How do we stop the obesity in America, Sup Forums?
How do we stop the obesity in America, Sup Forums?
"Day of the Diet"
Concentrated fat camps
Well, you have to make the population appreciate what they intake.
Stop putting corn into absolutely everything (this will fix many, many other health issues as well)
>in america
There is a British Pound symbol on it though.
1. Study it.
2. Ban atrazine.
3. Regulate other harmful substances, that would be find out to cause obesity.
3.1. If something contains refined sugar, according amount of package surface should be marked to the sugar precentage.
Those are all British foods... She is a bong.
>blames the corn, eats another burger.
We thought we could buck evolution by keeping weaklings alive, so evolution found another way to eliminate people of poor genetic substance.
why the fuck do you bongs call them digestive biscuits
that's such an unappealing term
Ban HFCS, tax fat people.
That's the most coherent description of evolution I've ever heard bro.
brits are unappealing
whatever you know what I mean, the system is self correcting.all we can do is manage the collateral damage
This is a 10/10 in the UK though, lesser Texas.
This beauty lives in my area I think her name is Gemma or something.
We should send the fat people and their SJW sympathizers to concentration camps
why are fat people so greasy? They look like melted butter
Because all the fat and grease they eat has to seep through their disgusting pores.
eat only one meal a day unless you work a very physical job or work out at the gym
More like
>eats another bag of fritos
fat tax and regulate fast food.
People thought they had positive digestion qualities when they first released
>Walkers chips
That's not America pal
Nice try faggot
dont eat meat
ever seen a fat vegetarian or vegan?
NO I didn't think so
Holy fuck.
OP beat the fuck out for real.
This woman is English
that and whole milk has red tops in the us
>American diet
>crisps, biscuits, soda priced in pounds
People were lied to by the nutrition Jew, eat all those carbs goyim, fat is bad for you!
How the fuck do you drink two bottles of milk a day? I remember I started throwing up after one bottle
Real sugar carries the same risks.
that's not a woman that's a fucking carrier flood from halo
>tfw about to go to subway and get dinner before work
Steak and cheese or meatball.
Obviously you're not white enough, achmed.
Japan has a pretty good system
Every year you get a physical and if you are found to be overweight you are required by law to go to weekly health seminars at your own expense and if you fail to show up you can be fined.
Basically it's a nice rouundabout way to tax fat people for being fatasses.
Another good method was suggested by the red cross a few years back. Basically if your doctor reports that you are healthy you get a tax break at the end of the year.
neeting on 1 meal a day and only fruits/vegetables/water in between
Do you even lift brah?
Food rationing.
Nothing else is needed.
why do you want to stop it?
just let the fatties eat themselves to death.
problem solved.
>i'm a libertarian and i want to control other people's lives!!
>Walker's """Crisps"""
Nice try UK but I think not u fat lards
By dis-encouraging it socially, making it a social taboo, while making Gyms more mainstream among normies.
>"crisps" instead of "chips"
Ideal: internment in fat camps for the obese, euthanization of the morbidly obese
Somewhat realistic: allow all hospitals and insurance companies to deny care to self-mutilators such as fatties; put surgeon general warnings on sugary foods just like with tobacco; allow discrimination against them in any sphere including hiring
Finally. We can blame the British!
tfw 114lbs
Fat shaming.
Pics qt
>Has Pound Sterling sign on coke bottle
I can she afford to eat that much in a day? What job does she have?
>plate of chips
>Not wanting your pus sores washed daily by qt
too fat to work.
Select all images with mountains.
>mfw pic is bongfatty
Crisps, litres. This is a picture of an English land whale
It's a fucking mystery m8, the greatest minds in science have yet to wrap their heads around this one apparently.
Yeah. I shared a house with a fat vegan dyke. Cycled everywhere, drank aloe vera, vegan healthy diet and still fat.
Tax it.
The "biscuits (cookies), chips (fries), and crisps (chips)" didn't give it away for you that this was a British picture?
it can't be fixed
put fatties in labor camps
As Louis C.K once said, have human sized doors
Ebola attack on all major transport systems
Lese antibiotics in our meat would help a lot.
That's disgusting.
How could anybody eat that much and not want to kill themselves?
She must literally be full all the time.
Fair point m8
>in America
All fucking fatties must fucking hang.
Yeah it sounds stupid.
But it means you don't get the confusion we have when we say chips.
You mean hot chips or potato chips?
I'm a fat vegetarian. Sorry. I'm trying to be better but it takes time.
Get women off hormonal birth control. It fucks up their health in many ways and makes them fat and attracted to numales.
Promote public transportation if you live in a city... People who use it are more likely to walk for an hour or more a day and that makes them less likely to be fat.
Instill a love of the outdoors and simple outdoor sports like running, cross country skiing, swimming, biking, etc. In children.
Stop making half black babies because black women can't control themselves and always wind up hamplanets due to shitty genetics.
Stop big government corn subsidies so that food companies stop putting HFCS Jew in everything.
Is that smegma? How does it smell? Does that guy feel any shame?
>Walkers """Crisps"""
Nice try OP
>tfw you are 280 pounds but are 6 foot and have a huge frame.
>Get to be overweight with no social consequences.
>Can watch people mentally check themselves who would otherwise be cunts to fat people who aren't as intimidating.
Fun stuff.
I mean, I'm likely to die in 20 years from heart disease but at least I don't have to put up with peoples shit until then.
in America its ok , but in UK we have to pay for their healthcare regardless of how fat an irresponsible they are.
I fucking loved how in the Judge Dredd video game you could arrest fat people for obesity.
Fucking hilarious
But that's weightist!
Defund public transportation and fund more bike lanes. Build city planning based of walkways instead of roads. Then, ban junk food and other fattening shit.
Teach people other ways to cope with their shitty lives other than overeating, basically.
In the grand scheme of things, perhaps overeating isn't the worst choice someone can make. They could try coping by doing drugs or binge drinking or by beating their kids.
The overeating is just a symptom of a deeper behavioral issue.
sugar is vegan and overeating doesn't require meat, vegans can actually be prone to overeating because any chronic deficiencies in their diet will cause cravings. I knew a fat vegan, one of her favorite foods was vegan macaroni and "cheese"
Government mandated rations
It would work though
Easiest way to lose weight is simply to install a calorie counting app and stick with it.
Once you start logging everything you eat and measuring how much energy is in everything you eat it's easy.
I got kinda chubby and I've been losing like 1kg per week doing this.
go eat a mcdonalds cheeseburger, then ask yourself why you feel even hungrier as it "digests".
Dammit now I want Fritos
Simple and tasty!
>kinda chubby
>1kg per week
Are the sarnies separate to the two loaves of bread or included? if not that's 3 loaves of bread. FAT CUNT I HOPE SHE GETS ERGOT
I think its bed sores that have abscessed. I'd imagine the smell is unbearable. I'd let the fucker die at that point.
How the fuck does somebody manage to drink 8 pints of milk in one day....
I don't get it?
I was about 114 kg and I'm aiming for a ultra skinny 85 kg.
Compared to other fatties I was slender
it's not okay in the usa. obese people still create an unnecessary cost for hospitals. you pay for it through taxes. we pay for it through health insurance premiums
Cynically, people would just find a doctor they could bribe, same way they find doctors that write them oxycontin prescriptions.
Get them addicted to meth and heroine.