Better watch those assault memes, guys.
This is fucking retarded
is that actually illegal? will it hold up in court?
Oh look, a j00 playing the victim what a surprise
I've been strobed.
I don't believe a word this snake says until I see some proof.
What the fuck? What happened to personal responsibility? The internet is full of moving pictures that anyone can upload. He should have had enough sense to know that many of these videos contain flashing lights. If something like that can fucking kill you then don't use twitter. Twitter is a privilege, free speech is a right. This shit better get reversed.
>yfw rickrolling or linking goatse will get you jailed
I have NO idea how this would hold up. He's trying to use the same reasoning as anthrax or a bomb sent through the mail to skirt the, "I willfully opened the gif" deal.
If this holds up, and no reason why it should, it sets an insane precedent.
>be FBI
>spend 3 months trying to find an autistic alt-right neckbeard who assaulted a joo with colors
>haha like nigga just close ya eyes nigga haha how fuckin dumb nigga just close ya eyes nigga haha i mean come on nigga hahahaha
They're now equating this on the same level as sending anthrax through the mail. This is fucking ridiculous. Also, his lawyer is named (((Lieberman))). Every. Fucking. Time.
Reported you to the FBI. My wife's son has epilepsy and he just went into a coma viewing this gif.
this comment triggered me to the point that I feel lightheaded and at the brink of a heart attack.
I will see you in court buddy!
Lawyers are some of the scummiest people on the planet. I'm not talking about criminal lawyers but every level of law is a bunch of fucking scumbags. You really have to be some kind of psychopath to be a lawyer.
>falling for seizure inducing shit on the interwebs
wew lads, what year is it? 2003? Did he browse albinoblacksheep afterwards to watch the latest jokes with einstein? Does that mean that i could have sued whoever made that seizure inducing maze game too? Because that fucked me up big time.
NOTE TO Sup ForumsACKS:::
Joe rogan has an interview where he speaks to an ex-lawyer.
The game is to find absurd hard to beat cases like this and get away with it.
Meanwhile, our friends at Democratic Underground...
off to the strobe chamber with this one
yfw Auschwitz was a massive rave
>write patents for a living
>find out that lawyers are psychopaths
Wtf I love patents now
All you anti-Semites need to take a long hard look at pic related.