>Christianity is redpi-
Christianity is redpi-
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(((Old Testament)))
Pick one. The jew testament is not Christian. Only Protestant fundie retards believe that. They're messianic jews. Catholics wipe their asses with the jew testament. Except for the Psalms which we like but don't use in context anyways (they're basically king David's war victory songs.., they were never for funerals and shit until we appropriated and retconned them)
Jesus is a jew. Christianity is not redpilled.
Ehh no one EVER said that.
"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill," (Matt. 5:17).
>Catholics wipe their asses with the jew testament.
maybe a slight exaggeration
And here I was thinking that Leviticus was what was used to bash fags.
Are you saying the Christian God DOESN'T hate homos? Awfully close to sacrilege, you guys might just be going to the lake of fire.
I'm sick of seeing this. You can't read The Bible or anything for that matter out of context. For every time a verse similar to this is mentioned in the Old Testament, there's probably 2.5-3 saying to turn away/reject/kill foreigners.
So what's the difference? The one in OP's pic has to do with foreigners who are proselytes. They weren't Hebrew but they left their homeland to serve God. Look at David's 40 mighty men, like roughly 1/4 of them were Hebrew, the rest were God-fearing foreigners who converted.
However, you were supposed to never allow non-believers in your land/marry and either push them out or kill them if they entered into it.
You quoted a Jewish scripture, not a Christian one.
Stupid fucking Huemonkey
You guys are r/atheism and Varg tier morons. Here's a sample of Jesus talking to the Jews.
39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.
40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.
41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
This applies to the jews, and more specifically the Levites.
I'm neither
Give me one gospel verse that tells you not to love your neighbor or explicitly commands you to deny helping foreigners
1 Corinthians 6:9
>Gal 3:6-9
>Gal 5:1-6
>Jn 12:47
fibby pibby
>arguing about le jew on a stick religion
>current year
'They shall not dwell in your land lest they cause you to sin against Me, that you will worship their gods, for it will be a trap for you' (Exodus 23:33)."
Literally from Yesterday's thread.
>1 post by Faggot Bot aka: (((OP)))
>is Turkish
>attempts to insult Christianity by calling it Jew on a stick religion
>worships a pedophile and fucks little boys in the ass
>T. r/Atheist retard.
I always love it when retards from r/Atheist, and Varg's little circlejerk kiddies, come in and start talking shit about Christianity, when they don't even know the first thing about it. It's always fun to watch them get torn apart by people with actual knowledge of biblical lore, and then try and double back, and do damage control.
>We be not born of fornication
Just wanted to emphasize that they were mocking Jesus as being born of fornication at this point.
Praise God!
(The red pill is a cyanide capsule in case you haven't figured it out yet.)
>is Turkish
>must be Muslim
Haille Sellaise, up your ass.
>Insulting Christianity by calling it the Jew on a stick religion meme.
>Is the same country that worships a pedophile mass murderer and loves fucking little boys in their assholes.
Wew lad.
And? Jews mock Goyim for being "born of animals." Why do you put stock in what Jewry thinks?
Which delusion are you under? The one that doesn't think that "Love God and Love Neighbor" aren't also in the Law?
Or the one who thinks Christianity has to follow the Law, Old or New?
Okay fine. How's this?
>is Turkish
>fucks little boys in the ass
I like how you defended the fact that you are not Muslim but were just fine with the fucking little boys in their asses part.
It seems like that is going to be the case in the very near future.
You guys are holding a Christian pastor prisoner for being a Christian pastor.
And you're a NATO ally?
>Trying to mock me with the tried and true "LOL JAMAICAN" meme.
Hello Ahmed. I didn't know that brain dead chimps with no arguments or philosophical or spiritual knowledge were allowed to have computers. Seems that the ((current year)) has definitely changed things.
33 And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him. 34 But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God. 35 Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard, in weight, or in measure. 36 Just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin, shall ye have: I am the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt. 37 Therefore shall ye observe all my statutes, and all my judgments, and do them: I am the LORD.
Verse 33 is the very important piece your image skips. Sojourn is a temporary stay. These "refugees" don't seem to be temporary visitors but invaders/conquerors.
This would be Jews mocking other Jews, for one. For two, it would be "religious people" incapable of discerning that they were speaking to their God.
For another, it explains the heat Jesus lays down on them in the next passage.
leviticus only applies to jews
Funny, God also allowed the Jews to genocide tribes that didn't conform.
Is Candlejack meme coming ba
Once people become as wicked as the Amorites were, killing them is a mercy. They had 400 years to repent, and never did. And while they enjoyed the promised land, the Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt. 400 years.
Mercy killing.
No, these idiots do n
>cherrypicking a religion.
Catholics wipe their ass with the entire bible.
Learn to read, asshole. FOREIGNER. Fucking singular, i.e. not thirty million of them.
Send us a reasonable number of foreigners who behave like foreigners instead of pretending this is their new home, and we'll treat them like we would want to be treated if for some reason we needed to live in their homelands.
That is nowhere near what's happening right now and you fuckers know it. We have hundreds of thousands of people posing as refugees who have zero intention of EVER going home, on top of millions who've simply migrated or arrived with work visas and mean to stick around forever. Of these people a very significant number refuse to act with the grace of guests, visitors, or even an expatriates, but instead arrogantly demand to be treated as if they belong in Europe or in the US.
In closing, eat shit.
Fair enough.
that means letting them in maybe even help them get started that does not mean:
- accept or tolerate their heresies
- accept or tolerate their vices
^^^ these 2 things are being done by white europeans and americans now and they're fucking up their own countries
its not Christianity's fault its stupid gullible white people who are led by a pack of fifth column jews
>it's another christfags pick and choose thread
When are they going to launch another crusade to drive out the muslims and jews in europe all the way to Jerusalem? The only place left for them would be to retreat to the seas and drown. If the muslims can radicalize then the church can too.
Since when do Jews treat foreigners well (on their own dime and in their own land).
Hey ahmed, why you encouraging atheists?
>believing in a desert dwellers god
Not even once.
This. These people pose as refugees only so that they can enter a country and start to do the same shit that resulted in their own country becoming a hell. they don't act like guests, and treat their hosts with honor or respect for allowing them to stay, they act like fucking parasites, leeching off of the host and poisoning the entire body. in the days of yore, any good Christian would hunt them down and slaughter them like the scum they are.
I love when the hermeneutically challenged go to some random verse in the bible and think they just got done "goofing" dem silly christians.. There are several covenants of the bible the primary covenant towards all man is love your neighbourgh as yourself 1 cor 13 more exact, luke 10:25 parable of good samaritan. The previous ones were of the hebrews and ONLY for the hebrews no other man but for them and many of these were made for punishment (galatians 3) which god btw. abandoned in exchange for the christians per the esau selling his birthright to jacob (meaning supplanter). Because of the hebrews continual backsliding.
Mute points are mute unless you have only a cursory perception of these things.
Sup Ahmed. Worried that people might actually start thinking to kick off another round of Crusades and murder you like the pile of rancid waste that you are?
C'mon everyone knows the (((Bible))) is ancient jewish meme warfare to cuck their enemies.
>Satan trips.
Nice try Satan.
so tired of this meme toothpaste you could not be more infantile in your understanding of it, actually the authors of the bible hate the hebrews.. And constantly punish them for not living up to their standards and finally abandons them (this is the part they don't want you to know, jacob becomes supplanter of the hebrews which is what jacob means jacob is the christians) so jacob is metaphorically in a wrestling match with an angel and he is deemed worthy to become israel. (the hebrews are abraham and isaac and is jacobs spiritual brother). Is why he had to fight to deem himself worthy because they were abandoning the hebrews to offer them a way out of their false doctrine later on.. as jesus did in john 8 and onwards.
This is where jesus said the iconic phrase to the jews who thought they were already free.. "the truth shall set you free". When they arrogantly layed upon him the paste of "we are already chosen we are of abraham"..
Holy crap
You got btfo'd nigger
Read that and tell me what you think of it
Treat foreigners the same way as natives. So they get to follow our laws and our tradition seems pretty redpilled to me