Should I become a democrat because I regret voting for Trump and I think WikiLeaks is just Russian propaganda thanks to Julian's constant defence of them.
Im too autistic to ask directly but
You should KYS
You should kys
Yea u should kys
Are you a republican now? Just because one side burned you doesn't mean you have to swing to the other.
consider recreational bleach
ever though that you might be wrong?
You should really kys
is that guy mentally giving the finger?
Live on facebook
>should I be democrat
>checks flag
>seems legit
Yep, just go ahead and KYS
>WikiLeaks is just Russian propaganda
3/10 bait, it's the best I can do.
You should kys
>being so far right that you cut off your left hand
He's thinking 'Ill fuck yer cunt arse wif me stump if ye keep a starin'
Proceeding beautifully so far. The US is a joke for the next 4 years and all the world is laughing.
shill slide thread
>voting in the US election
>Should I become a democrat because I regret voting for Trump and I think WikiLeaks is just Russian propaganda thanks to Julian's constant defence of them.
you shouldn't join any party because neither give a fuck about you.
>voted for Trump
It's not impossible, but fuck off shill. Saged.
wikileaks was compromised. why is julian not making any public appearances any more beside the obviously faked one with RUSSIA TODAY? what happened with the hash codes and the internet blackout at the embassy. what happened to wikileaks being mostly impartial to politics, but after the embassy situation, they started shilling for russia and against the US? why did wikileaks call the panama papers leaks inauthentic?
you're either a shill or a very very stupid person if you think wikileaks hasn't been co-opted by now
Its possible. U can do a votie illegally thanks to the website you shillbreading faggo
possibly the lowest quality bait ive seen. Rock bottom buddy
Im a moderate liberal, but recognize white people are fucking awesome.
The only choices are white genocide and incompetence, or utter douche incompetence whose poor leadership is as harmful to white peoples future as just losing elections.
Seriously, 3 years of trump behaving like this will have white people so far in the hole we might never secure our place in the world again.
I fear at this point we'll see q great white diaspora to q newly formed country that will be beset by constant defensive wars, like an ever shrinking byzantine empire.
Probably should just kys
>Supports Trump
got bad newz buddy lightyear, your opinion is shillbreading. not worth time.
Sorry Soros, my intention is far stronger than your entire conglomeration.
This its for the best.
Donald Trump is already US President. Now the rest of the world can support his candidacy for ascending as Emperor of Mankind.