Jordan Peterson on the subject of free speech at McMarston University got shut down by protesters

Jordan Peterson on the subject of free speech at McMarston University got shut down by protesters.



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God damned college kids

Good. Right wing retards don't belong in universities, universities are for intelligent, eriudite intellectuals. Right wing retards should stay in their shacks in the sticks where their backwards, terrible ideas can't infect the normal members of society

punished jordan

If an intellectual can't discern correct or incorrect concepts for themselves, then they are not intellectual.

He really looks like Stan Laurel.

wow, you're so right. good post, my friend!

You don't have to be right wing to support freedom of speech.
Blame the Soviets for this shit

must suck being you.
in my captcha there was the word 'PAID'. Synchronicity.

do the same back to them.

crime against humanity.

Fucking degenerates. These Jewish clowns interrupting JP make me incredibly angry.

concepts are neither correct nor incorrect.

>jordan peterson
>right wing

He's a centrist who thinks communists/extremists in general are retarded. Apparently that's an issue.

>Good. Right wing retards don't belong in universities, universities are for intelligent, eriudite intellectuals.

Except that you're a fucking idiot, so why should anyone listen to you?

Do you even have a job?

Hope your favorite pet dies in a traffic accident.


based leaf

Stormfags are mad some people don't wanna hear their shit. You're free to shitpost on Sup Forums and Stormfront keep your autistic shit outta the real world.

It's McMaster University

Also fucking degenerates why, why, trudeau is a cuck

He needs support. An NPO that can raise funds for location and security and hold Peterson events. Wouldn't take much.

Do you retards understand freedom of speech? He is free to say whatever he wants and the government can't/won't touch him. Now what he says being shut down by the people is a different story and isn't covered under the 1st amendment. You're mad people don't wanna hear or see your racist shit


top level troll or terrible shill...

maybe they are one and the same.

>waa he doesn't agree with my ways

Why didn't the audience physically remove the protestors?

That would constitute assault

why is he even speaking there mcmaster is literally community college tier inbred trash

>He is free to say whatever he wants and the government can't/won't touch him.
Not true, this whole controversy is about hate speech laws.
>Now what he says being shut down by the people is a different story and isn't covered under the 1st amendment
The first amendment is American, unlike Jordan Peterson.
>You're mad people don't wanna hear or see your racist shit
lol, typical german blockhead

They're afraid. The moment you touch one of those commie freaks they will start to shake, shit themselves and maybe try to maul you.

Worth it, IMO. Look at based stick man.

I love how he thinks any of this is actually going to do anything. This PC shit is unstoppable and those who fight against it are fighting an ocean of piss. The only way to actively fight it is force that is all. I don't know how many times I gotta say this to nu/pol/ but force is the only these people will listen too. I'd say 70% of all people are like this as well.

It's true. First amendment in US at least deals with government actions. However one should ask oneself whether, if those Jews sniping his speech were in government, they would allow such speech at all. And the idea of free speech that cannot be heard over the din is absurd.


Racism and hate speech should be illegal. You shouldn't be able to attack some one solely based on their race or disability. Religion is a different story because its an idea like politics.

>You shouldn't be able to attack some one solely based on their race or disability.

Mob violence, mob rule. No.


We have our own versions of this. Drive to your nearest big university and take care of it

You stupid shit skin.

I know you're used to oppression of speech in the shit hole you fled and the slightly lesser shit hole you now infest, but it's important for people to act like adults and debate viewpoints.

Maybe they just throw rocks at each other in your dogshit culture, but it doesn't lead to progress.

I'm sure everything you have to say on nearly every topic is complete and utter idiocy, but I'd still defend your right to say it, your right to be heard, and my right to humiliate your ignorant and backward views. Then you could retort.

But at least we'd be talking.

This is vital for a functioning civilization, something you wouldn't know shit about.

DW annon. I will be there tomorrow. I will work with the audience to fight back the communist tide

Post modernists shut these guys down irl because they are scared of the power they hold. Most Peterson listeners watch him on YouTube anyway, this will only embolden them

Its wrong and makes you look like a child. Their race or disability shouldn't be an issue in an argument

Mob rule is just another way to say might makes right, which is the inescapable truth of reality. All forms of government are based on raw violence, they just obfuscate it in different ways.

You think you'll get rid of racism by gagging people and threatening them with prison and/or reeducation? When did Germany become the (((USSR)))?

>Racism and hate speech should be illegal.
This isn't about race.
> You shouldn't be able to attack some one solely based on their race or disability.
You wish for a world where no one can call you a retard?
>Religion is a different story because its an idea like politics.
So is what's being discussed by Peterson

>Their race or disability shouldn't be an issue in an argument
Who said anything about arguments? You don't get shit done by winning debates, you autist.

Why is it not an issue?

PC is a religion. It won't stop so easily until some apocalyptic event happens.

Yes, force is the only thing that will stop these fuckheads from changing there tune. They will keep getting radical and think they are fighting the man. Thats the problem with Trump winning as well before this they were fighting nothing now we give them a boogie man. After 8yrs of Trump this PC shit will just come back in full force don't you think for one second this PC culture of trash is going to just end. I'm sorry to ruin your little fantasy land where Trump makes everything good again. Trump has given us a 10 or so years extra before the US falls apart better start prepping.

Also I wanted to mention democracy is a mob rule fuckhead. Go kill yourelf.

Why does he always look like hes about to cry?

It's so obvious that this is false though. God has 2 hands--one for justice and one for mercy. You would chop one off.

>Top level troll

Negative, just another retarded leaf that will be raked, burnt and bagged

Animals do not deserve to suffer

Just gas the liberals and rescue the doggos and cattos

So sad, he doesn't deserve this disgraceful behavior. He's a good sport, he doesn't want to fight.

I legitimately would be okay with murdering leftists.

It isn't that I hate them, it is that they are simply so rude. Act like animals, even niggers are more polite. More eradication of a pest or disease than anything.

>Preach the truth
>Holdfast to your morals
>Try to calmly explain your position only to be drowned out in the shrieks and bleating of angry leftist retards

Mercy only occurs where it is beneficial to justice. We feed the poor because it's easier than imprisoning them.

I will be disrupting the March for Science march in my town on April 22. I hope others will do the same in their towns. I'm just going to stand close to the stage where the speakers are and start reading a Beverly Clearly children's book aloud and not stop and see what happens.

They shut us down, I shut them down.

>You shouldn't be able to attack some one solely based on their race or disability.
You should be able to attack some one solely based on anything, and people should be encouraged to standing up for themselves and not brainwashing them to be pussies and cry "muh discrimination", "muh anti-semitism", "muh racism", etc. I've been attacked verbally, physically, been said all kinds of things and I honestly don't care anymore. It thickened my skin, and my parents instead of pussifying always told me to fight back. What kind of terrible parent teaches their kid to whine when he's attacked instead of fighting back?

We should start murdering leftists you can't even reason with them they are basically a religion now and its me go purge them.

So this is the state of canadian higher education. You faggots are finished.

Fuck this shit makes me angry. We gotta support this guy any way we can. JORDAN PETERSON WHE GOT UR BACK

its the state of all higher education

Shit like this doesn't happen here.

because he is

We were made in His image. Good deeds are selfless.

Read your books as much as you like, other people will take action.

Because he is weeping for the youth who are attacking him. Prof Peterson is a father and tries to be fatherly to everyone.

He's watching a dozen Pinocchio puppets dance on strings when they should be learning hot to be real.

>talking about what is false
>mention god as part of an argument
Retard dismissed

This. I'm smarter than Samuel Johnson, Thomas Jefferson, Joseph Priestley and the rest. I'm an enlightened atheist!

No one fucks with my boy, Peterson

Protect the good. Tell the truth. Do the highest good.

Turn back. Hedonism is empty.

Reminder Australians are actually funny

>"this is where we draw the line"
I hope they are drawing that line on their wrists with a razor

delete your existence from this planet you absolutely worthless excuse of a person

> eriudite

Do you say mischeeveeous also?

If you're going to try to use fancy language, at least get it right fucker.

How fucking retarded are you? Do you know ANYTHING AT ALL about Peterson's views? He's not racist or nationalist in the least. He's incredibly rational and stands with principles of free speech and individualism. Fucking educate yourself you dumb german pig.

Gas yourself shitposting Germ

also they are literally yelling shut it down, kek

Useful idiots arguing for their rights to be taken. Crying shame.

Yeah, he pretty much predicted it:

Are you mentally retarded?

Freedom of speech is a philosophical concept, not a legal concept.


these events probably make him stronger and add to his reputation to behonest

>tfw can't tell anymore whether they're appropriating our language to disempower it or just affirming that the memes were true all along

The memes were always true.

Do you understand the concept of disorderly conduct? You cannot crash and event and disrupt it b/c your feelings were hurt. Unless of course you want to be physically hurt b/c that is where this is heading.

Bref we need to start lynching somalians in your country



>A German being a Nazi on Sup Forums
Not unexpected but unacceptable. No handshake for you.

>you can still make out what Peterson is saying
>"these people speak for groups they're [don't actually care about?] so they have no legitimacy"

Fucking degenerates


We must annex Canada to save Peterson

>they literally chant 'shut him down'

I'm semi-sensitive to loud noices and just looking at this footage makes me absolutely mad. I can easily imagine myself being there and starting to throw punches against those limp-wristed commies, who would be the one who started the confrontation by violating my ear canals.


This sounds autistic. Realize this soc/jus thing is a dying fad.