Be me

>be me
>have a lib gf
>brother is /ourguy/,autistic and hangs out on Sup Forums all the time
>hung a portrait of donald trump in our basement and names the jew all the time
>she hates him for it
>i agree with him but can never say it in front of her
>all my white guy friends agree with him
>i dominate her in bed and she calls me daddy so i feel better about it
>but still feel bad that i can never openly talk about the jews in front of her

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gas yourself kike

If she's white it's fine.
Just do your job and make white babies.

>>have a lib gf

You already lost at life. Sorry OP.

She is very white. 60/40 Irish and WASP

She isn't an SJW at all but she is definitely a mainstream, Hillary voting Democrat

7th page bump

Dude just shut up about it, never mention it. If she ever goes OMG YOU SUPPORT THAT RACIST DONALD TRUMP!?

Just say "haha no I just thought it was funny that somebody like that could win the presidency- America really surprised me!"

Slow and steady wins the race. Don't try to convince her, but expose her to some subtle truths every now and then. It's important she draws the conclusions herself.

Now make some babies.

>tfw we actually had a fight once when i said i voted for trump in a group of friends and i kinda revealed my power level

>It's important she draws the conclusions herself.

>not dominating your liberal gf into submission that she changes her political views purely from the tenacity of the dick


Yeah if I ever get a girlfriend I thought starting her off by explaining Islam vs women and gays to her would start the red pill.

Yeah do this

Better not be a man and unapologetically express an opinion in case you hurt the feelings of some dumb brainwashed slut

Girl are stupid, she will probably believe you if you just say you thought it was funny and you just wanted to see what would happen if someone like Trump became president

>Betraying your own blood for a cunt.


Fuck off bogancunt

How am I betraying my blood? She's white.

Women don't have political opinions, they just take the opinions of people around them, primarily their partner's. If you can't you can't get her to agree with your political positions then that means she sees you as a beta and will probably cuck you after you're married. Watch out OP

Keep pushing Reagan-ist family values and when she agrees, point out how liberals today actively work to undermine those common sense American values.

Ignore these guys telling you your girlfriend is trash because she is liberal. I have never met a right wing girl (except for the those Youtubers).

It has been said on Sup Forums before, it is in her nature to be compassionate. Men are more autistic, we think logically about problems . She is fine.

Good point user, she does. She loves when I talk about Christianity as the basis for a decent society

Then I didn't get it... whose brother you talk about?

>autistic kid
>named the Jew
Sort of ironic huh

MY brother. Not hers.

Her brother is redpilled too but in a typical, Reagan conservative way. Won't name the Jew.

Never ever ever be like this person.

>i want to cry about women
>hmm which board
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums - Politics

Not your personal blog faggot. Stop posting off topic shit and sliding you fucking idiot
Sage this shit thread


leaf help me with my relationship issues, I keep getting cheated on (serious). I am a beta through and through

How do you get cheated on ausfag?

Get a new girlfriend. The sex is gonna get old and you both are gonna get wrinkly and ugly someday, so what the hell are you going to do when you realize all you have left is a shrill harpy laying next to you in bed. Don't be completely retarded and have some goddamn foresight. Good women exist if you have the balls and willpower to look. Seriously, this isn't rocket science.

First girl good christian girl, virgin thought I could trust her much more than others. Started hanging out with another guy from church. When we finally broke up a few months later their anniversary they posted on Facebook was before we broke up.

Next girl used Tinder while we were dating- I still consider that cheating because god knows what she could have gotten up too.

>have lib gf

She's a good person just has this one character flaw

>we had a fight because all I said was I voted differently
...yeah your relationship isn't going to last bud. You're only options are to pay a black guy to mug her so she starts hating niggers and gets redpilled or break up

See this? This is exactly why feminists walk all over you guys. Do you seriously think rightwing women don't exist? Literally 50% of white women voted for Trump. And 30% of Latina women. And so on and so on. So get your head out of your ass and stop acting like you can't win.

I think she already hates niggers. We went to a black BBQ place in Texas a while back and she was clearly uncomfortable. Also told me once she'd never sleep with a black guy

53% yo

How old are you? I'm 21 and being 100% serious all girls I know are borderline SJWs with some being legitimate SJWs.


Her being a good person has nothing to do with it. If she is vocally against your core beliefs that's not something you can just brush off. That problem is only going to compound. If you both kept politics off the table that'd be one thing, but if she actively gives her opinion while you're forced to stay silent, then there's a grave problem.


she grow up with both parents?

Yeah but her mom died when she was in high school

Even better. These cucks have even less of an excuse.

>im compromising my morals for 1 girl
>but my brother is the autist

nah faggot

Maybe stop looking being a faggot and stand up for what you believe in. That being said, full on NatSoc is stupid. Authoritarian systems have too much pressure built into the system, so they will collapse. Like fucking clockwork.

Irish is less white than Mexicans

Yeah I've told her before I'm a Christian monarchist before, and she's cool with it, but I don't think that translates to "Trump supporter" for her

If you don't beating her she will not respect you

This guy gets it.


я либлю тeбя, poccия

pull out when you're fucking her and make her say "white power" if she wants more

c'mon bitch, sieg heil. sieg heil if you want the dick

good girls do what daddy says

Dump the cunt, she is showing all the signs of wanting to be a single mom on alimony money. Like glaringly so, how the fuck can you even sleep with her. Talk to her, see if she leaves.

>pay a black guy to mug her

You don't need to. I will happen at some point in life anyway

her dad a good guy? sounds so far like she's got a promising enough foundation to build upon. i'd go the route of getting her wise to all of feminism's inherent horseshit and def throw in the islam stuff too if you think she'll go for that. pretending you agree with her politically isn't going to accomplish much. also if you see a future with this girl do as ruskie user says and start putting babies in her

Why is she calling you daddy?

>i dominate in bed and she calls me daddy
dude, could you get any more pathetic?

Are you fucking stupid? She hates facts, how the fuck can she possibly be a good person or a good mother. She will fuck your kids brains so hard.

Convincing lefties about feminism is impossible.

Her dad is great. He hunts and fishes for fun, loves Trump. Me and him get along very well.

I think in many ways her liberalism is a rebellion to him

Please tell me a girl already locked you down. Can't have you running around single with your great sense of how women think. You would get so much puss

Women are basically children in that regard. You push them too hard and they'll rebel.

You slowly edge them towards something and they'll naturally adapt it while being smug and acting like it was their idea in the first place.

except not every single woman voted. it's not 53% of all white women in the country, it's only out of those who got off their arses to cast their ballot. millennial white gals are largely a complete mess. there still remains much work to be done

>be me
>on Accutane because acne is so bad
>somehow have 8/10 gf even tho im a 5'8 manlet

just be yourself OP things will always turn up

so much this

>calls me daddy

Do you really want me to diagnose your gfs mental state?

nah, only question is whether it'd be a waste of time trying
>spoiler: it usually would be
easy to tell which is which though

>mental state
It's normal for women. But it Is progressing if they with week man.

>>but can never say it in front of her
>i dominate her

pick one, and only one, cuckboy. and let us know how you feel when she gets blacked.


good sign. she respect him or resent him?

>he doesn't choke his gf while she dresses up in school uniform and calls him daddy while fucking

Then again my gf is a nip so the radiation kind of fucked her up something good

The real question here is why you havent impregnated her with at least 4 babies yet