The lightest skintone you can get in the new mass effect game for your custom character is an olive tan. All the preset characters look asian , hispanic or black.
This is because the game designer Manveer Heir is a known racist agaisnt white people.
You cant be white in the future
Is this game even out yet?
it's realistic bruh. the future wouldn't have whites
it looks way too much like oblivion
they can't be serious
That can't be true.
I see Bioware is still masterfully using the award winning "I've seen some shit" expression.
>playing videogames
Someone RP an albino nigger and make a convincing social networking footprint
Then complain to outlets/EA that they're bigoted and marginalizing you
It will work, you know it will
I was walking around the nexus station, and it's literally 80% pajeets, mudslimes, beaners and mongoloids. And you have a tranny AI whispering in your head.
I hope this shit flops, it's not that even good of a game.
So the darkest you can get is congoid and the lightest is sicilian..
>lead designer is pajeet
even the first mass effect was anti christian, stopped looking at bioware around 2007....
PewDiePie fucked them in the ass.
It's going to be a flop of proportions.
It's realistic. In a future setting it's pretty normal for humans to be a unified olive-tan "Terran" race. It's a pretty popular convention and isn't really isolated to this Star Wars game.
But you can still create negroest niggers and pure asians. By his logic, they should be diluted and cease to exist too.
If you mix all the skin tones in the world you get a dark asianish color lol
White genes are genetically weak and regressive though, their doomed to fade in any future scenario, even despite the staunchest efforts of white preservationists. It's just genetics 101 people.
Fuckin' ugly sandnigger.
>White genes are genetically weak and regressive though,
Only light hair and eye color is that way. Skin tone isn't recessive, nor are caucasian bone structures. You've taken the "recessive genes" argument a little too far.
Actually that's pseudoscience but okay
So we will be free of the blondies forever?
Nano a cute
Lol, no. With regards to blacks, the goal of the establishment is not to raise them up and address their greivances, but to lower whites to their level and break us all down as much as possible. If addressing the complaint would be demoralizing and offensive to whites, maybe, otherwise it's not happening.
You know what? Just don't buy this fucking game then, my god, lol. It's not like you're going to miss much anyway.
Fucking Pajeet. POO
And you won't feed the EA jews. Win-win, Sup Forums style.
So you're saying the ONLY whites, are literally the Pathfinders and the Cora chick (aka: pre-made).
Mass Effect is shit, so who cares what they do?
I prefer Halo anyways, where literally everyone important is white.
Here faggots
Sign this and complain on twitter a lot to Bioware
They will either listen or lose a fuckton of money. Their call
This game seems like it's going to tank HARD.
Who'd want to look at that for hours?
Dont buy shit from EA.
They dont make anything worth money anyway.
Go play a real game.
Automata is fucking beautiful, it's fucking amazing.
>doesn't play Rance games.
Jesus Christ what a butthurt subhuman.
If future people spend all their time in spaceships, they won't need melanin, so eventually the only non-whites left will be surface-dwelling scum.
the irony of bashing the people that employ this clown and buy this clown's product just does not need to be pointed out its so palpable.
user speaks truth on EA.
Does user speak truth on Nier Automata? I see it on my steam recommended list, but should I get it?
dude if you are still buying bioware games, you deserve to get cucked.
at this point, its not like they haven't give you fair warning. Their last game was a gay minotaur dating simulator for chrisssake.
>plays jew games
Keep larping good goy! Being a manchild is awsome xD
i saw it on some zeraw sites, maybe you should try before you buy?
according to Sup Forums the perfomance sucks dick on pc even on a highend pc. better buy it for a console if you are owning one.
Video games are a dead medium designed to milk the maximum amount of shekels possible with the least amount of effort.
>literally named bull
What did Bioware mean by this?
Holy shit. Dragon Age: Origin on the lowest graphics setting had more attractive character models. This entire team will get run out of the business.
Sad, this was Mass Effect's last chance. RIP to a fun franchise.
>tfw felix will never fuck you up in the ass
>tfw he still isn't passing down his white genetics to multiple white chicks
>game literally has a counter for how many nigger dicks you ride
Fuck off kike.
>game literally has a counter for how many nigger dicks you ride
I laughed
Kek won't be getting this game anyway. Some bitch at GameStop asked me if I was getting this game and I said no I don't think it looks good and it's over hyped, she was shocked. I'm looking forward to prey
How does one do that with steam? I see the screenshots and it looks great but I haven't heard so many things about the gameplay. Not the best sign.
I only has a gtx 970, high-end enough these days or am I an outdated fag?
Video games have been going down the shitter since 2008
Is he turning into varg?
Who cares, in a few hundred years we'll all be the same race anyway.
someone in a Nier thread said he has a 960 and barely gets 20fps. he didnt state his cpu/ram though so just head over there and ask them im sure they can give you good advice
>I only has a gtx 970, high-end enough these days or am I an outdated fag?
It's a bit below recommended (980), but it will probably be fine, the game is not a great looker in the technical sense. There are refunds on Steam if it runs like shit.
I wanna know too.
blizz still does good work, i love overwatch
I wasn't getting fps that low on my 760. It didn't run well though.
>blizz still does good work
They went to shit after diablo 2.
All that artifical light that contains barely any UV light, and you think whites will get more protection against UV light when they spend generations in space?
Pewdiepie looks like Rasputin
Shut up kike, this game needs to be exposed as shit to everyone so that no one buys this shit and these SJW kike developers lose their jobs and hopefully be replaced with some level headed people.
says the anime poster
nah, diablo 3 has problems, but its a very competent action RPG nowadays, with beautiful effects.
Wow is dying because its a dying genre. Everything that people used to play mmorpgs for, is done better by other genre's of game.
Deus Ex and Metal Gear say hi, bitch
thats what they said 300 years ago.
Did anyone post this gem yet?
Honestly, western developed games are shit. Only the Nips make good games.
>watchine cartoon made exclusively for japanese girls
tbf it was a pretty okay western AAA vn if you ignore the SJW side.
>Make character creation screen w/o white option
>People call you out on it
>Call them white supremacists
Just showed this shit to my wife.
She's upset because I'm not letting her buy it now.
>a race of a billion racists will magically disappear
How can anyone claim white genocide isn't real when people can say this with a straight face. Maybe we should just kill you all first you genocidal maniac.
dont worry my friend
when the game comes out i will make a trainer, its only feature will be to give you white skin
i will call it nazi mod
>Wife actually wants to buy that trash
yo, you need a disclaimer DO NOT DRINK WHILE PLAYING this webm.
this is serious matter.
Good Lord.
what's wrong Sup Forums? Can't face the truth?
>Wow is dying because its a dying genre
WoW killed the genre. Before WoW we had experimental and interesting (but limited in scope) MMOs, like eve online and dark age of camelot. After WoW every mmo has been a generic clone chasing the big money, spunking money on "cinematic" features like voice acting, but never appealing to niches or creating anything new. WoW is the worst thing to happen to mmos.
I haven't played diablo 3 since release so I can't comment on that. Doubt it's better the Path of exile though.
wait for it to get cracked
no game is worth 95 canadian
In order for that to happen, niggers and sandniggers would need to become attractive first. Brazil's been racemixing for 500 years and is still 40% white. How you going to get rid of a billion people?
eastern euros have the nippons beat desu
>there are no white people in the future
its called the kalergi plan, goy
Proof that OP is a faggot
>Rasputin never died
>body pulled out of the river was a fake
>uses his primitive meme magic to become eternally young
>works to subvert the commie subverters
>changes identities every few years to avoid suspicion
>fast forward
>finds an outlet in the internet
>become PewDiePie
>millions of subscribers
>enter Sup Forums
>flip sides
>fans are so diehard, they all flip, too
>millions of leftards converted simultaneously
>use cult following to take down the kikes
Post YFW
I can imagine the tantrum manvee threw when management told him the default male had to be white and handsome
"The Legend Know as Curry Thunder"
Im sorry what
as an aside, i noticed mount and blade warband was on mega sale this weekend.
This means bannerlord is launching next week. Steam always trying to spice up interest in new releases a week early.
Should create a shit storm on the EA forums with this muh mane
I always assumed the vulcans already went this path, but then they introduced black spock. I know why they did it, but it was a kick in the balls for pseudoscience fans.
>genetically weak and regressive
It's always funny to me when there are morons that unironically believe this shit
Not even fucking close
Witcher has absolute shit gameplay. Yeah the visuals are nice and the story is somewhat interesting, too bad it fucking fails hard at GAMEPLAY.