Mein Kampf

Any reviews on Mein Kampf before I buy, goyims?

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Don't bother with outdated ideology. Just pick up a copy of 2083.

not as comprehensive an ideology tho is it?


>not reading the superior six volume Norwegian version
Plebs die please

go on

that's not really a review tho mate is it

That's the exact version i have.

Haven't read it through, it's pretty slow read.

apparently this version is the first true translation

Oh I was joking a Norwegian wrote a six volume Memoir and called it "My Struggle" (Min Kimp or something) Anyway it is a very good read but not in any way national socialists. IMO all collectivists should collectively kill them selves

no but you can save some money

it is really fucking boring, hitler confirmed for sperg

>Min Kimp

lol kampf

That's the version I bought. Its pretty fucking great.

this is my review pic related
Hitler was fucking right. The Jews rule the world they are the chosen ones. He said Aryans that was his only mistake if you read mein Kampf from a Jew perspective makes much more sense. I mean we rule the world so Hitler was right we are the best

yeah bro he even tried to kill us, you know that suposted holocaust faggot bullshit but he failed because we don't need a country we rule the whole world LMAO

I listened to the audiobook. It's hard to follow at times, but interesting non the less. You may find some parallels in there to now.

It is far superior in every way.

adolf hitler you tried to kill us but you failed lmao you are a fucking fag no one can stop the JEW empire

So you are still searching, please do not fall for racism. Look at all humans as individuals with their own merits and limitations.

Treat people nicely and bad people not so nice. Give the benefit of the doubt, and give shelter to those in need of protection.

I guess your life would be very rich, fulfilling and nice if you did all that and i guess many people will miss you when you goto the last great adventure into the great unknown...

I do not know if there is anything beyond death but i can swear i saw my mother the night she died, she called out to me very loudly but i could not understand her.

This kept on she telling me something important and i do not understand anything until the phone rang early in the morning and my brother telling me she has died.

I love this flag where is it from???? A guy told me this is actually the USA flag like WTF BRO?

actually bad people should be totally destroyed or treated as nicely as possible.

Surprisingly boring. Considering Hitlerio wrote it.

This was my favorite part.

Maybe these things are related.

Buy it man, you are one of the lucky ones you have an open mind. This stuff will change your life.

I'm 99% sure it's in German

OP These guys are posting anonymously; think about it they could be jews.

Why would they want you reading it? Do it OP don't listen to their lies

hello fellow Sephardim

It's shit.

Drop this bullshit and start reading counter-enlightenment inspired stuff.

It pretty good.

Make sure you pretend to read it in public. Open the book the to the middle and nod vigorously while rubbing your chin.

That would be fun. I'm also going to germane for a week on the 7th April. Should I read it in public there? Or would I go to a re-education camp?



Theft is just a form of communisim right! Criminals are just helping you to share, lets invite more young me from less-developed nations into developed nations, to make the nations better for reasons.


He was ahead of his time in some sense, but overall he ripped off most of his ideology.

It's more of a long dribble. Read it, you'll like some parts but it's not amazing.

It's okay, not the best written but it's alright.

How long did it take you to read it? Worth it?

I read it on and off for about a month. Need a bit of historical context for the first half. It was okay, it's really just so I've read it more than the value of the book itself.

If you're looking for a good book try George Orwell 1984 if you haven't already.

Yeah I've already read 1984, didn't find it as good as people say. I thought Animal Farm was far superior

Reading vol.1 atm. Quite enjoying it

It's fucking amazing. Hitler has great intellectual and emotional depth. He was a human being, despite what all of the Jewish propaganda in school taught me otherwise. Right now I'm at the part where he gets redpilled on the Jewish Question and it's meta as fuck. Incredibly well written and thought out. Buy the fucking book, start making white babies and Deus Vult the barbarians at the gate.

Audio book on YouTube was good

It's crazy how much current days seem to be exactly like his experiences in Vienna

It's a great book, there's a reason they don't want you to read it

Original German version is bretty good.
I liked it a lot and it helped me even more!

Stalag edition was distributed to British POWs and is best English translation

dont expect any WW2 shit as its was written after the failed coup.
its a good read into the mind and history of the most definitive political leader of germanys history.
(bismarck was a military leader)

Yeah I've got the historical context since I've been studying Weimar Germany and Hitler's rise, but I've never read it before

What did you expect, a Harry Potter-like book? It's a manifesto, they aren't supposed to be fun.

You have to concentrate because of the translation from German to English, overall v good book

Yeah it is

The keywords of this thread sure spawned alot of jewbots

Full of red pills, man living a shit life in the streets of Viena, lost his family, end up starving himself to learn european culture, spending most time in libraries, óperas and working. Says to himself every nigth, "i dont deserve to cry, there are people in worse shape tan me", or "a month in the army and teens became full boys" and ultimatly the story of a sucefull self made man.