Brit/pol/ - Serious Politician edition

>Hotels and restaurants will need 10 years to replace (((EU))) workers because '[lazy] Brits don't want the jobs'

>Former Aussie PM Abbott: UK and Australia Should Have Free Movement Zone Based on (((Western Culture)))

>David Cameron begged Abbott to keep quiet before Brexit vote

>Brexit: David Davis warns MPs to leave bill unchanged

>MPs slam Kosher Sharia May over lack of a plan if Brexit talks collapse

>‘Tip of the Iceberg’: UK Records 1,428 Forced Marriage Victims in 2016


Other urls found in this thread:

>late night brit/pol/


>perfect men don't exi-






/britpol/ Quiz

#1: YoqGI2lN: 5 points
#2: 0J6uGtxU: 2 points
#3: DOPDDm/2: 1 point


I've updated the local election predictions, feel free to inquire.

Aberdeen's been shifted from N/A to 50/50 between the SNP and Conservatives, Moray projected to be an outright Tory victory.




Congrats to YoqGI2IN for winning the previous thread's Quiz!

our IDs changed


I don't understand


>tfw your country is already dead
>tfw youre living in a corpse
>tfw its easier to get cannabis than full cream milk at uni

Why even bother?

I can't stop thinking about a teenagers feet desu lads

Because I want a hot gf

Why are our women so fucking ugly?

How can we even class ourselves as white if we're so ugly and inbred?

>peter was happiest when giving that speech in a church

I didn't even download this image, it has just appeared in my library.

Today's /britpol/ thread Quiz topic will be:
Your choice!

Reply with your desired topics, and the thread will decide in a following strawpoll.

The topic will be chosen as long as appropriate questions can be picked over a minimum 10 question Quiz.


>jewish man attempts to deconstruct british white identity once again

Most of them are overweight, don't exercise, style themselves as slappers, speak in gutter accents and wander around town on the weekend developing liver cirrhosis and catching as much cum in their vaginas as possible

English Civil War

They're mostly ugly because of bad diets and a lack of exercise.
Those are the faults of government in many ways.
>shit food
>expensive gyms
>shit physical education
>anti-family propaganda
>snacking replacing family meals because destruction of family unit

The life and works of Peter Hitchens

Geography & general history.

Random topics. Keep it fresh.


P.E really is completely worthless

1 minute left until the opportunity to offer topics closes!

Get your suggestions in!

Yeah, it needs rebuilding from the ground up.
At my secondary school we didn't even have a proper P.E teacher for 3 years because ours got cancer.
We just spent our time playing table tennis, football & badminton.


>Why are our women so fucking ugly?
Don't know what you're talking about.

Had to scroll way down the search results past plenty of lovely girls before I found any slags.

It's genuinely none of the governments business to be exercising children. Schools are for education. Educate the children about proper diet, the importance of exercise and the value of setting goals to achieve

Okay yeah, they can stop eating pizza and kebab every day and go for a jog, but look at their faces.

>age terribly
>no facial structure
>no facial symmetry
>awful teeth
>awful skin
>bulging eyes

Can this be fixed by simply killing off whatever percentage of the population is deemed as objectively ugly?

British Inventions, or A test on who can name the most British colonies.


English women are ug-

even given their poor genetics, they are making it a hundred times worse with all their choices. they may never be attractive but they wouldn't make you vomit


Voting will come to a close soon!

Get your vote in while you can!

>t. fat child
I bet you couldn't even complete the cross country.

Can you be British and non-White?

>Can this be fixed by simply killing off whatever percentage of the population is deemed as objectively ugly?
Yes, we can start with the pakis. Agreed?

By killing off all uglies, you'd for a start have to measure what constitutes as "ugly" and if you made it too narrow you'd end up killing 80% of the population.

Are Peter recommends a book about Russia. Read it so you too can BTFO lefties.

The trouble with PE is no one is quite sure if it's a proper subject.
If you do GCSE then it is (i guess) but otherwise it's just there to provide exercise.
There are better ways to achieve that.


Reminder that the English Civil War literally exterminated 41% of the Irish population

Like I'm saying, if schools did their job of educating and instilling discipline then maybe people would be fitter and eat better.

No, not under any circumstance

I'm a top tier physical specimen. that's why I know that making kids get a bit sweaty for 50 minutes, two or three times a week, isn't really gonna make a bit of difference for the poorly raised ones.


Sure, if you're a car


>I'm a top tier physical specimen

She is pretty adorable though.

Having a death penalty is extremely important

>top tier physical specimen
I'll take your word for it.

>making kids get a bit sweaty for 50 minutes two or three times a week

You're missing the point.
I'm saying P.E needs rebuilding from the ground up.
You're only thinking about the current system and needlessly shitting on the whole concept because of it.

The theory side of PE GCSE is decent, lots of information which should be being taught in science classes but isn't. Instead we need to learn about ovulation, because of course(!) that's more important than naming all the bones and muscles(??)

How do I stop being so lazy? I lack all motivation and discipline. I am NEET and if I don't sort myself out soon it will be too late.



The whole of /pol is this tune. Making sense of our unfunny, debased, dark autistic humour. Redpill.

Present a decent alternative, otherwise I shall shit on, good brother

It is indeed.

Quite so

bullshit. we just solve the problem of youth unemployment. two birds one stone. I work in a restaurant. why do they think british people dont work in food?

Schools in Japan don't actually have janitors, instead the children are taught from a very young age about the importance of cleanliness in the home, school and the wider community. You clean up your mess because that's how it'll be when you get your own place and have a family to look after. You're taught life skills effectively, cleaning up the nursery eventually evolves into cleaning up your apartment.

Teach them modesty and standards, school uniform should be MANDATORY. Senior pupils should be forced to wear proper blazers and be encouraged to participate in school events, no employer will accept dipshits wearing skimpy clothing. Sex education should be taught multiple times in Primary and Secondary schools.

There should be a STRICT discipline code, none of this 200 warnings bullshit. You make a rude comment or crack some banter you get sent out and given a detention, don't think just because you're a teenager means you can't say that shit. It doesn't work like that, swearing doesn't fly in the staff room either.

They should also be encouraged to stay on for as long as possible, highlight the possibilities that Sixth Form can give you. Jazz up the Common Room and if you don't have one, make one.

The 15, 16 and 17-year-olds of today are about to enter the workforce and looking at the state of Britain's youth this isn't going to end well.

>>tfw youre living in a corpse

Reminds me of the bees on the Tate and Lyle logo, they lived in a lions corpse too

We do have one,
death is given for the penalty of being conceived within the womb of an irresponsible slut

Diet. As in eat balanced.
Do a hobby.
Keep busy.
Shitpost for a set time.

There aint no black in the union jack.

Tiocfaidh ár lá

The people have to come to a consensus.

This /britpol/ thread Quiz will be:
Random topics for each question.

Let us begin!

Question 1.
Walter Mondale only managed to gain the electoral college vote of a paltry two states in the 1984 Presidential Election. Name them.

>brit/pol/ is all for a huge government national healthcare service but can't agree to a national health program with mandatory exercise
The cognitive dissonance.

>Sex education should be taught multiple times in Primary and Secondary schools.
Woah there fella

Trick question. He won only 1 state: Minnesota. He also won the District of Columbia

Killa Beez.

Minnesota and DC

Are you trying to say you don't like syrup lad?

Minnesota, DC

Find a hobby you enjoy, I know it's' hard but try everything you can even if it's some nerd shit like WarHammer at least then you'll have a hobby which you want to work for to buy more miniatures ect.
Being lazy is difficult, I semi fixed my problem by getting up earlier but don't just set it to snooze and go back to sleep put the alarm on the other side of the room so you HAVE to get up and walk over to turn it off, and if you can resist walking straight back into bed you're half way there to stopping being lazy.

Britpol is basically the modern day version of a bunch of puritans sitting around discussing popish plots at a prayer meeting.

Congrats on winning Question #1!

You gained 1 (ONE) point.

I agree to that.
>Now stop the corrupt local officials selling off playing fields to the developers.

You were doing well until you made it about muh economy and muh higher education.

Probably too late for you
Everything you do is meaningless
But this is good because you have no pressure
Anything you do is better than nothing
Welcome to freedom

By now, we have had heard most of the arguments, thoughts and debating points that might be relevant in the coming months.
As an “observer” the thing that I haven’t heard discussed yet is how Scottish voters might feel, or vote in another referendum, based upon the outcome of the UK’s Brexit negotiations with the EU.

I know many don’t agree with me here, but I expect that, in short form, a deal will be agreed that will allow both sides to demonstrate that they stuck to their guns and “won”. The EU negotiators need to be able to demonstrate that it is not possible to “cherry pick” elements of the EU – whilst the UK wants tariff free access to the single market without free movement.

My guess is therefore that , in very simple terms, a deal will be struck where the UK will agree to pay a large sum (somewhere between £4 – £8 Billion per annum) to the EU to have the tariff free, frictionless access. This will allow the EU to demonstrate that you can’t have your cake and eat it – whilst the government will argue that the country has got everything it wanted, dropped everything it didn’t want, and the price is the same as it was – before we Brexited.

If, by the time indyref2 happens (whenever that is), a deal is agreed something like the one I have laid out above, would that help or hinder the cause of Independence supporters?

Implicitly, the UK would continue to have easy access to the single market – which is Ms Sturgeon’s “red line”.

One way of looking at this is that Ms Sturgeon is gambling everything on a negative outcome of the Brexit negotiations. As detailed above, I personally don’t think the outcome will be negative enough to give her the push she would need to win an indyref2 in her preferred timescales – be it consultative or binding .

So sex education in Year 6 and 7 is wrong? Do you want these kids to hit 16 and not have the basic facts?

But I know what he meant; It shouldn;t be
>here you go. Bye.
It should grow as the children grow.

/britpol/ Quiz

Question 2. Who won the UEFA Champions League in 2012?

>normie shit