Are Latinas worse than black girls?

Are Latinas worse than black girls?

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No. Their sexiness makes up for their degeneracy.

i came hard watching this

Same senpai

>That hook


Girl fights are boring. Bitches just immediately grab for hair and then it's over.


Yes, and yes; it is race my friend.

The girl in black actually got fucked up though. Those hits sounded kind of nasty.

We'll take them if you don't want them.

No dude their genes are bad, we will keep them. You have to protect you race.

We can bleach then and whiten their genes

That first jaw hit shouldve layed her out, she has a robust cave woman jaw like a nog tough.

You never, ever, let an adversary get within 10ft prefight. What if she had a knife? What if she intended to just keep hitting you until you die?

Put your fists up indicating an approach like that will get you hit, back away, next time have some friends with you.

What is it with girls grabbing hair in a fight, why can't they just beat them up.

Because if most guys had long hair and if it didnt make you seem like a pussy to pull hair then we would all do it. Not only would we do it, we would invent a subsection of martial art dedicated to the one handed manouevers and throws, similar to how aikido emphasizes grabbing the opponent's gi.

More like she got punched by an angry hobbit.

>similar to how aikido emphasizes grabbing the opponent's gi

What is it like talking about shit you don't know on an anonymous image board instead of taking 2 minutes to google things?

This god help us 14/88


Hey thank you for being rational enjoy their fat sexy ass you deserve it

You are a fucking retard.
Seriously, neck yourself and stop taking what Sup Forumsedgelords spew as seriousness

Black girls look like fucking baboons.

Latinas at least are hot

You are a fucking retard.
Seriously, neck yourself and stop taking what Sup Forumsedgelords spew as serious ideologies

Women fights are always so cute. They really think they are badasses.

Hair pulling and flailing weak punches. There is never any blood and after one of them decides to give up and declare the other the winner they both just kind of walk away.

go ahead Goyim, send your kids to diverse vibrant public schools

Why are you so angry?

What the fuck is an edgelord?

It's what you call someone when they say something that stings your hiney.

Are you talking about judo?
Sounds more like judo.

Youre mistaken, the large majority of men in my area have AT LEAST shoulder length hair and ive never seen or heard of a fight that involved hair pulling. You pull your hair back and its the same fist/headlock reliant conflict youd normally see.

The reality is that women arent raised being at least passively taught that in some circumstances their honor may be insulted enough to require conflict. Women arent, so they have no basis for what makes combat, so they just pull hair

I was talking about judo, yes

Thats the "and if it didnt make you seem like a pussy" i added




Just read all of the latrineo maggot trash in the comments that think they are superior fighters and that is means something in the current year.

They all suck equally, black eyes black souls.

Oh, my bad. Id still nitpick though and say it has more to do with western men being raised to have combat being inherently honorable whereas women certainly arent. Probably something to do with women being so fucking emotional that they dont think about how theyd look winning a fight by being a cheap cunt.

Latinas are definitely more attractive than black girls

That's not how it works you effeminate autist. Stop trying to justify white women rejecting you.

Aaahhh it was just a joke post.
I agree though. You really don't see lads beat each other up and then shake anymore, it's a shame.

>five years later, pictured with her younger sister

This. Even niggers don't want to live around beaners. Beaners commit equal crimes to blacks while half their men are labeled as white by the Justice Department. If we actually racially identified them right they would have more crime than niggers in the U.S.

At least it was one-on-one.

Mucho caliente
That's if they let themselves go

>That's if they let themselves go


I'm married to a Mexican girl. They're pretty firey but you've got to dominate. Never hit but if they take a swing just wrap them up in a show of strength. I mean you can be a nice guy, but at home lay down the law and don't allow bullshit. Also they love to get choked during sex.

In no time you'll have a clean house and home cooked meal after they get off work.

why do latin chicks eat so much shit food, my gf could be so hot....fuuuuuck. oh well.

Yea if

White girls are also find unless they also let themselves go

>after they get off work


>not keeping your chick in line

My gf goes to the gym and counts her calories. Don't let her latina genetics go to waste, they have thighs/hips/ass of gold if you help them reach their potential.

Hey she pays the utilities I can't complain.

white girls*

Not all have big asses. The town mine is from is full of lean skinny girls with average asses. You're right about the genetics though.. Once they get on the American diet they look trolls. I met my wife when she was 21, so basically pristine. Once she had our first son at 22 she struggled like a MFer with weight, but after a few years she has a system down and goes to the gym and at home. Her problem was she spent the first 10 years of being in America eating like shit, with no repercussions. Then once the fabled Mexican past-20ish hits its almost game over. If they realize that they'll be okay.

Considering they choose to adopt black """culture""" when given alternatives, that's pretty bad.

Isn't that how Mexicans became a thing?

Living in a city, I find this to be the case with literally every minority group, even traditionally conservative ones like Asians. The kids of immigrants all emulate niggers and look derisively on white people.

They're definitely not Mexican
Those girls look white as fuck

I think it's a pretty good tactic

Silly kangaroo. They come in all shades -- the more indigenous ones are usually darker short and squat. A lot that come to the US are like that but not most. For example my wife is pretty short (5'1" or 5'2") and has raven black hair, but her eyes are green and she just turns red with any sun. Her mother's side is entirely pale usually with colored eyes.

>she has a robust cave woman jaw
nah, she's tiny as well, just slightly bigger. that punch was weak, just like most people's punches are.

>the large majority of men in my area have AT LEAST shoulder length hair
that's gay as fuck then.

He's a kiwi, spic lover.

>My wife is spic
>Saving the white race because she's not a complete mestizo rapedwarf

Why can't people just talk out their differences?

shut up faggot

your wife is a fucking midget, gtfo little bitch.

wavering voice at 0:44 and 0:47

Sliding children out like waste, no parenting, become waste. Always the same. They are all Christian, but they are beheading people, raping people, mutilating people and nobody cares, because government is in it. Those are the people they want to convince us are better than us. They ain't better than any single hair on my balls.

>Mexican Fight Like A African American

what there wasn't 5 other girls punching one from behind, how is this anything like a black fight.

This is just their culture, it actually hurts minority women a hell of a lot less when they get hit and knocked out, compared to a white female.

We just got to accommodate to what they do if we want them here, may look taboo to us but they are settling their problems.

What does it mean to you?

She really wasn't wanting to fight, she was shaking afraid?

I wonder if the black men instigated it that were recording

She jumped the redshirt girls friend or some shit

>fighting 1v1, showing any restraint and not beating them when they are on the ground until they are dead/brain damaged
>fighting like an African American
Pick one.

Fucking subhumans
Mexico had lots of very crazy women, also bosses of cartels who would order beheading. So you though it's only Mexican men? WRONG.

dude, your women are sucking on muslims cocks, hell even the men praise it while they do so, you're the king cuck for the rest of eternity

I suppose donkey dicks are still better than muslim dicks.

This round goes to Mexico.

>cold cocks to start
>drags opponent by hair to ground
>talks shit

this is a fight?

dayuum theyre cute tho

Yep. And honestly if you find a good one and breed with her your kids will probably be white. Most acceptable type of race mixing IMO.

Nigs have week jaws easiest race to knock out

why do you think nords got their ass kicked everytime

Throwback to when I got schooled by my dads friends on how we(Portugal,Spain,Italian) are the true Latin.
these "latinos" are just indian mud who happen to speak spanish and portuguese
Americans gave them the title of Latinos.

Didn't see this asked but why do women "punch" like they're hammering something?

There's no inside punch, elbow shot, no attempts to block.

most girls dont do martial arts, boxing, wrestling, or anything else

so they're total amateurs

are you really this much of a dumbass?

>the large majority of men in my area have AT LEAST shoulder length hair

were u live? homosex city?

all women let themselves go. the only ones that dont are riding the cock carousel into their 40's lookin for a sugga dahydy

lol. Just make sure you get them before they're 25, user...

>are subhumans worse than subhumans?

shit Sup Forums you make me believe race really doesn't matter. then again i ain't white to tell the difference maybe

Why are latinas so tough? My one friend doesn't do anything without his mexican girlfriend telling him to do it

helps if you get one thats mostly white instead of that squatemalan you posted...


Like this 'Cuban'

It's a good tactic but too easy. It's like kicking a guy in the balls and claiming victory; no one's going to respect you for that, since you just went for the one surefire weak spot.

whats up bitch?




because their culture is backwards and primitive, you dumbass.


At least Latinas fighting is a visually pleasing event