>go to college
>day after the results of the election
>everyone is talking about who they voted for
>every single person voted for some cucked libtard party
>libtard girl:"who did you vote for , user?"
>me:"i voted for geert wilders"
>get the nastiest look i've ever seen
>libtard girl:"why?"
>me:"because i agree with his immigration policy and enough is enough"
>libtard girl:"well , that's not a very nice way to look at it , user. those people didn't choose where they were born"
>me:"so because they made a shithole out of their own country we should let them turn this country into a shithole to?"
>get confused look
>libtards continue talking about achmed's penis
college is not a place for smart people...
College is retarded
Smart people don't vote at all dutchie, they know who owns both (((parties)))
Your college sounds entirely retarded.
ONE good goyim..
TWO good goyim..
>showing your power level
You're not as smart as you think user.
THREE good goyim..
Go to a library faggots
Just had to ruin my ((("world leaders"))) combo, didn't you slovenia
Are not the libtards in Netherlands the right wing kind?
>revealing your power level
do you want to die?
Many good goyim in this thread.
Exactly what I love to see. :^)
>Don't vote, voluntarily forfeit your rights (and/or privileges, depending)
>Don't express your political beliefs, so you don't change other people's views.
Good, good.
>Escalating situation with Turks
>People still vote majority VVD despite everything they have done to the population
>Despite some cities being majority non white and some muslims even openly saying they want to take over The Netherlands keep calling people who don't want that racists, xenophobes, liars etc
Same here, the day trump won everyone in my classroom said they were sorry for it. I was the only pro-trump in there and I got very nasty looks
I feel that too dutch bro, the libtards won't know what hit em till its too late.
Kys polentoni
>"so because they made a shithole out of their own country we should let them turn this country into a shithole to?"
You say some autistic shit like this and you're surprised when you get a bad reaction?
Listen to me my clean toothed friend, this man (pic related) single handly destroyed the alt-right in the Netherlands. He is ((their)) hashed comedic effect to dissolve all right wing opinion. Colbert, Current Year Man and Daily Show all have the same line of propaganda.
Only way to have won was memeing right after Trump's victory. We needed more energy.
let this be a lesson for the upcoming Le Pen vote.
Same shit here in The Isle of "Enchantment". 'cept I was wearing a shit eating grin during the inauguration while every normie was jeering
people in college dont even agree with that shit they just say it because its one huge echo chamber
It's harsh, but not autistic.
>saying the truth is autistic just because it hurts people's feelings
Some people care more about the future of their people than your feelings.
The premise is solid, however OP definitely could have been more nuanced about it, assuming what he greentexted is, in fact, verbatim.
are you idiot?
>Taking all my classes online
>Don't have to meet or hear my classmates
>Get extra money for room and board to live at home and take classes in my PJs
Feels gud
t. dumb smelly spic
You monster.
Why did you betray Europe?
If Dutch racism caused Syria to get in such a mess how do you think you a Dutch person being racist will solve anything?
Your logic is so funny you're like an ape.
And you're mentally retarded
>they made a shithole out of their own country
you have a very naive view of how the world works.
i suppose the netherlands is great because you get up and jackoff every day.
well, it has nothing to do with you, or the immigrants.
you're just as important in the grand scheme of things as a fruit fly.
and you're stupid to reveal your power level at school.
now you're never going to get laid and everyone will refer to you as "that nazi guy"
>be me
>only pro trump in my entire school
>harassed constantly for weeks for my opinion (top tier commie hypocrisy.exe)
>nov 8
>massive tension
>more harassment, school organized a party and dance
>nov 9
>look who's laughing now cucks.mp4
>whole school tries to assrape me
>conservative principal shows up
>loses his shit at commies
>get trump cucks.mp3
>10 detentions handed out
>hated by entire school
>doesn't matter, principal is on my side
Keep your head down, get the paper you need and gtfo. if you don't need a specific paper, bail now.
Dutch Universities can only be fixed with bombs and bullets. Reason and evidence died there a long time ago.
>Don't express your political beliefs, so you don't change other people's views
>actually believes you can change how people think by voting.
wew lad
>bootlicking teachers pet who obsesses over another countries election
Holy shit
The better the average individual, the better the culture. Sorry if that's too much for you.
>Taking all my classes online
When you put your degree on your resume, will there be any indication that you took online classes?
a spider didn't choose to be born a spider, but that wont stop me from flushing it down the toilet when i see it wander into my house.
t. Cowardly cucks
How is life as the biggest pussies on the planet? and what is the plan? Wait for someone else to do something? Wait for leftist to magically change their views?
>don't show powerlevel, never say your opinion in politics XXXDDD
Who admits their vote? That's a good way to get attacked in 2017
>Thinking that those two correlated with each other.
You must go back, Achmed.
tldr; user can not into society
>thinking anyone can actually do anything
Trump and Brexit are the futile flailing of dying white men. Some liberals will admit it with a smile on their face. White men have been leading a race for hundreds of years and nothing will make the other racers happier than to see him trip and break his leg.
LOL thats what you get for being a GAY SWINGER in bed with ROY COHN who just happened to mentor both YOU and TRUMP
yea im sure i shocked a few r/the_donald faggots. Do some research you good goy faggots. Trump is as pedo involved as the rest
Still better than Hillary, so what do you want from us?
not pretending to be a libtard to a) fuck libtard girls b) to slowly subvert them to fascism
we going next level
>LOL thats what you get for being a GAY SWINGER in bed with ROY COHN who just happened to mentor both YOU and TRUMP
>yea im sure i shocked a few r/the_donald faggots. Do some research you good goy faggots. Trump is as pedo involved as the rest
Literal schizophrenic patient right here
Nope it's a State University
How retarded are you?
I knew Americans were dumb, but I thought you'd be able to tell the difference between a principal and a teacher.
Pakis go home
Ummmm sweetie hate to break it to you but they really do. And lets just say they didn't vote for Donald BLUMPF
Puertoriquenos are not allowed to vote because they're only considered residents reeeeeeeeeeee
>college is not a place for smart people...
i had several leftard professors, they were in the liberal arts courses of course. But I always "knew" I was smarter than them, so fuck if I was going to believe any of their bullshit.
Do the normie students believe these professors to be superior in intellect to them, and that's why they sop up the leftist bullshit thrown at them?
"I get uncomfortable discussing politics, coming from a place of privilege."
some French bro suggested this, said it shuts them up every time.
What the fuck are you all studying if you get involved in politics so much?
I'm assuming it's something retarded that has nothing to do with science whatsoever.
Most people won't admit to voting for a controversial politician in an environment like university. If some random at uni ask me about my political views I'd probably just say that I don't vote.
If anyone questions why you oppose immigration, say low skilled immigration lowers wages for low skilled black and high skilled brain draining hurts the countries the people are trying to leave.
Exactly, go at the issue from the left. I call it leapfrogging.
Illegal immigration undermines wages and worker rights and worker safety, because it creates an unlimited labor supply that enables exploitation and affects almost the entire labor market. Illegal immigration is a major contributor to income inequality and high unemployment in the black community.
etc etc etc. All of which is fucking TRUE its just that morons on the right don't care about that shit.
>go to australian university
>no being buddy buddy with professors and academic stuff, no forming relationships and being all cool with them as you're there to learn
>no campus groups babying students and helping them with everything
>no inflated marks, not uncommon for top student to get low 80s out of the entire cohort
>no mandatory "general knowledge" subjects, study what you want to study
>no political discussion
>no SJWs outside of sociology departments
>no free speech/student politics culture, everyone just wants to be there to learn and then get home and relax
come home american man
>muh hide your power level meme
>places that are doing good voted for status quo
>places that got fucked over voted for change
Rly maeks mee dink.
good lads
STEM here. Some mudslimes and libtards at my uni got mad, but nobody paid them any mind and everybody went about their day as usual.
After uni I met my gym buddies (two redpilled krauts, one russian, one non-rapefugee syrian christian), and we drank to the health of Putin, Trump and Assad.