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Did the deadnaming shitlord get banned from AGDQ?

If it's not a toy for me to play with, why is it streaming?


Man I feel kinda bad. Making fun of people who can take it is one thing, but that one got dealt an ugly hand.

I use to watch Cosmo back when he played Wind Waker. Cosmo died long ago and all that remains is this thing. Evil is a hell of a drug.


Anyone streaming knows potential risks.

Buck the fuck up or dont show your face online

A trolls criticism is sometimes what you need to pay attention to, to fix yourself or your content

>That edgy ponyfag acting tough

>I'm largely successful playing a video game

If that's your definition of success, than I don't know where to begin.

Who cares

The bottom pic of (((xosmo))) looks just like that side profile caricature from the difference between nords vs anglos image
Someone post it for comparison

you just know half the people viewing this are fiending for that boipucci.

This is cosmo?


further evidence latinos are fucking trash

Holy fucking shit, we found the guy from the meme

You are absolutely right

So... raid?

>plays Nintendo games

Proof that Nintendyearolds are cancer.

He is just a very sad person. Before BOTW came out, he was totally hyped and acted like this game would make him as popular as he used to be again. Well, he forgot that the Twitch landscape has changed. He has lost a large share of his followship due to not delivering quality content and the competition is much stronger than it used to be years ago when he was a famous speedrunner. The only thing left are a small core of hardcore fanboys but he will never reach the greatness that he thought with this game.

Ugh...that there anything worse? is fat worse? Are small tits worse? No. Nothing is worse than the turkey look. Literally nothing.

Wait...thats a guy? I thought it was a very, very, very ugly female.

greasing my rod to your girl again

strong jawline

That thing is what remains of Cosmo Wright. He took gender pills and fucked himself up.

also literally grima wormtongue tier hair greasiness


is that leafy's sister?

I just don't get this kind of trolling. Seems pointless an cruel.

this gave me a pretty good giggle burger, please have a (you)

Chin-Chan reborn.

Cosmo was never good

chin chan returns

Holy fuck. All those "she"'s marked in to accentuate their fixation on proper pronouns in some vain effort to prove how he REALLY is female. Just go with it, goy. RIP Cosmo. RIP western civilization.



Same. But the thing is super fucking mouthy

it doesnt know how to articulate words out loud.
its confused.

that's a man, baby.

She looks like Grima Wormtongue from LOTR kek

It used to be a guy?! LOOOOOL

how can you feel empathy for that attention whoring thing?
fucking leaf



At first i thought she was a girl but W T F!

Is that a tranny?

>At first i thought she was a girl

Even a girl wouldn't be that much of an abomination. Tranny slime are subhuman.

tfw john numbers fucks you so hard you turn into a grill

FFS, why does every retard get a wiki page. And I saw "speedrunner" and thought "oh at least an athlete" But no, "speedrunner" means faggot.

If you're an ugly dude you most definitely will be an ugly bitch

its a mistake

u r gay ahahahahha

implying you wouldn't suck on his little clitty

He got that weak chin, I think it is.

No Cosmo, I wouldn't. Degenerate cuck

Well, I guess she didn't chin this coming

If the disease progresses to the point where you're actually willing to transition then chances are they really don't care how they will look as long as it's not how they look now.


Check ur privilege.

Its a tranny.

Who the fuck is this, why should I give a fuck and how is this even vaguely political?

Answers: who cares, I shouldn't give a fuck and it isnt.

100% shitpost. 50 replies.

Dozen other shitpost threads just like this one that mods refuse to touch.

Anyone with a shred of rationality still reading this: why do you continue to come here? What is there left for you. Hiroshimoot and his worthless admins/mods openly refuse to lift a finger to stop the deluge of shitposting on Sup Forums. They eagerly sought this board's dilution and destruction with Sup Forums tier edgelord faggotry.

Why continue giving them ad revenue when there's a better place to go? Why not go somewhere that actually allows rational discussion and the exchange of ideas? Why not avoid the flood of shitposts and the inevitable "LOL U JUS WANT HUGBAWKS LELELELELRLRLELELELELLELE" bullshit when you say something about it.

There's another place. A better place. You know where I mean.

1. Someone cutout a sideprofile pic of cosmo before he JUST'd his shit up

2. Cut out the chinlet side profile from OP's pic

3. Put them facing each other

4. Caption the JUST'd one with "People who make you are not Cosmo threads", caption the other one with "Cosmo"

5. Recieve many (You)s

>can't even past the first area


come on you know you wanna fingerbang him while sucking on his clit

I kinda feel bad because he was a legit amazing streamer but he fell for the tranny meme. He was a normal person when he was a man but now he's just a mess, the estrogen has fried his brain

In the UK military the officer class tended to be "noblemen" (not so much nowadays) and therefore inbred as all fuck. Chinless Wonders we used to call these officers. Habsburg jaw, etc. It's a classic sign of inbreeding.

he always did stupid shit on stream like painting his nails long before he did this tranny shit its honestly no surprise he became a tranny

>why should I give a fuck and how is this even vaguely political?
This is the end game of the far left. This creature use to be a male named Cosmo but the leftist faggots helped push him with encouragement 24/7 online and via donations on his Twitch channel to take gender pills and now is this ugly creature on the edge of suicide.

This is what the left wants and pushed Cosmo to basically commit soft-suicide.

where does the chin end and the throat begin, seriously question.

>sits in stream for an hour talking about existential crisis
>memelords in the chat unironically keep suggesting that they should watch popular anime films and series to get over their problems

two nukes wasn't enough.