How do we fix the mudshark problem? Women all get raped ,beaten and murdered for beastiality but they keep on having sex with chimps. How do we control white women?
The biggest threat to the white race are coalburners/mudsharks
Start fucking better. It's part of training your woman
If you MAN UP and stop acting like a pussy you will have all the women you want. It's men's fault for being total laughable weaklings. Can you blame women for wanting a real man to dominate them?
If you take these two posts to heart. I mean really do it, this is all you need to know. I don't know what some of you dudes do in a bedroom but it can't be much from what I hear, that's half your damn problem.
>super smart
woah that girl is retarded
We have to just say it.
Then we need to make an example.
Women look for leadership. You have to be the viking and say
"You fuck muslim, nigger, spic, anything else that doesn't look like Link from legend of Zelda... And I don't wanna rub my dick inside your pussy. You're garbage, you're a mudshark, you're a shitstuffer. Now, I don't care if you wake up in a ditch with grown men shitting on you while getting raped, you're alone, you better believe it because we're not fucking around. You don't get a job, you don't get a family. You can try to live happily ever after with that female hating rapeculture for the rest of your life, see how that is gonna work out for you. Slaving for a bunch of kids that don't even look like you. A stranger in your own home. Why not just go cut your clitoris off if you want to be a nigger so much. You're a disgrace."
Then you follow through. You do that to five women and make an example, that is the day they stop.
I love black men because whites are simply not big enough in the cock department. Additionally, they don't mind friends coming over and sharing.
Good advice, also knowing the rules of the game rather than getting butthurt that she won't do what you want.
Gotta agree here. I have three chicks i fuck atm and two cum multiple times. The third i have to put in some work. I primed the first two to get soaking wet within a minute and its because the sex game was on point. One was a demcrat and now after a few months is a republican, and is only going more right by the week. The second was already a republican, but i have her on my beck and call. These arent the first ones who i turned into redpilled sweethearts. You have to put in the fucking work and it becomes natural and then youll never worry about this shit. All three openly say i am their best and the way they react in bed i believe them. Making then a sub is nice too
bbc is a myth
Was that you OP?
I'm here to tell you it's not a myth m8.
Putin is the biggest threat to us all.
I loved you in wickerman
Yeah once you know how it works you don't second guess yourself anymore, but desu user.. 3 chicks is a full time job, best of luck to you!
>You must be good at sex to get a girlfriend
You just basically stated this
Now ask yourselves why do you want a girlfriend? life is much easier been single.
You can just get a quick fuck any day of the week and not have to put up with periods, sharing a bed and having to do dumb as fuck activities just to impress her
Traditionalism is dead, women are garbage tier now
>whites are simply not big enough in the cock department
No offense, but anyone who thinks penis size is the end-all-be-all is retarded. Bitches take fists and arms sometimes. If your woman is into that kind of thing, then do it.
>It's much easier for us to keep a woman happy than it is for them to keep a man happy.
It's not even that common you only think it is because you're obsessed with black dicks.
If you look at actual statistics released from dating sites interracial relationships are the rarest type of relationship. You're just obsessed with BBC so it's all you ever think about it and you're fixated on interracial stuff.
Shut up, who me? Fuck that chimp
If you prime them to be your only one then you never gave to worry. Seriously, just stop being a fucking jackhammer in bed and you already are better than half the men out there. Learn to control your orgasm too, that whole "it takes an average woman 15 min till she cums and a man cums in 8" is actuslly true. Women dont need to orgasm to have babies so they were ignored there historically speaking, but when you givr a girl an orgasm shes already halfway there to listening to everything you say more seriously. I don't know why but its what i learned. Im only 23 and i always have fresh uni pussy and u see it all the time. Even ugly fucks got gorgeous women because they can make her cum
Putin is love
Putin is life.
Dd you ever get the help you needed to fuck that nigger up?
White women are the problem. Marry an Asian qt.
thats a man
It really is. Im about to graduate so i gotta cut at least one which sucks but thas life. Grad school takes a lot of work.
OP and anyone else reading this, hust up your sex game and learn control. The rest honestly comes natural if you are even a LITTLE alpha.
Also never apologize unless absolutely necessary
this is a shitposting bait thread
think before you post
I didn't. I got banned instead
Wow Sup Forums got cucked. I'm reading the archive thread and it's full of cancerous civic nationalist cucks and niggers.
Btw have you thought on asking on one of the Sup Forums discords or are they cucked too?
Sick, sounds like you learned actually useful shit at Uni. If you're serious about being a poon hound, go back packing in Thailand for 2 months and then get a work holiday visa to Australia. Careers are a joke imo, the most important thing to do now is fuck moar women and party.
I spent my 20's avoiding work, not studying and fucking as many women as I could. I thought this'd have negative social consequences but I've found lying about my success and wealth to impress women is just as effective as being successful and wealthy.
sounds like mudbloods. you guys are literally voldemort
haha I understand that reference! that means I know something about politics!
t. nigger