Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?
Sargon of Akkad
since when are left-wing liberal cucks /ourguy/s?
Are we being invaded Sup Forums?
Are you drunk again Carl?
Youtuber who attack low haning fruit, nice alt lite persona for 15 year olds to look up to I guess though
Sargon is a handsome guy
Our goy
Yes he is.
He's one of the better lads out there. Certainly made Desticuck look like the mental and physical midget he is.
Al was ok on Home Improvement, but I like the neighbor, Wilson.
Not really but he did tear a new asshole in Destiny
Checked n keked
He is literally raising his wife's son.
>Is he our goy
>Is he our guy
Tougher questions have never been asked.
No he's Jewish
You're juth't a rathist
He's a potential ally.
He's not completely on our side, but there's quite a bit of overlap. Either way, he's good for our cause.
He isn't our guy
Fuck of cucklord Swede, I bet you fap over that image.
sargon is a literal cuck
It's just a funny image desu.
The people who scream the loudest they hate gays, usually are gay themselves
classical lib with a tube. kinda like r the donald, not /our guy/ but an important middleman for meme infection.
>still shilling for sargon of cuckad
Uploads 1 hour video to make a simple point he could have said in 30 seconds
Unwatchable buffoon
>keep praising everything the right does
>btw im not one of them
That said I thought he was alright until he started forcing his kekistan meme.
He has moved progressively to the right over the past year and a half. He's useful for introducing normies if nothing else.
Are you really offended by this?
>not ironically shitshilling for sargon of assmad
Why does he want Keklandia to be an Islamic caliphate?