Why do women get so defensive about trans-women? Look at the comments. A lot of salty women. Also they shut down the first sex doll brothel in Europe, calling them "mysoginistic". Is the Age of Women about to end, Sup Forums?
Why do women get so defensive about trans-women? Look at the comments. A lot of salty women...
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womyn hate competition. Same goes for lesbians. They prefer to have their pick of the stock and have no other chances of anyone interfering with their pick
same reason they hate sexbots and artificial wombs, the Vaginal Jew knows its time is up
behold... the future!
So why can't we have sexbots but they can have dildos? We need to start a campaign to ban dildos.
Feminists would probably love that because it will give them an even bigger excuse to whore around/
The tits on that dude tho...
She's a girl, bigot.
So not true. Plenty of women enjoy crazy things in bed. Unfortunately for you, the closest you've been to a woman is jerking off to porn in your mom's basement and the only women you talk to online are Feminazi's. I know plenty of women who will watch Tranny porn with me, then go find a hooker to have a 3-some with.
jesus christ he looks like he played D-line back in college
It's men doing the job of women and women know full well they can never seriously compete against men on a level playing field.
Hopefully for whites, they will start becoming preggers en masse once this sicnks in. But sadly, I think the commie teachers they spend half their waking days with have already ruined them.
Kill yourself, degenerate
Once, in a big group of friends, I said that I am tired of relationship bullshit and just want an android girlfriend, and 80% girls got so fucking mad at me saying that its just not the same. I said that it's better because I can turn her off when she gets on my shit. Holy shit they got so mad, especially when all the guys backed me up. Women hate competition. They hate the idea of being replaced by something else.
Only if you go first, pussy
Because feminists are just mental transgenders anyway. If you attack the ability to be what you aren't naturally supposed to be, you indirectly attack the feminist.
Why are you a faggot that thinks about tranny abominations all the time?
Fuck off faggot.
Gayfags are not and have never been welcome here.
We hate all faggots.
Imagine a world without women? The cure of cancer, intergalactic travel, immortality, Teleportation, access to higher dimensions of being, etc.
I'm gonna need you to go ahead and move your office down into the >>/lgbt/
I will kill as many women as I can if they ban sexbots. I have waited so long for this.
Spoken like a true faggot
Honestly, give fake vagina science about 10 years, and I'll date a Trans woman.
I'll take a boy who wants to be a woman over a fat, hairy woman who wants me to call her beautiful
Checks out
Yo. I ain't no homosexual or nothing. I just like it when a woman licks my asshole while there's Tranny porn going on in the background.
they'll come for our robowaifus man, we have to stop them
Don't know why you aren't doing that already, muslims can do no wrong in the west, remember?
>I aint gay i just prefer my women to have penises
i used ti think i was bi until i realized that thinking that liking transwomen is gay is actually transphobia.
I like to drop that one every once in a while. Really gets some peoples heads spinning as to how hey are supposed to feel (bay area)
Nah, the women I fuck were born with vaginas. Sometimes the women I watch on TV have penises. There's a difference. Get with the program. I know you've watched Tranny porn too. Don't be a prude.
>that pic
You know, after doing nofap, it amazes me how easily I was fooled before by traps. I can spot them so easily now. This doesn't look like a woman to me tbqh, at least not a healthy one.
>straight men love trannies
I don't get out of my house very much.
>Why do women get so defensive about trans-women?
it's women that propagate the tranny meme. most sensible men want nothing to do with a headcase that chopped their dick off and doped themselves up on hormones
Well to be fair some trannies ending up looking great after transitioning, even better that most of the women, so you could say that's why they get really mad, that some guy can look out even better than them, and maybe a man that dates trans-women is not gay, but come on, at least he has to be bisexual, not straight.
Try reassigning these two XY, XX