>Erdogan to Turks in Europe: "Make 5 babies, not 3. You are Europe's future."
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Wow. Big surprise. He's been saying that for ages now, what's the news?
A big fat gentlemans cock up me arse
Family life is great when the government pays for it all.
As an Indian in America this makes me very happy. Goodbye whites, you will not be missed.
What goes around comes around.
Turkey is expected to have a Turkish minority by 2050 because of the Kurds.
Turkey will soon be majority Kurdish
Roaches gonna roach
hey, the slurpee machine is empty, go refill it
Good. The world will be brown/black and beautiful. No more inbred cavemen running around with their mutated eyes and weak skin pigmentation commiting world wide genocide as an attempt to squash their racial insecurities.
Fuck em. Their genes are weak, they cant outreproduce fucking galapagos island tortoise
Ahahah that's shit for Pakis. We're all doctors, engineers, tech workers, tech CEOs, in real estate, and politics. We own this country now pigskin. Go look at highest earning income by race and then kill yourself for being a sweaty NEET. I've also had sex with multiple hispanic girls while you retards masturbate to porn all day wishing you could get any girl lol!!!
>Goodbye whites, you will not be missed.
They will do it too, turks multiply like cockroaches.
Wow, democracy really is retarded, we should re-open the holocaust hours. Power of majority was always retarded, especially when those are retards like Arabs and Africans.
You think the darkies are going to run nice peaceful societies huh?
Why is there concrete in this picture?
Legacy of the generous whiteman.
>Europeans shit talk americans calling us stupid
>America causes refugee crisis in europe
>Erdogan accelerates crisis
>Europe looks like idiocracy
So idiocracy was set in europe?
>round up all turks in europs
>execute 100 of them for every hour erdoroach remains in power
>tfw you will never have a fascist government doing this
You really don't get it, do you? We are moving back into time. If you plan to race to extinction and wasting your life with 5 kids, what will your final point of this Earth be? You are creating your own grave. Africa is nothing but shit without help, even with help it's shit, same as Turkey. There's nothing there but misery and retardation.
>t. 56%
How can you not love this guy. He is fighting globalist and is nationalist. He even tells European leaders about what is happening yet EU leaders are cucked and turn their heads.
Thats rich coming from russias butthole.
The world is changing and whites will be done for. And im glad to see it in my lifetime. Fuck them.
*looks around reserve*
*get disease*
*collect tax money*
*buy booze*
You are one special retard. Niggers don't have a single strong sport record and there's been million times more than whites, also they have no inventions and there's been billion times more than whites. Africa is a wasteland, there's nothing to live for there. Turkey and Muslim lands are wasteland, there's nothing to live for there. Mexico is wasteland, there's nothing to live for there. You get the picture. What are you going to conquer? You create nothing, you have nothing to conquer. You destroy everything, including yourself. Multiplying like virus isn't anything intelligent.
What will you feed them, roach?
Funny, ah?
So when will Europe take this threat more seriously? Or is Europe just going to laugh it off and invite more of them in?
I shouldn't even bother responding but you got the wrong kind of Indian, plus I bet you're a self-hating Chang or something which means your opinion goes straight into the trash.
>LARPing as a poo in loo
We have to spread his message around to wake up the people of Europe
Europe is funny place.
Meme it even funnier.
>Multiplying like virus isn't anything intelligent.
True. 3rd worlders are lucky western leaders are stupid. If they put navy and military boats to patrol Mediterranean, watch towers and dogs on frontier borders like Bulgaria and allow 0 immigration not caring about 3rd worlders and not giving them aid. Those countries would be even bigger shitholes then they are now, if that is even possible.
There's no threat. Niggers die with 50 years, Turks have no life. They wouldn't know what life is in 1 million years. They multiply, they create ghetto, they die. Life-quality of an insect egg-laying Turkish woman is that of an insect egg-laying insect. They will solve themselves or we release some gas on them like with insects.
What do you expect? Europe will happily spread their ass to get inpregnated by diversity and multiculturism because if not it's racist and secret nazi movement
You should get out more vlad
They arent wastelands, they are beautiful places with catastrophic leadership that has been orchestrated by americans and other western countries.
we might be less white then europe but we are nowhere near as cucked ideologically
Africa ate all the grass, there's nothing there. Bulgaria still has grass. No joke, that' s literally how it is.
haha time to deny the citizenships
What are you talking about dumb nigger?
Niggers are too stupid to dig for water or plant trees. Muslims are constantly killing each other, especially Kurds, there's no value to life there, they don't even report rapes or murders, since they don't care. Their lives don't matter to them, they are a virus that doesn't cares if it dies. I mean even virus has more surviving instinct, it mutates. Muslims are dying for Allah, African don't even know how to dig without white man showing them and giving them spoons. Africans didn't invent their comfort, it's all white inventions, Africans don't know how to care for anything. They hunt all animals to extinction, they cut down all the trees. Even a retarded potato white human knows more responsibility than most intelligent nigger.
European politician should be concerned. This goes into genocide category.
As long as the Turks assimilate they can't do anything that was stated in that. You'll have to try harder to discredit regular, hard-working people.
Turks are not Germans.
Obvious trolling aside, for all of you non whites with this attitude that may be lurking:
You do realise this idea is against your own interests right? If you flood white countries with unskilled, undisciplined migrants, it will dilute the talent pool and resources of the host country whose hard work and technological advancements you rely on? Don't give me arguments about rising talents in your home countries, every major development since the industrial revolution has been from white industry and white universities. You are biting the hand that feeds you, and your own people are generations away from being able to continue the path of science should white institutions collapse.
idiocracy is a documentary and the events are in real time
For fucks sake. The ride never ends.
been warning you cunts bout the roaches
Even when white man came and gave them shits and medicine, they still don't know how to build sewers. You literally have to tell them every single thing. If there wasn't white man telling them to conserve this and that animal and lake in Africa, it would be destroyed.100%. Literally waiting to get instructions how to build sewers, not that they couldn't learn it, but because they need somebody to spank them to do it, once you turn your back they will destroy it again as long as there is one brick to be sold on black market.
Try to think like slaver.
Believe me. Germany is cucked, but based in the heart. Historically we need very long to revolt, but if we do, we have a fuckin revolution. We will win, because we have god on our side! DEUS VULT!
You are a retard, you Christian political party is destroying your country for decades.
It would be great if more and more of you continued to ride on our coat-tails...
Have more children, don't work, smoke weed everyday
Then one day, we give you nothing. You're left to your own weak lives.
>You're parasitic
You want America to be like India? Where 90% of the population lives in poverty and shits in the street as infrastructure crumbles and hygiene is nonexistent?
Godspeed, brother.
They key thing is to build up / maintain strong communal networks.
Although political power is indeed the final goal; you guys will first need to win demographically.
Deport and/or purge is the only way to win this. No other choice!
You can not feel yourself superior if there are no inferior to compare yourself to them.
Try thinking along those lines: if everybody else is piss poor street shitter and you are not then the superiority you feel is quite intoxicating.
Relax, I obviously I don't want hordes of Turks, Mexicans, Arabs, blacks, and Pakis to overtake the West. And whites will never go away, you might be a smaller portion of America but you'll likely even out at 40-50% of the population for at least the next 100 years.
Isnt this like a big talking point for him for the last year or so? "Have a bunch of kids, we will give you more money if you do!" Then ofc he doesnt give them more money
Turkish president is calling for your genocide more or less, it's time to re-open the ovens.
Most turks are in Germany.
I thought we all decided to give up on Germany a long time ago?
Islamic Bioweapon activated.
>Turks must GO back.
Since he's announced Europe as invaded, can we now kick him out of NATO and occupy Turkey now?
>"We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades."
Was he right, Sup Forums?
You think most germans aren't in favor of german genocide?
You think ESPECIALLY people browsing Sup Forums are not in favor of German genocide?
Germany won't end, only Germanic race will end. Foreign leeches will continue to thrive as long as there's one tree standing they can cut down and cut they will. They asked Muslims in India if they have access to green place and 99% of women said no, then they build them 9 meter long and 6 meter wide green place and asked them again, 95% of them said yes, we have green. That's about how primitive Muslims are, they are like dumber than a hamster in cage.
How many Germans are even Germanic? You are importing foreigners since WW2, even in 1950 you had around 10 million migrants.
>only Germanic race will end.
roaches will outbreed us like they did in Kosovo.
When will this happen?
>doesn't realise Arabs and Turks hate eachother
>can't figure out that Mutti will use those millions of arabs against the Turks
Google union of the Mediterranean for the fact that they're all in on this. All the eu countries and the un.
How the fuck isn't this a declaration of war?
Turkey has to be recognized as an enemy state.
>wants to play games of elites
Hopefully you won't disappointed if i tell you that elites don't like Muslims or niggers, they just use them. We are advanced enough to fix Africa or fix anything on this planet, it's not like we couldn't, it's because money goes into private pockets that we don't. White, brown, yellow, brown, black, people who don't respect own country and scum that won't save anything or anybody. History is one thing, but present is now, which is far more important than history.
>How the fuck isn't this a declaration of war?
Because European governments and European people are not the same thing.
The governments want this, and they tell the news to make the people want this. Unintelligent browns are easier to control.
>american education
8th April 2020
>Hopefully you won't disappointed if i tell you that elites don't like Muslims or niggers, they just use them.
I don't really care who replaces us.
Just that we are replaced.
In WW1, Germany were the good guys.
can someone put down this cockroach, please
He's declared Europe invaded years ago.
Haven't you ever seen one of his speeches?
There comes time when welcome is overstayed and time of genocide will come. Who will cry? Nobody, but they will die. Muslims have been exploiting civilized white people, it's time we use them, chain them and torture them. They think they are the only ones who can kill and rape, they think that's hard. That's not hard, just degenerate, very easy.
>you'll likely even out at 40-50% of the population for at least the next 100 years.
kek, no. You fuckers are going to inherit the west if we don't get sick of your bullshit and remove you by force. You better shape the fuck up, you'll have the reigns in the future.
Good post Mehmet
>deus vult
You're doing it wrong you fucking retard.
I am German I do not joke
Germans needs to die out. I realize you have a problem with turks and are opposed to us setting up essentially breeding factories in the middle of Europe but you guys will have to take care of this
The only thing Germans care about is that they have a high birthrate and can replace us.
Just don't run here, you are as welcome as Muslims or Jews or whatever foreigner. Tourism is ok, as long as you pay.
Eh who can blame the muslims at this point. Europe is an all u can eat buffet and everything is free
Its a slow genocide.
No running involved.
That is the best part of it. Germans will just die childless of old age.
But I applaud you for hating Germans as much as any other group.
Based traditionalist empire vs degenerate republican frogs?
I'm sorry, the Germans were the good guys. Russia made a stupid decision, as it should have allied with Germany in WW1. But sheer geopolitics spoke louder.
This is actually pretty fucking great
>Turkey basically reforms to ottoman empire
>Starts memeing european cunts
>European cunts forced to reform and fight of islamic shit like they always do
This is literally the best thing for europe right now, and the more countries that go against EU/NATO/UN/US/etc globalist ideals the better.
>Erdogan to Turks in Europe: "Make 5 babies, not 3. You are Europe's future."
So really, this is the end.
Actually, I guess because the people we put in office (or were selected for us, and put in office by the elites) as our leaders, sold us out for some Utopian vision, and all that our forefathers and founders struggled and died for could easily be lost.
Hello Deniz, I thought you are still in Erdogan's prison.
Be the change you want to see in the world, Sven.
How can you browse Sup Forums and not hate your german ancestry with every part of your being?