume they aren't racist at all.
do you have a brain lad?
what do you care about more, redpilling kiddos or that some irrelevant leftist fag is getting some (negative) attention?
I'm surprised Destiny didn't bring up whites in South Africa as a minority who are doing better than the blacks majority, Americans really should learn more about the world before they debate stuff
>negative attention
>direct monetary gain as a result of pol
sort yourself out
4 years isn't very long. If you aren't realistic about how terrible Trump is, you're just going to keep pushing and making people lean farther left. This whole "We won the election" thing is hilarious. Do you know 40% of the eligible population doesn't even vote? Do you realize that a large majority of those people who were probably indifferent to Trump will probably despise him by the end of his presidency? Do you understand that this is going to cause a massive far-left swing in the upcoming election? No, obviously you don't understand or consider any of that because you're a pea-brained cuck.
>Destiny comprehensively dismantles X's argument
Except you're wrong, shithead. None of his arguments were coherent. Literally none. All he did was misrepresent the arguments of other debaters, deny facts, and make emotional appeals
I'm guessing you're black?
No. HWNDU was golden rays of sunlight being birthed threw the virgin womb of a 10/10 Aryan qt3.14
Not saying this isn't funny and great. But it is not even close to HWNDU. HWNDU was the perfect dessert crafted to exclusively to accompany the 10/5 star dinner that was the election.
Zach is doing pretty gud at BTFOing him.
Does anyone else get the feeling that Sam Hyde is the autistic human form of an angel? Just saying he was the most chill celebrity I had ever seen when he went to HWNDU. Topest lad.
>claims that white genocide is a real thing and that white people have a right to be afraid of it
Not sure whether to call this delusional or paranoid or just stupid. The sooner you let go of race the better. ALL races are going extinct, that is how nature works. Eventually everyone is going to be the same race, if you don't like it then kill yourself or something.
I hope you say the same thing to black people fag.
>majorly autistic
Probably high functioning autism. Especially after watching him rock backwards and forwards while throwing his head side to side in a 180 degree angle multiple times because he was filled with anger.
>Cr1TiKaL is calling him a twat
>The sooner you let go of race the better
good goy!! yes!!!
Holy mother of fuck. He got absolutely destroyed.
I liked his talk with Jim the aristocrat where destiny said multiple times he wanted to bomb and take military action against mexico and treat them like Iraq. His comments on black people and women being too stupid to make life choices also correlated with me.
Though there is some retarded points he makes, though. Like the one where he can't understand why fucking your 10 year old daughter is wrong.
But in the end, it's for the greatest good.
I can feel the vibrations in my bones
You think he misrepresented the other side's arguments because that side is unwilling to make an sort of substantive claim or argument.
What the fuck point are you trying to make? That people of different races are different? That a certain race is superior to the other? You're afraid to make any sort of claim because it is so easy to dismantle
destiny? why is this cuck named like a black crack whore out on the street?
>I can predict what's going to happen in the 2020 presidential election
Look guys! The next Nate Silver!
Can you give us a quick rundown on the chances that Trump gets re elected for another 4 years? Is it 2% or 1%?
I want you to answer me. Do you think black pride is justified? Because if you do but are against white pride then you are a hypocrite. And don't even think about bringing up that stupid reddit argument that can be dismantled easily.
-The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
-There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
-In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
-In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting” — defined as firing a bullet that hits someone — a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
-If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
-In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
Those are the facts. Get your head out of your ass
Who is this non-white cretin and why are you linking to his video?
I do, fag. The fact that you imply I wouldn't is a pretty clear projection of your own insecurities.
Cute non-arguments
Answer what? am I black? No, i'm white as can be.
>Do you think black pride is justified?
No, it's just as stupid as white pride, but considering slavery and how blacks have been treated in America and the fact that blacks are and always will be a minority in America, it doesn't bother me at all.
>it doesn't bother me at all
So you have a double standard. You claim you think it's stupid but the truth is you don't care about it.
Also you just fucking used the argument that Sargon addressed in his video.
>how blacks have been treated in America and the fact that blacks are and always will be a minority in America
You clearly think being a minority is bad so why the fuck would you be surprised that white people don't want to become a minority you fucking idiot?
This is all irrelevant and I'm not reading it because it's not worthy of my analysis, let alone Destiny's. And if you think I'm spending my precious time to refute each point of this copypasta propaganda piece, then you're sorely mistaken. You're not doing your own research. And I have no time for clowns. Destiny is a better debater than you and whatever alt-right idol you worship here. End of discussion.
>The more I see of Destiny, the more I'm convinced that he's in the right, and that he's the sane rational person in his debates.
Shill or retard. The guy L I T E R A L L Y believes essentially taking over Mexico and moulding it into his leftyfeels non-reality is a better way to curb illegal immigration than a secure border.
The guy is honestly the worst kind of lefty and thats saying a lot
Wow this post really convinced me. I'm a destinyfag now.
Make sure you pay your monthly sub to Destiny. I've never seen someone with a cock shoved so far up their mouths over a fucking streamer lel
We're all retards here and support destiny in his good fight to bomb mexico.
>my feelings are more important than facts
It's time to take a nap, leaf.
I think you are a faggot but Kek disagrees with those damn trips you got. So praise be to Kek
Can someone post up Destiny's dick pics already?
>You claim you think it's stupid but the truth is you don't care about it.
Are you retarded or what? Whether or not I think something is stupid has nothing to do with how much I care about it
>You clearly think being a minority is bad so why the fuck would you be surprised that white people don't want to become a minority you fucking idiot?
Oh I see now, you ARE retarded. I never said being a minority was bad, that wasn't my argument at all, funny how you right wingers call strawman all day long when you're the ones actually using it. I said that blacks have been treated poorly in America throughout history. Blacks aren't the only minority in America and America isn't the only country in the world.
Fair enough. Black people can go first then. I don't trust blacks not to kill the few defenseless whiteys left based on historical evidence. Haiti and Rhodesia being examples. So you go tell the blacks they the have to take the genetic plunge and then ew'll talk. Until then I'm fighting for other races to breed themselves out first.
Make sure you keep using idiotic non-arguments, I'm sure that's going to attract the type of people you want to your cause and sway opinions in your favor.
>it's the all publicity is good publicity meme
He would get BTFO by stream snipers a lot and he cries about it, I think he associates those trolls with the "alt-right" or Sup Forums so he's contrarian to every and all issues Sup Forums supports.
>never talk to me or my Destiny ever again.
fuck wrong person XD
>non korean starcraft player
>blacks have been treated poorly in America
Years ago. How many decades does it take for them to be held responsible for their actions? How many generations? Some arbitrary number you pull out of your ass to win an argument? If you don't think being a minority is bad why are you giving blacks a pass for black pride? You realize most Americans fleed from bad conditions right? Everyone's ancestors have struggled, when you've had three generations to get on your feet, as well as things like affirmative action that grant you literal privileges, you don't really have an excuse anymore.
>Blacks aren't the only minority in America and America isn't the only country in the world.
Never even said that once. You are using the same tactics Destiny uses, putting words into people's mouths.
I think we won't leave him alone because he says such stupid things in debates and his opponent doesn't jump on him for it. Sargon got him in this clip pretty hard and I think he won the debate as a whole, but Destiny has should be getting embarrassed and he isn't.
"I think we need to invade Mexico and do the good for them we did for Iraq. That's better than building a wall."
"I don't care if the best person gets hired, I want more women and minorities in these fields."
The guy presupposes that it's a moral imperative to get more women in these fields and has already admitted he doesn't care if the field gets hurt by it. Never mind that women were happiest before feminism and it's just a small % of people enforcing their fetishized view of gender representation. We need to hurt all major fields, lower our capacity for national defense (female soldiers lol), and change the fundamental relationship between male and female because it makes Destiny feel good to see some cunt in computer science? What the actual fuck.
Make sure you keep sucking Destiny's cock. I'm sure your retarded ass predictions will come true in the 2020 elections like they did in 2016 faggot.
>but considering slavery and how blacks have been treated in America and the fact that blacks are and always will be a minority in America
Oh cry me a river. Japan and Germany were left in ruins after the Second World War, but they've managed to rebuild and since become two of the most successful economies. Black Americans have been given copious amounts of time, money and government programs but they still haven't been able to integrate successfully. At what point do we accept that it just isn't going to happen?
Fuck off CTR. No but seriously, be careful what you wish for. Look at Venezuela. If America falls to full-scale socialism be prepared to eat your neighbours
>its the you can literally look up his twitch/youtube/twitter follows over the past few days of pol shilled debates and see that hes gaining a viewer base much faster thanks to le enlightened redpilled shilling
Watch it lad. Giving him money means more British money. I like to think it's like I'm buying British
I pay Tyrone fuck my wife and daughter: the post
Jesus Christ Canada, you sure give Sweden a run for its money
do you even know what is a shill?
Desticuck got D E E P D I C K E D by the lad Sargon.
Holy shit he should just crawl back into his cuckshed and swallow his little pistol after that lmao
what was destiny's response?
The link is to Sargon's youtube channel, dipshit.
>Destiny averages about 2k viewers when he streams league
>Destiny hit 6k viewers today during the debate
b-b-but pol isnt giving him views!
except Israel, right goyim?
someone who is intentionally giving Destiny more views? Like the 6k viewers he had today which is a 300% increase over his average viewership ?
I'm convinced you guys are retarded, by all means continue giving him more money
Kek agrees, praise!
This dude is still spending time and effort trying to prove his opponent is racist, even after the debate is over. He seems entirely unaware that it will achieve nothing even if he's right. JonTron could come out tomorrow and agree with him by saying "Yes, I was being racist. I was intentionally being racist. I am a racist."
Then what? He's racist. Big whoop. It doesn't invalidate anything he said. It's not an argument. It's not rebuttal. It's not a point. It's fucking nothing.
The debate is over, you cuck. The link is to Sargon's channel.
Fuck the hell off, people showing up to his streams to troll him is not a good excuse to intentionally ignore when he is trampled in a debate.
You're jelly of a neet cuck, admit it. People ignore your channel, bro? Too bad.
I would literally pay Destiny to get this publicly humiliated every day, it makes the entire left look retarded.