Vidya Gaymers are sexist... *sip tea*
Vidya Gaymers are sexist... *sip tea*
Explain muslims
If digits is fake news
>play Overwatch
>beat your wife
If digits it's real news
>implying I don't beat my wife in overwatch
>le correlation is causation
Excuse me, the majority of gamers are female now
I like how they didn't include the study in there.
There is literally nothing wrong with sexism
Close enough for me.
Bets on them sharing the same DiGra study that started shit near the beginning?
Dota 2 is the biggest redpill simulator around
>Female players are typically useless
>Foreign players dont stay on their severs, infest your sever, ruin your game and time and then blame you
>Every chill person I met in Dota 2 is a trump supporter
>The more time people spend escaping the reality we carefully try to control the context of, the less they are affected by our control mechanisms oy vey
>no link to study in article
I'm sure they didn't define sexism in a biased way
>The more time a teenager spends on vidya, the likelier he or she is to be sexist
So, alternate theory here. The more time a teenager spends on video games, the worse their overall social life is. Because they're at home in their parent's basement instead of hanging out with their friends. The more of a social pariah a person is, the more likely they are to be sexist (since they can't get any).
Want to stop young people from playing video games and being sexist? Fuck 'em.
I remember playing pac-man for 3 hours straight and then raping every woman in a 2 block radius.
Personally, i blame the MTV.
>female player picks cm
oh here we go again
Mindless mobile games dont count.
>Sup Forums will soon control the hearts and minds of the teenage world as it's brutal defense of the community has provided a safe space for redpill spores to grow in the brain of the eternal teenager
Best timeline.
Everything is sexist nowadays
Everything is sexist in this age
More like the more feminist propaganda you see, the more sexist you are.
That includes feminist most of all.
It's both
>majority of gamers are female now
If you count candy crush, farmville and other children's games...
Same, I rape a woman for every Tetris line that I clear.
if i get digits its fake news and you three need to kill yourselves
Most "sexism" research is crap.
See here
good lookin' out Kek
They're trying to bring back Gamergate to fight the "ebul right wing youtubers"
wtf, I love vidya now
>College is linked to mental illness: Study
Colleges created retards....*sips coffee*
Meritocracies are inherently sexist
Yeah, it's a real big problem. Just think of all them poor boys and girls being taught sexist, romantic notions, like one person pursuing another, more-reluctant person or girls being relatively innocent until they find the right person. It's absolutely cruel to fill their heads with silly notions like that, when we have to slam on the gas and head full speed towards a fucking termite mound existence without racism or conflicting ideologies.
The world's heading towards homogenized and despondent urbanism and you're expected to be ok with it, or else you're high-minded or judgmental.
>mobile games
what color was the nice lady's scarf?
Wasn't there a study a few years ago that said the exact opposite?
Sup Forums needs to realize that video games are the ultimate redpill agent
I've met more redpilled people on vidya than i have anywhere else
I can confirm this.
After playing Dragon Ball Z budokai i put a woman through a table screaming "DROP DEAD"
Videogames confirmed for redpilled.
Competition and difficulty factors attracts men and masculine behavior.
Film, television, literature and comics are beyond cucked because they are not interactive. The commies have been trying their hardest to subvert vidya but they just can't seem to take control.
>Television, on the other hand, had a smaller impact than video games.
No, because on T. V. the dunce is always a dude, and on Two and Half Men at the end of every scene they sing "Meeeeen" after one of the men does something stupid.
>I've met more redpilled people on vidya than i have anywhere else
That's because it's the only place you have met people
This shit never ends.
Majority of sexists are females as shown by numerous studies. They also "slut shame" and comment on "distracting clothes" more frequently than men.
>falling for the electric jew
All video games that have come out in the last 5 or so years are degenerate shit that promote racemixing and faggotry. If I ever see my son playing one of those candy-ass nintendos I'll beat the shit out of him.
exactly, you get it, not only that but I've met lifelong friends from around the country and even around the world, it's opened my eyes in ways to others ways of life and is a serious redpilling experience for anyone
gif related
Good article, articulates how these studies are often twisted.
Name one from a Japanese developer.
gee I wonder
try 10 years, faggot.
>young boys are sexist by our unreasonable goal posts
Thanks feminism
>candy-ass nintendos
Take that back. Nintendo is the only red-pilled company right now, BTFO all whiny feminists that wanted female Link and ignores the whole saving the princess is sexist bullshit. What you're looking for is western gaming which yes, it's absolutely fucked. Just look at (((Overwatch))) a.K.a Cultural Marxism the game or Watch Dogs 2 where there's literally a fat xe with a e-cigarrete and a fucking le empowered woman with a hijab.
>5 years
last objectively good year of vidya was a decade ago
Only one I found regarding the same method to this article.
Notice something, Sup Forums?
That new near: automata, you play as a mudshark or some shit and have to look after some queer looking kid.
>Douglas A Gentile
Yeah, sorry Jews, but video games were distracting us from your Televised hypnosis so we never fell for your crap
nintendo is based
>attacking gamers again
This should end well
>writing an article about how ppl get smarter the more they play video games without even knowing it cause they haven't played enough video games
If anything it's a good thing, we need more GamerGates and redpilling.
>Being sexists towards men
hmm I wonder who paid for this "study"
>This week on "how (((scientifically))) measured something that's subjective and unquantifiable"
social sciences were a mistake
How? 99% games released in the past 10 or so years have been stuffed with progressive propaganda.
>muh vidya
Let the hags have it
>"Content analysis has shown that women are under-represented in popular video games. They have passive roles, they are princesses who need to be saved or secondary, sexualised objects of conquest," he added.
What video games are these people even looking at? There's no princess waiting in a castle in Call of Duty. There's no women bouncing around in bikinis in Battlefield 1. This talking point is fucking old and dead.
Load games with sjw shit don't be surprised if gamers end up resenting women
Lol what? Both of the people in question are fucking robots. I don't even think the girl "has" a love interest. It's just another transhumanism game.
Nintendo has turned generations of what were going to be men into pathetic manchildren. Redpilled or not they fucked up big time by turning people into Genetic Deadends.
This is the sort of thing little kids say. There isn't anything wrong with stereotypes.
> *sip tea*
>blaming the fucking video games for that
>not the hoards of crazy ass, lazy single mothers who let them do nothing but that growing up
Guess we gotta blame the internet too, huh?
video games don't make teenagers sexist
women make teenagers sexist
I'm surprised this is even an accepted outcome since gender identity makes no fucking sense anymore among these people.
Pack it up boys, its over.
Another male hobby bites the dust.
the internet has done more to ruin humanity than video games ever did
Oh well here we fucking go we're not gonna hear the end of this fucking study now.
I suppose if leftists have legitimized strawman and ad hominem arguments, why not correlation equals causation?
>vidya linked to violence
>vidya linked to sexism
>vidya linked to ???
thanks kek
>If I ever see my son playing one of those candy-ass nintendos I'll beat the shit out of him.
Wow your SO tough!
2.5 k hours here.
can confirm this is true.
Thank fuck I play strategy games and vehicle sims
there better be a news article tomorrow saying how Sup Forums causes people to kill themselves and have those three as examples
Considering the wage-gap meme is still at large, I doubt this "study" is gonna go away.
I play video games and I hate women
Being a cunt linked to feminism