Libtards are on fire because a Trump didn't shake hands with Merkel
They make fun of him when he shakes hands with another leader and make fun of him when he doesn't. It's really a zero sum game with anything he does and the liberals.
Did you not see how the liberals and the press mocked him for shaking the Japanese PM's hand?
Can someone exlpain to me why Trump hates Merkel?
He looks disgusted around her
She's a wonderful ((leader))
Merkel should be hanging from a lamp post
It's pretty boring and stale
He loathes her for what she did to Germany
Or he could just shake a hand like a normal functioning human?
He policies are trash.
She disrespects her citizens.
She takes away their rights.
She forces refugees on her population.
I think she's not even technically a German.
She's a horrible, horrible woman.
Also, probably has cooties.
She's the embodiment of open-borders globalism, which he despises. He also believes that the EU is a German-led racket that takes advantage of other nations (including the USA) through lopsided trade deals and currency manipulation.
i couldn't care less about what was said, all i care about is that this image exists
aww drumpfy and his drmupfkins can't handle a strong leader? maybe, sweety, you should've voted in a real leader like Hillary. fuck you suburban and rural retards
It really doesn't matter he's just gonna get blasted by the left in anything he does. He could take a shit on a toilet and be called privileged and the next day be called a chimp if he took a shit on the street.
If Obama was to do it he would be culturally enriching himself, so no I'm glad he's doing everything unorthodox.
Looks like the classic.
they are honestly just bullying him at this point. There is no good or evil. Just conflict. Only the strongest must win.
But that is exactly what it does. That's why I hate the EU its like a fake United States.
I'm not an expert on muh histories, but does that mean Germany has basically become what Hitler was fighting against? Interdasting.
Nice fallacy bro.
Liberals are poorly socialized clods. A woman is supposed to extend her hand first.
>no good or evil, but strongest must win (would it be bad if they didn't?).
Oh man imagine if he did it first he would have been called a rapist. This timeline is just full of fun.
Someone once unfairly criticized Melania for her outfit, therefore Trump was not being disrespectful when he refused to shake Merkel's hand.
Not the point I was making but ok, maybe it's just because you're a fucking leaf.
>Trump: Hey merkel I have to nasty dogs
>*Merkel looks around scared*
>Merkel: I see no dogs Mr. President
>Trump: I know they aren't here they are in the wild. Very vicious very nasty. They haven't gotten fixed yet.
>*Merkel sweats profoundly*
>Trump: Their names are Snoop Dogg and lil' Bow wow
Swear the meme's write themselves.
Why would he shake hands with the destroyer of western Europe? Everyone knows what she did was pure evil. There is only darkness in her heart.
germany cucks BTFO
Also I never realized these were written by the same person
Imagine the complete hype from the left if Obama looked to refuse a handshake from Trump. Jesus fuckkking christ.
The same fucking person, hillary went first then Melania literally the next fucking day not even a full 24 hours went by.
Please, remove the watermark
>Trump hates Merkel
"Trump calls Angela Merkel his favorite world leader". And this was only in September of last year, well after she did all of her bullshit.
Trump thought Angela might have shaken a shitskin hand and didn't want to take a chance.
>9gag fag
He did shake her hand...First when she arrived, 2nd after the press conference.
Kys fake news man.
If you watch the press conference he was dominant the entire time. Not shaking her hand upon demand of the media showed strength.
Plus, look at how Merkel is aimed towards Trump. Her body language shows she is turned on. She wants that alpha male.
True. How many times does he have to shake her fucking hand for people to be happy
Good god, we shouldn't even waste the nukes on you fuckers. Just crawl into your microwave and put it on full power.
How mad do you have to be to write this?
Video proof or it didnt happen.
>Merkel: They want to have a handshake
He even ignored Merkels request for one, literally ignored her request
Fucking uncultured American, every fucking time. Especially in these situations. God are all of you Americans this fucking retarded?
Nothing Trump will do will ever make libdicks happy.
The man could literally make America great again. He could even make Brooklyn into a beautiful city to live in.
Libtards will still have something to say about that. "Donald Trump has destroyed the beauty of Brooklyn city and actually fixed it into a perfect city!"
Trump's just shy.
Did she stick her hand out? Then there was no "request." Period.
Stop posting Corbyn.
I hope she felt terrible in that moment.
But if Trump really wants to do something for us, he could send the Allied troops on our soil back home and limit the influence American NGOs have on our politics.
Putin imports even more muslims than her, so the connection must be somewhere else.
People who hate animals are always bad news.
She is a globalist piece of shit who is basically destroying a once great Europe.
He should spit in her manly face.
WOW, now I repect that man
>by Elizabeth Wellington
>also by Elizabeth Wellington
Rake yourself nigger
Based Putin, look at his face, he knows exactly what's up.
>KGB agent
>denies it
Oh, he knew lel
who doesnt hate merkel
anyone else feel that fire rising
last few months have been fucking electric
> once great Europe
I can count on one hand who's really great in Europe. Europe is not falling apart because of her actions. Its falling apart because despite our high hopes in humanity the rest of the world is pretty much a pile of shit.
>trump: nationalist, loudmouth, oppose warmongering (might change his mind on this though), protect borders
>merkel: globalist, open borders, support warmongers if necessary
seriously though, why the hell you'd shake the hand of someone whose view differ radically from your own? it makes sense.
>muh diplomacy
well, people are "this" close to no longer give a damn about that anymore.
As someone who has been in the same room as Merkel and as Nicola Sturgeon I can confirm that they both smell bad, I haven't been in the same room as Theresa May but I imagine she smells bad too. Female world leaders are fucking disgusting people and I think I'd sit there awkwardly like Trump did too if I actually had to talk to them. Merkel seems like she'd smell of sausage & beer farts with a hint of anchovies: yuck!
top kek
dat made me chuckle son,,,ta
all these name calling and accusations. who the fuck posted this "news"? this is some biased retarded shit
what is messing there is the ultimate merchant patting them on the back...oy vey.
Fucking hilarious.
please don't tell me this is trending on twitter
Because she's a disgustin person Pedro.
You non German speaking folks can be glad that you don't understand her speeches. Every bum could do a better job. Every fucking speech of her is either muh feels or beating around the bush.
Plus the whole ruining our country in the long run.
Merkel is a pile of excrement. She shouldn't even be allowed in the white house. Why should Trump have any respect for her? She ruined Germany and he's of German descent.
He's a known germophobe right?
The jews got so high with their own supply of fake polls they didn't bothered to rig the election for Hillary aside from a few machines in Michigan.
Here we see, quite possibly the worst leader for a first world country that does everything they can to fuck over the people and allies of their nation, and Donald Trump sitting next to her.
>that title
>That fucking face the guy (user) make
>being that much of a leaf
Hes not a big man
But men are not supposed to handshake muslim women.
>merkel will be reelected forever by Germans
They tried to copy the bullshit that was the Quebec referendum, lost by less than 1%, entire thing was filled with fraud and disinformation since the very start.
What they failed to take into consideration is that the no side cheated like fucking crazy, you wouldn't believe half the shit that happened during those crazy years. One of the main culprit became a supreme court judge, that should tell you enough about the entire situation. Go read up about Bastarache, fucking slimy fuck.
Ican't blame him you don't know how many sets of muslims balls shes fondled with those grubby hands
She cucked one of the proudest peoples in Europe just so she can feel good about herself when she goes to sleep at night. Trump should make her live in a German refugee camp for a month so she can see how thankful and diverse everyone is. I'm sure she'll have a great time,
Maybe she's letting all these Muslims in so she can finally wear a Burka.
Let's face it. libs NEED Trump because he is the only thing that generates traffic on their websites right now. They were bitching for weeks because Trump had ketchup on his steak.
>be an unscrupulous Jew
>Either you finance the guy who hate your guts and make one hell of a risky investment that will surely [inevitably] fuck you up the ass pretty hard but make hella profit or
>get shafted as you no longer have any influence on peoples and they simply, automatically disregard everything you say because they see you as a liar
now I truly understand why they are shitting themselves over trump. They are stuck in a corner they themselves carved into the oval office, ain't like they can fuck off and disappear like dust in the wind, there are traces all over. Its all or nothing it seem, and they simply coudln't give enough to compensate all the shit they did. The house of card is finally going down it seem, about time.
She's a filthy communist.