why men nowdays controlled by woman?
Why men nowdays controlled by woman?
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>implying you wouldnt want that
Because OP is still an unattractive virgin, no matter how much he complains about it.
What does Sup Forums think of my gf's feet?
Because they have no intellect to fight identify female manipulation.
Go stand in the corner while you still can, leaf, the day of the rake approaches
Cause it's hot
I am not a feet person, so to me they are as gross as any feet. Show me some armpits though and i'll be fappin'
Ballbusting is redpilled.
Yes maybe we should hack off their arms with a machete and burn them alive like you would tyrone
Not a problem. If men dont cure themselves from that, islam will cure them for sure.
inb4 it is empowering to be empowered
i feel sorry for this man in that pic just look at the face
this gave me a boner
Would dip in chocolate and lick her soles till they're clean
It's the same country as yours. How is it rare?
cause they need to beat them
It's inevitable.
Gynocentric society
Feminsm, Cultural Marxism, socialism + lack of proper wars.
Also xenoetrogens and estrogen rich food (soy), pissing out of p-pill into the drinking water and these xeno hormone shit can´t be filtered o cleaned out properly. Also more obesity, sitting still and staying inside = less testosterone, less real world action, less masculine energy.
Most importantly, lack of male rolemodels during formative years (for everyone not just blacks), increase of daycare & preschool which are both horrible for the child. And no young working & learning practical skills - now it´s called "child labour" to have your kid help out.
tl;dr: Humans have evolved a lot, far enough to live in small tight knit communities where most everyone works / does their duty + spends time doing physical labour & working outside, eating locally grown food & drinking natural (full of shit + bacteria = great) water.
Now : we are matrix-cucked by modern life.
look like a twink, miss me with that.
Boner from this. Is that bad?
HenryMakow.com.zip 436 MB
what is this?
>(full of shit + bacteria = great) water
Women are explosive.
If you trigger them they explode emotionally, but afterwards they don't have much left and easily submit to your will.
Men these days are so scared of that initial explosion they choose to be submissive instead
Swiggity swooty I'm coming for Ciara's booty.
My bonner is proof the world is doomed.
We are controlled by the law
We cant even be in eyesight of a woman without persecution. Men are guilty until proven innocent
why not
Why the fuck would you make these cringey caption pics when you could just give your money to women IRL?
Find a woman you like. Give her your money. Repeat.
That's how you can be controlled by a woman. Easy.
HenryMakow.com.zip 436 MB
gut biome bacterial flora health user
aka your immune system
Because women are stupid and weak and should learn their purpose is life, making and taking care of children with their husband.
We let women walk all over us, give them jobs.
Because women realised they could tyrannise men without moving even a muscle; they merely have to pull on the psychic tether they have looped around your heart.
Shit ton of kids running around without dads who only have a woman as an authority figure.
Too many zionist lies about homosexuality. Since serpent seed was a heterosexual act, Jews love their little slaves. While they are the cows trampling Jerusalem. Use a surrogacy. Be a fag like Ronaldo did all this. Genetics. Truvada.
That one caused my dick to retract inside my body. The mind is an interesting thing.
we have entered a stage of sociality and point and click warfare where males sincerely may not be superior.
Sorry. Bible doesn't lose out on this. The elect of God. The 144,000 are "not defiled by women". Men own women. Men come from the ground. Men are glory of God. Women come from us and are glory of men
>My Christ-cuck levels are over 9000
The 144,000 are those who won't have taken the mark. A lot of females (hence the Lilith myth) think if man does not submit to them, they are marked. What does all this say? You can still be saved in a hetero marriage but females will make you forget Christ. Bible is filled with gays. Not cursed. Blessed. They used different words and we lied our asses off about all this. Every single time it makes no sense. Lot offered his daughters? These are fags. Sodom increased their numbers? These are fags. Let's wipe out fags. Because this makes sense. They wouldn't do on own. Born eunuchs. All eunuchs. Centurion. David and Jonathan. Ruth and Naomi.
>Leaf + Christ = Shit
What is this
You can light your hair on fire, Babylon. You can ad hom. But just know that number is so low because you all were lied to. And hard. Woman was deceived and transgressed. Adam did not. Men are incorruptible. Women are gullible. This is why I use nicotine and go around the pussy not through it. Kills estrogen. I don't want the devil's sloppy seconds and I see how obsessive men are with dick and with men. They are getting restless and settled this whole time. Not my problem. Shekinah hoax. Platonic complementarity. All pagan soul destroying bullshit along with the frog on here. Baphomet has tits and a cock. Ill stick with no tits thanks. Bunch of snakes. Cunning females have wrapped you around their matrilineal bullshit
>Leaf + MGTOW + Christfag = Kek laughs at you
You're cucked. You're a heeb of the synagogue of satan like everybody on here. You whine and bitch and moan and want everybody to follow you. 6000 years. 7 billion people. Only 144,000 resisted your shit so you cry more. Now who is really the cuck, Christ hater? I thought we were dossile duped fools for you people. But you are the cows trampling Jerusalem. Since you're so buttblasted you are in wrong and are a liar and sacrilegious blasphemer
>who is really the cuck
Adam!!! Your father cucked him to create Cain. Then Adam got the second egg of the fraternal twins to make Abel
>But you are the cows trampling Jerusalem...
+ Jew? Leaf dude, you are the craziest leaf alive.
I call you out as a goy. You call me the same thing plus a legitimate Jew. You know nothing. Everybody thinks the forbidden fruit was "knowledge" now. As if we presently know absolutely everything about good and evil. We do not. Christ is the tree of life. Forbidden fruit was sexual. Between Satan. And woman
Sex addiction. Vaginal jew. Etc.
I'm sure there's some elitist Jew communist medical justification for such deviance somewhere.
>I call you out as a goy.
Thanks Jew?
OP you're not supposed to be on these kinds of websites.
Judeans? You don't know what the fuck you are projecting lying and rambling about, Hungarian swine and cattle. You deny Christ. You don't know what are Jews. You defend females. You ignore serpent seed. You blaspheme absolutely everything. You are why women crush our balls. Do you know how big of a sin it is to crush your balls? But you don't care
is that man vladimir putin ?
people actually fap to this, don't they?
No woman controls me
If you ever question why men anything just spend a day on /r9k/. You will never find a more entitle bunch of shits.
Femdom is still better than cuckolding.
The original cuckoldry came from female domination. Do you know whom was Ishtar? Do you know why we have "isis" now? Female domination
Would be hot if the picture was taken before Anita hit the wall
It's probably better that guy is stepping out of the gene pool desu
Women are stupid because they love me.
>Do you know whom was Ishtar
These men are pawns
American men are feminized in a literal sense, their emotional life is exclusively connected with women and they are taught to have contempt for friendship with men.
findom a findom
exponential growth
Cuckolds? Adam? Why is female domination better than what it created? Ishtar was a woman owl molech type goddess. Isis is the same thing. The queen of heaven is the same thing. Even statue of liberty. It's all about their worshipping the fall. And who caused that? It wasn't Adam and Steve
I put a price of 20.000 dirham on their heads
Defend what you meant by female domination is better than cuckoldry especially if the former led to the latter. And why are you placing bounties. Vengeance is God's. Not yours or anybody else's
Next they will be hailed as the true messenger of God!
Ok, female subordinate
Delet this!
Damn, leaf, you are legitimately retarded. Not only do you fail to realize that I'm not the one you initially replied to (fucking newfag, learn about IDs), but you miss three consecutive bouts of Ishtarposting.
I don't give a shit about IDs and proxies and your defences of that which you ignore if I bring it up or ask questions of it of you. I also hadn't seen
Before I said
And that guy disappeared. So who knows what the fuck. Other than nothing. Or bullshit. Has been said in here by you. Answer this. One of you many. Or say nothing
wtf are you even trying to say?
Be concise man!
That is not a question. Try me. Tell me what was so "fucky" by that. This shouldn't be hard but it never happens. What SPECIFICALLY in there, melted your brains?
Don't worry user - it's not the natural order.
>I don't give a shit about IDs and proxies and your defences of that which you ignore if I bring it up or ask questions of it of you.
Tanya. Top tier Dom
Life is fun when you had more Doms than hook ups and god knows those are numerous
Look lad, we can all use a lot of words to say something simple and sound "fucky" in the process, but the measure of good written communication is precision, and good-ordering of arguments.
This is an interesting picture
No man interprets God's natural laws. Common law cuck. Muh precedents. Nothing is new under the sun. Muh disclosure. Muh fact finding missions. Who cares about the statutes. Hire fewer of us. We are all lawyers. Except for the jury. And yeah. We decide everything and when you win or lose. Every single other non citizen is compelled to listen to you for eternity. Great system
Women's rights will always be a fucking joke.
Males tend to have larger brains and higher IQs than most females.
Deal with it or fuck off.
>N-no.... You have do what I say because this b-book written by a man from thousands of years ago said so!
You're a retarded illiterate paid Fabian shill. I will not be an idiot and make things 100% perfect and concise for your comatose stupid ass. Answer me or bite me like you bite apples every fucken day. An apple a day stupid cows
But I thought the globo's said the earff was 216 pappazooloh years old
Some improvement there user - well done.