What's the quick rundown on the debates?
What's the quick rundown on the debates?
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JonTron is a shit debater and Destiny is a faggot wife beater who encourages suicide towards his own friends.
Sargon completed destroyed Destiny and then Destiny took out his impotent anger on YT animators, who are all ripping him to shreds right now.
hey newfriends, this board is for politics not for discussing e-celebrities, I suggest you return to redd-it for this delightful discussion of fat useless faggots, thanks
What was Destiny's views and tactics? The snippets I've seen, look pretty bad.
Silver lining for Jon?
He was horrifically terrible at debating and failed to make any of his arguments sound not-racist.
He was so racist (either intentionally or not) that he made Destiny sound reasonable and agreeable.
JonTron can't debate, Destiny painted him into corners and Sargon had to get him out of it.
Sargon destroyed Destiny in the debate.
It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon but even still, go to bed Destiny.
Neoliberal. Basically the worst parts of capitalism and the worst parts of socialism with a two big scoops of anti-white racism.
His tactics are to strawman, adhom and misdirect.
>He was so racist (either intentionally or not)
Eh, maybe
>that he made Destiny sound reasonable and agreeable
But let's be fair on Jon's part: he wasn't prepared for this. Like, at all. You can tell he's too used to talking about his political opinions in a more casual discussion rather than in an actual debate style. He got BTFO for sure, but only because Destiny is used to debating whereas Jontron did not. I'm glad Sargon bailed him out though.
Destiny: "You have Nazis responding to me" *commits guilt by assocation
JonTron: "What about the commies on your side? Won't you denounce them?"
Destiny: What does that have to do with anything? Isn't communism just an economic thing?
based redpilled youtuber thread?
I'll start
It's hard for me to listen to the debate, this ugly manlet piece of shit just bugs me the wrong way. I get genuinly angry when I listen to his side. It's something about him that's very off. He's like the embodiment of the bitter weak beta male, you can tell that this piece of human garbage has a chip on his shoulder.
Apart from his edgy unintentionally political pranks. The guy's pretty obnoxious.
Are you referring to destiny?
Of course. He's such a fucking snake and a passive aggressive, vindictive little shit.
Sure, it's a face I commonly with insanity and prestige politics(views pre-calculated for maximum social benefit).
kys faget
your top 2 is a jew and a paki.
Everyone is like this. Especially the faggots he's arguing with on twitter.
Pic related was one the WORST ragers in sc2 history as well as being known only for lying cheating and stealing.
Wait really? Can you give me a quick rundown of this? I've never heard of it
It's something he wants to keep on the down low obviously but if you ask around with some of the old timers they would tell you a few things about him.
>internet animator
>ever making 250K a year
>b-buh 900K subs
His stupidity boggles the mind.
Even Egoraptor "Aryan" Hanson is shitting on this faggot
That's how you know he's BTFO
I fucking hate this piece of shit, not even right-wing or anything. He's so unlikable and ignorant it's disgusting.
art isn't hard, that's why lazy liberals do it
Well Arin you shouldn't attack people anonymously and behind the computer screen while hacking into all of their shit but here we are.
>art isn't hard
PP is on fire tonight
Even though Sargon beat Destiny today, I think Jontron will forever be known as a Nazi, his career will take a big hit. He can say goodbye to any future shilling for Disney etc.
nah he died years ago its just Arin "70 chins" hanson now.
Also Arin is like, not an artist. Or animator in any sense. He's a shit tier grade comedian and nothing else.
I have no idea what this debate you're talking about it.
But I went to high school with JonTron, and can confirm, he is 100% a faggot jackass.
Psychicpebbles said that he doesn't want the populations of white nations to be displaced, but Sup Forums will never love him because he was a berner. Feels bad man.
Jon thought he was coming on for an informal chat.
Destiny has autistically prepared for a week beforehand.
Jon, being ill prepared and inexperienced got lead around his nose, making him look bad.
He was an animator once, but the point is that Destiny is getting blown the fuck out by betas like Arin now
>art isn't
Art is literally suffering you retard
Arin is a retarded way of spelling Aaron. I wish he would just stop being in denial and get the operation already.
Whats the Scorecard for the destiny debates?
Shrekli: rekt him
Jontron: Weak debater, conceived as a loss and had to have other people help his cause
Naked Ape: Absolutely castrated cuckstiny B R U T A L
Metokur: Shit down his throat
>construction job for a summer
Translation: I swept up the garbage on the construction site and ran errands.
Well we are discussing an e-celeb's political views.
Right now he's tweeting once a minute becuase he's in a shitstorm where he pissed off youtube animators and he's pretending to be blue collar.
Don't let him live this down. Keep rubbing it in his face that he's a limosine liberal and can't related to us.
He's breaking.
I'm not up to date on this but I believed Sargon debated him twice.
The second one was today where Sargon won but I think there was another one a while ago where Destiny won.
He's digging deeper
Check out /ic/
Jon lost because Destiny would not allow European arguments
Naked Ape won because he didn't take Destiny's shit.
Sargon won because he kept calm, Destiny sperged, and Destiny literally admitted he'd rather fuck over poor people with immigration for the sake of the rest of America to be able to afford an iPhone. And its all okay because we should just make a new policy that taxes the rich to give money back to the poor people we just fucked over.
He's asking you, faggot. Not these mythical old timers.
I can confirm he is right. Being an animator is hard work but it has absolutely nothing on any kind of physical labor or STEM field.
That we need to lynch all the niggers
Time will tell, but he's been absent from twitter, there's been negative articles all over the place. I think he's feeling the backlash a bit. But having said that, perhaps he wanted to start a new chapter and is following the money, these days being an alt right eceleb can be lucrative.
No, you didn't. He was homeschooled.
animation is really fucking hard
His starcraft rage was legendary there's not a whole lot else to say about it. So go back to gaggling on your boss's ballsack kid.
>What's the quick rundown on the debates?
Steven ruined them, not with facts but with pure debate tactics.
Even Sargon got hit hard, albeit not completely ruined.
>being this new
>He attended Palos Verdes Peninsula High School from 2004 to 2008, where he participated in musical theatre
Sargon tore Destiny a new asshole.
Show us the album photo then.
You aren't an artist, are you?
>no murdoch murdoch
>a bunch of kikes and faggots
Redpilled doesn't mean anything anymore
It's not me you need to tell this to, homo, it's the other guy.
Instead of sending the poor fucker on a possible wild goose chase finding people that probably dont exist you could have actually showed him this info you mentioned.
You're the most dense American I've met today.
Can someone tell me why someone keeps shilling this sand nigger every 5 seconds and why Sup Forums continues to kiss this sand nigger's ass?
I was one. I did animation and cartooning as well as illustrations. Art is mostly relaxing but animation is tough. Anyway I don't see how it's "suffering" So care to explain?
I seriously hope you are joking, user.
Not him no, I don't think so. That user doesn't strike me as a HUGE FAGGOT.
He is probably smart and didn't choose a retarded "career"
>go back to your mom's house hundreds of miles away to take a picture of a school album so an autist can verify publicly available information
Okay, son.
Isnt, GaUa a Punjabi???
The hit wasn't significant. He only lost 10k subscribers from his 3 million. What's going to be telling is how successful his next video is.
Commercial art, especially animation is fucking devastating and makes you want to kill yourself. So many bright-eyed kids thinking they're going to be like Egoraptor when the reality is 14 hours straight sitting in front of sheets flipping someone's more impressive work while you connect the dots and wish you'd gone into storyboarding to have some actual input.
Nice numbers
And how convenient of you to leave the album at home. Very convincing.
Firstly, art is creation, the most difficult thing on the planet.
Second, if you took a math notebook with you everywhere you went and used all your free time doing math problems, after a few years you'd be one of the best mathematicians alive. The same effort in art makes you ALMOST employable.
>lets discuss the migrant crisis
>no europe allowed
i hope this faggots life becomes 365 24/7 misery
ask rtil in that discord channel youre in with lenko
Depends on what you mean by harder. It is much harder to be a successful animator that makes money compared to a doctor or lawyer.
anyone got a link to the sargon v Destiny debate?
Which one of you dickweeds is actually following him?
Can someone post the Sargon one today? Everyone keeps mentioning it but no post. I need to laugh at a cuck today.
> Rtil
> lenko
No clue who the fuck those people are, or who you think I am for knowing them.
>if you took a math notebook with you everywhere you went and used all your free time doing math problems, after a few years you'd be one of the best mathematicians alive
Uh. No. You'd also be unemployable.
>this guy takes massive books with him everywhere he goes whenever he moves
PVPHS has the Guinness book of world record's largest and heaviest yearbook. Like I'm gonna carry that shit around you queef.
could someone link the video?
>no Harmful Opinions
have not finnished it and probably wont
destiny is just fucking dense
It's the standard trope of the starving artist. I don't have any input other than that.
Here we go again:
filthy rat-faced kike
normie garabage
Bluepill cuck milennial shit
Redpilled but also retarded
Redpilled but ironically
Faggot cuck
Redpilled but also shady
Literally who?
Bluepill in jabba form
Redpilled but also a fencesitter
Bluepilled opportunist phony
Bluepilled blob that got BLACKED
Half kike
Bluepill merchant
>I'm not racist but
leet post
>Redpilled but also a fencesitter
hurrr he doesn't hate black people like I do stop sitting on the fence Sargon!!11
kill yourself
I guess financially it is suffering that I can agree on.
Zach is a fucking legend.
Jon was probably never told about Destiny being some serious autistic child and thought it was a discussion rather than a debate, and performed poorly
Sargon and Naked ape raped Destiny because have at least entry level debating skills is enough to shut down an autist who's ideals change when someone is forcing them into a corner