Fuck Swedish and it's people.Look who they elected for Miss Helsinki, Sweden.And they wonder why we call them Cucks.
Sweden elects ugly African for their Miss
Other urls found in this thread:
>Helsinki, Sweden
Fucking idiots
Looks like the kids that got the ugly girl elected prom queen in high school grew up to do it at real beauty pageants as well.
Mate... Ive met montenegrins that looked nigger. Dont talk shit
what the fuck
Well i guess the Finns (who do not let many immigrants in) wanted them to feel welcome and encourage them to be a productive and healthy part of society.
She is not my dreamgirl but i think she looks nice, i guess she is a really fine girl.
Bantz are all fine and good but you aren't actually defending this shit, r-right?
I know... let's elect a Martian to be miss World!!!
Fake news. Russia is nowhere near that cucked.
Also Helsinki isn't Sweden you dipshit.
>mountain nigger education
Her nose is a size of a fucking aircraft carrier
I was gonna write "Still better than a chinese insect" and Googled "ugly asian girl" to post some chink. But even the ugliest asian girls were still better than this nigger queen. Goddamn
Holy shit I thought it was a joke.
Girl in pic placed 4th
Part of a marketing campaign for a Frozen sequel no doubt.
Don't post any more because it saddens me to what the world has become.
That's a finnish negro.
The Swedish choice would be a lot fatter and a lot uglier.
To push the right values that there is beauty in everyone (except whites).
It also wouldn't be selected by "Sweden" as kike media and politicans would choose it.
w-why...? Sweden why? s-stop this, just go back to being normal >
Her face is actually ugly, why would they allow this to happen. If you're going to be cuck'd at least choose an attractive brown person
Wew, you're STILL shitposting this thread? You deserve a medal of some kind just for your heroic o-tizm.
Looks Swedish to me
WTF Finland. Don't be Second "Sweden yes".
her blackness is one thing but beyond that I have seen run of the mill hoodrat chicks that are better looking. Jesus christ Sweden. self loathe much?
Seems like the indoctrination is doing it's job.
Good goy.
Swede Cucks Fucking overthrow your governmen. This shit has been fucking ridiculous and ya'll are bending over and taking it up the ass while paying taxes for this shit. WHAT THE FUCK. BUY GUNS
Where are the mods? Like third time i'v seen this shitty bait post.
You are scared to confront your own shadow
You guys don't know how bad things really are.
The face of diversity
Not even a pretty darkie, they are clearly fucking with us
This what won Top Model contest in Polish TVN in 2014
Poland, YES!
She came from Ireland btw, where she won Miss Africa.
Can we not have this thread everyday you nigger?
Cant even into basic geography
one of those girls actually tweeted "we're not even allowed to win our beauty contests anymore". really depressing
>Cant even into basic geography
Do you really think I don't know geography?How naïve are you?
It's politically correct ''beauty''.
Her expressions tell me she sees the bullshit. Lack of genuine enthusiasm. I know when I'm outmatched and I hate participation awards. Concede with honor.
>tfw half y'alld still fuck her.
Yeah ok
true fact: calling a finn a swede is worse than any other insult
waifu claimed
>haha I was just pretending to be retarded XD
Swedish girl and her slaves.
Yea sure....
>Entire Europe
Kek :D i like you.
Cheer by George Carlin. Top kek.
This. I never got too mad about it because the victory is a meaningless beauty pagean with no impact. They just were trying to be nice. Albeit to an ugly ass invading parasite, but it's no different than holding the door open for a Mexican.
Stop making this thread you autist fuck
What's the deal with Finns and Saunas?
funland :DD
Meanwhile in South Africa, the white natives of the western region are preparing for civil war after hostile announcement from the nigger president.
Swedish girl and her slaves.
Colorized, 2083.
Race war for South Africa would be terrible,Whites would lose.
White Liberals will side with Apes over other Whites so they would lack support
I mean, even when Miss Michigan was literally the only non-white in the competition, she was still kind of hot.
This is just absurd. She has an okay body, but she has an Abo's face.
Could they not find a hotter black chick?
Being Black alone gives you special advantages because her victory means that Helsinki is showing how they are (((multicultural)))
pick one, swede or australian qt
Putting lipstick on an Ape still makes her an Ape.
Something about her face is cute to me
How to end the Shitskin and Feminist menace? Sup Forums help plz.
do a breivik
She's honestly better than that one Abo Australian model though. I don't remember what she got crowned but she was an absolute ghoul.
>Miss Helsinki, Sweden
found it.
>this is a model in australia
How can white women even compete?
oh wait. A white Australian model appears...this could get competitive
You're chilling at home when suddenly the helsinki thought police ask you which woman would you rather have a family with
what do
First they came for the Americans.
I said nothing for I was not American.
Then they came for Sweden,
I said nothing for who fucking cares about Sweden?
Then they came for the Finns,
And I only said EBIN
When they came for the Estonians
When they came for me, no one was left to speak for me
Because they had all been enriched with Vitamin BBC
>Miss Helsinki
Most Swedes are uninterested in telling nigs apart. The sort of leftist racism, where non-whites are judged by ridiculously low standards, are pretty prevalent here. Thats why the migrants can get away with so much shit and evil opinions. They are seen more as retarded children than responsible adults. True story! Thats why we take care of so many of them, but refuse to give them any meaningful jobs.
As if you wouldn't.
That's a 10/10 in America.
At least you KNOW she's retarded.
Is so sad to think that these pics will be in history books in a few decades
the war was being lost right there, and no one did nothing to stop it
Well, yeah, she's an Australian.
The only thing slower than an Aussie is their Internet.
And the only thing wider than an American is...
Fuck. I can't come up with anything. Guess you win this one mate.
Won't help, it had an opposite effect when it happened, the victims of Breivik died a martyrs death.
at least you admit we dominate the wide game. Don't even try to compete Aussie. We've got this competition in the bag
..... A LEAFS ASSHOLE!!!!!
Give us a decade cunt and we'll be wider AND dumber.
Then what will you have to be proud of? Lel.
We've taken the sports from the British, now we'll take the two defining factors of your country as our own.
You fucking nigger how dare you talk shit about about an actual country of European heritage. You subhumans claim to be Slavic but we all know that Slavs do not worship a pedophilic sand nigger. You chose to stop being European when you gave you identity away to the fucking mudshits. This was an early warning of the cuckoldry that would later consume Europe. its too bad that the swedes did not look back to your shitstain of a country and realize that history repeats itself.
No, dumbarse.
That would require a canadian, Muslim or Chinaman having a big dick, which is a statistical impossibility.
Go back to your shiek.
Initially I laughed. Now I'm angry. What is the world coming to? Has it become so bad?
You are right "the only thing wider than an American is his asshole" (cus nigs) sounds so much better...
Come on mate your first one was better I was just shitposting
I doubt you have the laziness to even try it.
pffft. I bet your people aren't even working on their forehead game at this point. We've been perfecting it for years.
Absolutely disgusting.
Holy fuck she looks prehistoric. Like one of those museum wax statues.
lurk moar newfaggot. old as shit
except the OP fucked up the country on purpose this time.
This happened like 16 internet years ago, fagel. Die.