What is the true religion of Kek. I'm a cunt, so I ask you Kek is the true faith Islam? I'm asking this because we keep getting gets on Christianity and Judaism being true but not on following them.
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Perhaps Kek is a fallen angel of some sort so he reveals to us that Christianity is true but tells us not to follow it.
(((Jesus))) was a socialist, rebel, and advocate of fair treatment of minorities. Just whose side are you on?
I'm neutral, I just wish to follow Kek's word.
Or maybe yet he is another deity who lives at the same time Yahweh does.
Maybe Kek is God
Jesus was not a socialist. He was a man of charity. Charity exists in capitalist societies in case you missed.
My digits.
Kek is a manifestation of Sup Forums's collective shitposting.
time for lynching
The digits speak for themselves
There is no correlation between KEK and your dune coon semitic "deities".
Erm, Kek was an ancient Egyptian god.
The Egyptians were semites.
Should we just be Noahides or something?
Was Jesus the Messiah?
Aparently not. l'heim
I'm on a roll.
Perhaps, KeK is allied to Yahweh.
So, should we follow the Noahide laws?
What about Talmudic law?
So do we just believe in Jesus to be saved?
Are all deities the same?
Why so cruel, God? Can we not have actual rules instead?
This is a big question.
Do I dare ask it?
Is KeK an angel/son of Yahweh?
Are you the Christian god?
Is KeK reliant on God?
THE GET!!!!!
I'm gonna ask, am I actually Jewish?
No Jew there
I am a Theravada Esoteric Kekhist, ask me things if you like.
Is Kek a prophet?
What do I even ask after this?
If get, Kek is a messenger of God, on par with Jesus, sent to save the white race.
Will the world end this year?
>(((Jesus))) was a socialist, rebel, and advocate of fair treatment of minorities.
Jesus hated central bankers, called Pharisees devil-worshipers, and wanted pedophiles to be tied to stones before being thrown into a lake.
>I'm asking this because we keep getting gets on Christianity and Judaism
Because a get is a Jew word for a contract.
Can't tell of Thoth or repeats.
Is Kek the Messiah?
Neither are gets. I rerolled the one that is mime for clarity.
Jesus sends Kek.. The angel of chaos... To bring chaos into this world in order to overthrow the current evil order residing in this world... This angel was the same angel used to bring the plague of frogs in egypt... Chaos must manifest in this world in order to free our people as it freed the jews from the slavery of egypt.... We called out to kek which is an angel of the lord and he answered... What we do once the chaos manifests determines whether we as a society go down the path to destruction or to salvation... The choice is yours... Jesus be with you! Deus Vult
Is KeK second coming of Jesus?
Was KeK mistakenly made a god in Egyptian times?
Will Jesus come again?
Is Jesus already here?
Should KeK not be worshiped now then?
Will there be another earthy prophet?
Will there be a new savior coming. Almost like a fourth to the trinity?
Will God send us a savior?
He bring a sword. So not a savior. Another coming of God at the end times though?
You faggots are asking the wrong questions.
Have you come to destroy, great frog?
Thoth speaks
Have you come to heal?
its Judaism
We're all gonna make it.
and watch me prove it with 7s
wrong proof hold up
Will this coming be the Messiah the Talmud speaks of?
HE WILL SAVE THE WHITE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kek literally just said to worship your god and believe in Jesus
That was Thoth not KeK
Oh, so who is telling the truth?
Are you dark skinned?
Is palindrome information accurate?
only because i actually spend time outside. which is a hella lot more than your sorry ass can say.
Is repeating digit information accurate?
Go fuck yourself.
Actually, are you non-white?
>implying jesus is the son of the lord
> Jesus was a socialist
Whelp, I'm triggered.
Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, and Pol Pot were socialists. They murdered their own people by the millions because of bureaucratic incompetence, corruption, and collective sociopathy. Jesus, on the other hand, is the primary reason that conservatives in this country aren't giving you and your kind free helicopter rides.
The Jewish messiah isn't the literal son of God.
Was Jesus Son of God?
Are Thoth's words true?
Thank you for clarifying, kek.
Praise him!
Jesus is the truth. Without Him you will be lost in this world. There is nothing after Him. He is the Alpha and the Omega. Ask Him to save you from yourself, He will
Is Christianity wrong?
The universe is a playground for gods.
Christianity isn't wrong?
Is Islam right?
you ppl are going to get yourselves possessed and spend an eternity getting fucked by seven dicked demons. or was it twelve?
Mohammad is the one true prophet.
twelver shia, only. of course.
Have the scriptures been tampered with?
Is Islam the sole correct religion?
Kek likes to think of himself that way. But something tells me that Yahweh doesn't view him that way.
There were Hebrew prophets.
Muhammad was right?
Not even Muslim's believe that.
This entire thread
Is this thread a bust?
Not literal in a fleshly sense.
Is Thoth not yet powerful enough?
That's the Christian belief