Why is he so smug?
Why is he so smug?
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Because he knows UK cucks are getting raped by Muslims.
Most douchebags are.
Kek works in mysterious ways.
hes turning LiberalSmugness™ back against them
You'd be smug too if all you did was WIN.
>elbows on the table
wtf that's the last straw. #ImWIthHer now. This is just too much
He needs to wear a deep crimson tie every day. Blue is not a good choice. Blue is a weak color. It does not look good on him aesthetically and also is associated with leftist garbage because it's the color of the democrat party.
>heels off the ground
he knows he has the left playing into his hand because of the recent handshake 'trouble' with merkel. he is playing 4d chess again
I miss Flynn. CIA got him fired because he doesn't want war with Russia.
Time to create a folder for smug Trumps. Smug anime girls are worthless compared to this.
Because he will be remembered forever, unlike the cucks that shill on Sup Forums.
>CNN breaking news, Trump puts elbows in table much like he colludes with the Russians
Remembered as the most retarded person to ever hold office in Retardica, yeah
Good idea however.
And yet nobody gives a shit about you. Imagine that.
>smug trump folder
Nobody gives a shit about you so I'm not sure what your point, oh wait you're retardican, that's how you people make points I think
Kek wills it
Thanks burger.
Cause he is thinking about his boyfriend Vladimir cock..
Apparently he's smug at a VERY HIGH SPEED
Smoking Hot Wife
Beautiful family
Nine inch cock
Most powerful man in the world
I mean goddamn OP.
well if anybody is the authority on getting raped by muslims it's certainly sweden. I truly feel bad for europe.
When we make fun of you for letting in the worlds filth it isn't because we think we are pure, it's because we have a 60% white country and we know what a fucking mistake it was. But for some reason you europeans have watched my country turn in to a shit hole and yet you insist on doing the same thing to your countries. I don't get it.
You forgot retarded and piss drinking.
And a compulsive liar who can only fool the dumbest race on earth.
He's a ""star"" so burgers let him do it.
>You forgot retarded and piss drinking.
>And a compulsive liar
Honestly that's just an even bigger accomplishment.
Massive insecurity
I'm smug just because Trump is my president. This is the best possible timeline.
Hahaha. That's actually pretty funny. Even the memes intended to hurt him are awesome. That must make your job really hard.