The fuck is he doing?
The fuck is he doing?
Other urls found in this thread:
Winning, raghead.
Shitting on globalists.
he is a total nutjob
putting a bitch in her place
Winning bigly.
Waiting patiently for articles like this to come out and prove his point about exactly why we need him as president by posting traitorous bullshit. Fuck Mercuck. Handshakes are for real leaders.
I can't remember the last time you shills were so ass blasted about something like this.
You have 30 threads up on the board now.
Decidedly not, he's alienating our alies for no apparent gain.
He`s telling that bitch to go fuck herself.
this is why you arent a politican and just factory worker, because you cant understand some things
The Lame Stream Media brought more of them here, it's our job to shut them down whenever and wherever we can.
Keeping his hands clean.
Germany is not our fucking ally.
protecting his hand from the poo in loo hands
Making Merkel laugh with his weaponized autism.
Checked. Thank you fellow burger; this needed to be said.
I think he might be autistic, I should know
He's clearly showing dominance.
Who's the fucking boss over here.
He hates her. Stupid Polack.
Was it autism?
Trying to sneak an old grab of the pussy without getting caught
He's senile
My hands are a little dirty
pretty much. for the most part women have no business in any position of authority.
I don't like Merkel because she reminds me of someone. Why doesn't Trump like her?
If he shook her hand it would signify approval for a piss-poor immigration policy that is destroying everything it touches. People like Mercuck sit by and act like everything is fine because the the policy is 'progressive' and they're being nice to all the poor Muslims, giving them a nice warm bed to sleep in while they plot the destruction of the West. Merkel can get fucked.
He looked so scared in the video
It's ok, so are mine.
fake captions
I don't think there's any deeper meaning behind this besides his typical daily autism episode. It's just how he is.
How is it that none of you has offed that fat dumb cunt yet? She's a disgrace to your country and is ruining it.
After the meeting he went off to play with his legos
He's just a little shy, leave him alone.
Lynching snoop dogg
The shills are extremely active on this subject. He's senile, he's autistic, he's sexist and trying to grab her by the pussy etc. All of you could be journalists. I've seen fake news headlines that contain arguably 90% of the words in your replies.
>look at these legos
>the best legos I tell you
>really beautiful
>look at this wall I built
>big beautiful wall
>I did it all by myself
>great stuff
He's letting them know that he's not their trained monkey, to perform on demand.
If the leader of your country can't force himself to give a handshake to the leader of a country that's investing billions in your country creating thousands of jobs there's is something wrong with your leader. Because you probably don't realize it but germany is one of USA big investors.
Say what you want, but Trump is a genius when it comes to PR. He makes people waste time on menial and hyped up bullshit just by doing something eccentric and unusual. The intellectual majority spends time discussing this shit, while ignoring the rest of his actions. Fucking brilliant.
Being autistic as always
Would you shake hands with the woman who wants to genocide white people?
Hilarious, really.
>Donny, you want a handshake? Come on, be a good boy
>I DON'T WANT TO *sways back and forth like the autistic manchild he is
Trump supporter's still support this
He shaked hands with Clinton so I don't know why he couldn't do it right there
Lol, hes against anything she stands for kraut, why would he shake her hand?
Come on. Even you guys can admit this is at least a little weird.
He legit hates her. Trump`s proud of his German heritage and Merkel`s ruining Germany.
Not that hard to figure out.
Lol, common decency and politeness among trade and NATO partners, Lol
I assure you I'm not a journalist. I was joking about the pussy grab because it's funny. I'm glad he didn't shake that fat cunts hand. I hope he sends the S.S. to end her
>Handshakes are for real leaders.
Definitely explains why Trump doesn't know how to shake hands
I think you're missing the best part, where he cited shithead Napolitano waffle lawyer on FOX and FOX telling their audience later Trump's full of shit :^)
He's not gonna shake her fucking hand, fuck Merkel, single handedly destroying her country
Honestly, he looks like he's telling the journalists asking him to shake hands to go fuck themselves.
Just because it happened, doesn't mean it's news.
He probably read this before she came.
Kys Reddit new faggot
Yeah creating the free world for Muslims and friends to sack Europe.
>not willing to pay the require Nato budget
>No apparent gain
He's doing exactly what a president who cares about his country not being exploited should do.
My god I love this meme of a man.
Maybe don`t suck sandnigger dick Kraut.
Ask Merkel about those Chemtrail planes.
So instead of critiquing the part about how news here propagates opinions as fact, you would rather focus on the part of my comment that talked about a handshake. You're missing the point entirely. If you call yourself an American and you can look at an article like that without feeling deeply insulted; you are a disgrace to your own country.
>insulting jews
I won't stand for this
drumpf seems like a 4 year old tbqh. Mama merkel sure showed him
muricans btfo
she interfered in our election by screaming about how drumf was a nazi
she's a bitch and needs to learn respect
All I see is a dude supporter a complete joke who is butthurt over an article headline. What makes you think I want to dignify your "arguments" with a legitimate response?
He is restructuring the Empire. Britain and Japan are in. Germany and the EU are out. Just as well. The EU will collapse soon and who wants to pay or that.
That's what Trump and Tillerson do. They take a mess and make it viable.
Again, Germany and the EU are out. Too bad their leaders are such fuckwits. It's gonna be hard on them.
Lads, look at the replies to the majority of my obviously shill-bait additions to this thread and you can use them to identify the average shill. We need to analyze how these people think so we can get rid of shit-infested threads like this.
Go back to r/the_donald
>muh god emperor
>muh shills
Trump probably told the German cunt that she is guilty of crimes against humanity and that she belongs in jail.
>Decidedly not, he's alienating our alies for no apparent gain.
>Germany an ally?
Have you not been paying attention for the past few years.
This whore has brought Europe to its knees and you expect Trump to treat her kindly?
Say what you want about Hitler but at least he cared for his people. This childless spinster just gave the Muslims a mandate and a base to start their operations in Europe.
He's playing the long con.
But in all seriousness, Trump is highly germophobic and he knows exactly where murkler has been. He has good reason to not want to make physical contact with her lmao. I wouldnt want those rapefugee cock germs on me either.