Least cucked?

What would you guys say is the most right wing country in Europe?

If they had any real power again Europe could look a lot different.

Even when I was there, people made a point to show me gypsies and tell me about how horrible they were etc. Imagine if you tried to tell someone minorities are horrible in England, France or Germany? it wouldnt fly, you would be a racist.

Hungarian Empire please come back.

Poland is ok, but they are cucked by the Catholic church and their women are massively famous race traitors. (yes even the ones in Poland, remember that ONE african that gave 3,000 Polish women aids? kek)

Hmm, I heard Austria was more conservative than others Western European nations too but not to the same extent. Does that have truth to it? And do you know which one is the most economically right wing or is it the same?

Vienna is totally cucked, and Austria follows Germany more than Hungary at this point.

The "v4" block is the most right wing in Europe.
Czech Republic

but really Hungary should just rightfully annex Czech Republic and Slovakia again. Go full empire. Though that would never happen in today's politics.

Regardless, you won't find a more right wing part of Europe than the nations who make up "v4"

It's a lot better than most of Germany, save for the East, and the Netherlands or Sweden.
Vienna is pozzed to oblivion though.

Western Europe in general is basically Communist, our tax rates are insane.
Most economically right wing would probably be Romania and Hungary, they have a flat tax



Russia easily because of the dictatorship and oligarchy. After that hungary and poland.

Who is the most right wing Lego character?

Western Europe should no longer be considered Europe but rather United Caliphate of Eufuckedastan


Russia is a left wing dictatorship though.

They still educate their populace that communism is good, they ban free speech to make Chechens happy, and they still keep all the old Soviet "diversity" programs running.
IE: students from Africa/Central Asia/India etc.

There really is no metric in which Russia is a right wing nation.
>but they dont like gays!
Soviets were always anti-gay. They just push gay shit in the West to pollute it and make the Western populace get fed up and consider changes to glorious communism too.

It will be France once LePen makes it great again.

Czechs are not right wing. Remember we were the only country in the region which did not go fascist in 30s.

We now have center left government with the socialist promoting multi-culti and shit. Though, they do have to do it a bit overtly.

Big related, youth branch of the main political party.

We are the only ones who gave a shit about guns.

As a concerned 2nd generation South African raised primarily across Western Europe (Diplomat family) with a close personal attachment with my European roots; when are we going to start butchering the fucking Turkroaches and the rest of the islamic filth shitting up our continent?

Like for real, when?
I know personally at least fourteen guys here that would travel to Europe just to fight for it.
There has to be more of us in this country. And there should be hundreds of thousands across Western Europe willing to do the same.

What the actual fuck is preventing us?
>inb4 autism

I'm actually being serious here.

No such thing as ''right wing country'' in Europe. All are leftist in one way or another. Some in economical aspects, others socially. Estonia is objectively pretty right wing, their economy was designed by Milton Friedman. And they've taken like, no refugees? They do have Russian minority though, with niggers you at least see immediatly who you are dealing with.

I prefer Finland over Estonia because of muh NEETbux.

So has the EU banned guns yet? They've tried it at least for a long time. That plan didn't fly so good here because we need assault rifles in the training of civilian reservists.

People are on a leash and too comfortable, perhaps even civilized.

There will IMO be no slow progress and toughing up. Tension will grow underneath and then it just snaps at one point and things will move very quickly.

Fair point. I returned to France in 2010 to re-visit our old home with my family, and one of the things I said to my father at the time was I could see nationalism rising in Europe in the coming years.
Now we have LePen possibly becoming the next French president - hopefully...

I could even feel back then the difference in the vibe of the French people compared to when I lived here in the late 90s.

Just know that when it reaches that point where it snaps. I, and many of my friends here will come to stand by you wherever the fight may be (Europe in general).

Your governments and left-wing may resent us, even hate us. But I hope you all here know that we love you and see you as our brothers and sisters.

Stay strong, and do not fear the coming wars. You won't be alone.

What harms European nationalists is the demand to disassemble EU. People assume it is because of the connection to Putin. Who knows.

Brits have always been the odd one, so it is different, but especially German AfD looks stupid with their anti-EU stance when Germany benefits greatly from EU.

V4 wants to be respected as equal by the West, but we are hardly anti-EU. Le Pen is laughable when she says she will "build alliances with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Polish leader Jarosław Kaczyński to "dismantle" the EU", when Poles are the most supportive of European Union.

Kaczyński and Orbán want more control over EU, but they definitely do not want to dismantle it.

I also think people are getting a bit worried with just how much pull Berlin is having. Especially now when after the main three, only Merkel is standing with Renzi out and Holland on his way out, too)

V4 is going to have bilateral talk with Benelux about the future of Europe. Without the big countries. I dont think that has ever happened before.

Based Poland.


Mountain Jew Land