Be me

>be me
>high-school fag excited for college
>left messages for CNN when they wanted interviews for the refugee ban back in january
>deemed them "threatening"
>they notify the FBI in Atlanta, who then get in touch with their Palm Beach division
>traced everything back to me and this autistic board
>had interview today
>now have a permanent record
>have nothing left to live for
>trump is touching down in the next few hours

Any suggestions Sup Forums? Take screens hots of this shit so you guys have something to jack off to when the news comes on tonight

>pic is of the Agent who interviewed me

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 you literally said you were going to kill CNN staff and sent them multiple direct threats to their personal emails

>LARPing this hard

what exactly did you say that got you in trouble?

if it wasn't this they he literally did nothing wrong. but OP is probably a sperg, saw an exciting thread and didn't think about the consequences of his actions.
no sympathy/10

I thought you had freedom over there in 50% land

>he fell for the Sup Forums meme
wew lad it was a fucking joke

False flag to get people to stop posting for fear of retribution

Did you get the job? Also forwarding thread to the palm beach bureau office.

>permanent record
Lol what are you, 12?

Unless you got a fucking felony, shut your fucking mouth, you idiot.

The reason why you aren't going to college is because you're too fucking stupid for it.

Sage goes in all fields

>just dumb nigger things

Kek konfirms.

Do something in another location as a distraction
Put bike locks on the doors of wherever you are going
I'd spend more time preparing but whatever.
If you reconsider doing it tonight spend time making b o m bs or something
Also this post is satire

qt, I'd hit it.

Hahahahah you stupid fucking faggot. You're going to prison to get ass raped!!! LMAO

Americans report this shit, u could save some lives

As if that bureau isn't already lurking in this thread.

Hello FBI

They'd never trust me, sadly.

get soros before you go down you fagot

Go do something stupid, user, and get thrown in prison. End up with boyfriend named Tyrone, getting anally destroyed every night.

FBI not friendly with CIA confirmed

bref your fine

You're a fucking piece of shit. Full stop.

If I knew your name I'd beat you half to death for this one post.

This is not satire.

good lad

>had interview today
never talk to the police anons

I'm not friendly with the CIA after what they did to me as a child.

>40 minutes later
>1 post by this ID
Remember to sage, folks.


>threatening someone over the internet
Now that is what I call edgy

Lord have mercy, OP. You weren't charged with anything. An interview I nothing. It will not effect your employment or school or anything.

The only possible time it might come up is if you were getting a security clearance. Stipulate making mountains out of molehill.

I get it. The day was stressful. Pull yourself together and move on.

This, newfags and paranoid schizophrenics beware. Note the 1 post by this ID and extremely weak OP & pic.


>An interview I nothing.
*An interview is nothing.

I hate posting from my phone.

>Stipulate making mountains out of molehill.
*Stop making mountains out of molehills.

It is a pretty shit slide thread. My guess is its to put people who shitpost too hard in here on a CIA watchlist. I want to make the CIA watch me masturbate though

your a fucking dipshit. everything is logged, recorded and permanent in modern ''''america''' just because you don't believe it doesn't make it false

this. please watch me masturbate

Don't let those faggots get you down. They're not even Americans. Anyone who gets paid to piss on someone's constitutionals, Isn't worth your time, or worry. You've got the spirit of '76 on your side, they've got a back of dicks on theirs. Don't over react, cuz the good guys win in the end.
t. G. Washington

Why would you even consent to an interview? I realize you're young, but you don't owe them shit. You should have told to kick rocks. If they haven't arrested you, or even if they had, you are not compelled to utter statements, that can be used against you. Know your rights!