Reminder: Potato niggers are as bad as blacks
Reminder: Potato niggers are as bad as blacks
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True, and since shart in marts are made from niggers and potato niggers you filth are especially hated
>niggers and potato niggers
Pretending there is a difference.
irish iberian lmao
that phenotyp seems legit
IIDF please leave, we wouldn't have trailer parks and incest babies if the Irish never came to America.
On a serious note.
Does POL really believe what it preaches about European solidarity?
What are we to do :
>Irish = potatoniggers
>Spanish = Greaseball "not white"
>Italians = Not white
>Any Eastern European = "not white"
What's the point of all this shite? As a spic, in Barcelona I see the Moor cunts come every day to the city. We need to work together to turn the tide.
Sorry for being a spic faggot, no bully.
Don't forget sand niggers!
Well you wouldn't ask a Paddy for help would you? He'd be the opposite.
Ummm, excuse me sweetcheeks, but does THIS look like a disgusting fat lipped nigger to you?
So Europe's fucked?
POL is just a new Sup Forums only for Lulz.
Feels bad man.
Europe is only as fucked as you let it but the Irish are far from the solution. Letting the Irish vote was the biggest mistake this nation ever made.
Fucking Sage
Fuck off shill
Pic related: Irish Goddess
>92 IQ
paddy genocide when?
Iberians don't look like abbos
I'm not used to the Portuguese getting a shout out like this. I'm a little teary eyed.
Lol I identify with my black brethren
>Europe is only as fucked as you let it but the Irish are far from the solution. Letting the Irish vote was the biggest mistake this nation ever made.
I see. Thank you for your response.
Whilst my Spic-greasball-bastards descendants rape your family, I will have you spared.
Mystery Babylon rape cult
White men throughout history knew the truth about the potato nigger.
Not even real nazis purity spiraled as much as Sup Forums
my waifu
This makes the Brit and Yankee all the more pathetic to losing to the Irish then, correct?
Seems a bit silly to point out negatives of your conquerors.
It's like when the Peruvians insult me. It doesn't make sense, I should have been nicer to them or what?
Sup Forums is right about the emerald apes
this tbqh famalam
You should start up an Irish Lives Matter protest, it'll probably look something like this.
Won't lie, had hoped for similar victories like Trump, with a new found unity of shitposters across Europe.
But we cannot decide who is white, and thus cannot move forward.
"Whiteness" is a working class bullshit idea anyway. We are Eurofags, regardless. There is a big difference between us and what lies across the Med.
No, just I'm anti divide and rule for Europe.
Aus and US posters seem most keen on this. Probably the (((New York))) element.
Whatcha upto rabbi?
spotted the NS lite
da irish r gudbois
>40% Potato nigger
>20% Kraut
>20% Guido
>10% Benis (Finn)
>5% Dutch
[spoiler] >5% Jew [/spoiler]
Am I white Sup Forums?
Whenever I see that flag I know there's a 40% chance you're non-white. Fuck off nigger.
There were numerous attempts to ban irish and general catholic immigration to the US during the 19th century. The only reason none of them went through is because the crypto-papist southern aristocracy wanted to flood the north with catholic democratic voters and blocked every bill put forward.
In my experience Irish people are usually loud and obnoxious normies that are hardly any real threat (unless their two favorite past-times of "being an alcoholic" and "being a policemen" collide)
Irish make Italians look like highly skilled ubermensch, but I don't see them as being very destructive - mostly just self-destructive.
Kek whatever makes you feel better Jamal
Never relax around irish
Google the IRA
No results on the terrorist organization
What a coincidence!
>5% jew
Dirty fucking paddy scum
from the coppers you must run
Potatoes are your only food
Guinness is your only brew
When you wake up in the day
you beat your wife and then you say;
"Listen 'ere you fuckin' cunt
it's only ten and yet I'm drunk
I do my drinkin' in the day
at night I'm in the IRA"
The paddy goes to every town
planting bombs without a sound
The British are his nemesis
to expel them, his imperative
They brought law to his wretched isle
and culture, soap, above all style
It angers paddy, makes him sick
after all he's just a mick
He fights in his guerrilla wars
because at heart he's insecure
Deep down he knows he'll never be
a subject of Her Majesty
In mud and caves they did dwell
their Celtic lies you must dispel
They were not soldiers, priests or kings
but merely natives clad in skins
The Brits ruled them as common niggers
a ploy to make their empire bigger
But what the British didn't know
was that Ireland wasn't worth a go
A Palestine right off their shores
wracked by sad religious wars
Bombs in cars and under tables
weaned on whiskey from the cradle
All they do is drink and fight
from the morning to the night
So heed this when I tell you sir
their Potato famine was deserved
God did his best to wipe them out
of that fact I have no doubt
Yet still they live and fight and drink
from my shore I smell their stink
So let them have their island back
but not the North, don't give them that
Watch them bitch and moan and whine
potato niggers for all time
Dirty fucking muslim scum
France is not white.
Careful, you might upset the apes
This is my personal favorite because of how accurate it is.
Yeah..., the British and Americans never killed any children, right?
It's hilarious. So really the WASP feared the Irish more than the Jewish?
Can't believe you lost to the Irish given all these awesome cartoons from 100s years ago.
Does your wife have an Irish son?
>Wife;Irish son
He's black, does that count?
While you're falling for new diversionary tactics I'm going to hang out with my Catholic, red haired, green eyed, RH - qt.
I made some OC for you. You are right, we should be more united.
Just remember bestiality is illegal in the USA
it's ÉIDF, you stupid yank
IIDF trying to make the rules, typical.
I dk I'm Jewish and have a thicc paddy gf who I creampie every night. She has a really IQ and has been redpilled.
Try again pathetic little white boy.
Spain ain't there
Feelz bad.
*sips Guinness*
Reminder: you're a kike
Better hope she never meets a Palestinian alpha male
>anglos subtly(not really) fancying themselves as Greeks
You green ape communists aren't fulling anyone
Why no Spaniard?
You'll never win kikestein. Never ever.
Had an Irish moment there for a second.
Quit trying to trick the white men CloverJew